Indian caste system is already decaying and is hardly like the feudal order. I would rather not kill everything that is good about the country (democracy, personal property rights, freedom of religion) in hopes of wealth in future. .
Rather than have a 10 year revolution to "secure the means of production" ie farmland and factories, I would rather see a progressive inheritance tax imposed. That will achieve the same result in 30 years, with much less bloodshed. Rather than have the entire dirt-poor farmers lose their land to government and then become employees to government or work in sweatshops, I'd rather see a government work program guaranteeing minimum wage.
About your point about services growth.
Services sector is a catch-all term for a lot of things. For example if a person works in a factory, he is called an employee in manufacturing. If on the other hand the works on contract as a consultant, he is now in service sector. The growth of service sector is considered a good thing because it indicates a large amount of freedom. And about the question of where do we get our manufactured items from - of course we'll buy it from China. Free trade is good for everyone and nowadays China is the biggest proponent of this. You guys can produce items pretty cost-effectively and then the Chinese government subsidizes it for the rest of the world through a low exchange rate. Hopefully the governments can settle the border issues and then there is no reason for animosity.
generally(if I got my data correct), service job like you mentioned above need a small portion of highly educate personal.
But industrialization like I mentioned need a huge portion of population with various degree of skill.
Therefore, the industrialation is mind-opening to the mass and revolutional to the entire social structure.
the service job can only bring small india elite to the height of their western counterpartners--however, who would uplift the self-conccious of your farmer?
In china, the peasant farmer(working in the so called sweat-shops) have been a revolutional force in the country side. They are greatly enlightened by the ideas and tread in the city. They tend to get along well with the one-child-policy, they love female baby as well as male baby. They put more emphasis on the education of their childern and they are more awared of both laws and their rights. In one word, they are more eligable, enlightened, literate citizens comparing to common farmers and they can be easily tranformed into a city-dweller in the process of urbanization.
They are the avant-courier of modernization,industrilization and urbanization. More importantly, they constitute half of the argriculture population in china.
I do not think half of india's farmer can self-educate themselves into clerks and lawers without taking the road of industrialization.
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