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India will have to give up Kashmir to Pak: Zardari


May 25, 2010
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India will have to give up Kashmir to Pak: Zardari

Islamabad: Pakistan will not make any compromise on its stand on the Kashmir issue, and India will have to give up the disputed region through negotiations or talks, President Asif Ali Zardari has said.

Addressing a convention at the Presidency on the Kashmir Solidarity Day, Zardari reiterated that Pakistan was ready to talk to India on all issues, including the Kashmir dispute, but the negotiations would not go ahead without the permission of the Kashmiris, the Daily Times reported.

"Kashmiris will be victorious one day," he said, adding that Pakistan would not take a step back on the Kashmir issue.

The president further said that Pakistan wants friendship with all its neighbours, including India, but the ties should be based on equality and principles.

Zardari assured the convention that the Kashmir issue would be settled with India on the dialogue table, as the use of violence is reflective of a defeatist mindset.

"Strength and victory of the Kashmiris lie in a democratic way and dialogue," he remarked.

Former president Zulfaqar Ali Bhutto had founded the Pakistan People's Party after a disagreement with his predecessor Ayub Khan on the Kashmir issue, said Zardari, adding that former premier Benazir Bhutto had also raised the issue at forums like the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC).
Is he serious ?? :what:
It seems the election are on his head.

and he done no good by marrying at the wrong time. public sympathy is gone .

play the Kashmir card time.
Its same age old tactic of Pakistani politicians to use the Kashmir rhetoric whenever they are in deep trouble. This statement has established the fact that this Pakistani government is incompetent and can not tackle the problems Pakistani people are facing. This is cheap statement to divert the people's mind from real issues.
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