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India will be a superpower

India is already a superpower. More starving indians than all of Sub-Saharan Africa combined, one of the highest illiteracy rate in the world, high infant mortality, disease ridden and no clean drinking water.

The ruling oppressive Brahmin regime is also one of the riches in the world with over a billion plus slave resource. Superpower indeed.

are you talking in absolute number on rate wise..kindly tell. thanks.
India does have the potential to be a superpower. However, it is not possible without a solid foundation. When the Indian federation is full of Hindu terrorists oppressing and massacring Muslims, Dalits, Christians, Sikhs and other minority group, the foundation is too weak for India to be superpower in the foreseeable future.

Serious question:Is that what the Chinese people are told about India?
Or were you being small-time and just exaggerating,trying to score a point?

If its the former than I pity the Chinese who are living their whole lives believing in nonsense propoganda.

For reference of idiots who are pointing deficiencies of India:Read the word "will" in the title.It implies future tense.
India and Become a Superpower ???? Impossible ... Yea its Possible at only Place and thats " Bollywood " lolx
Is being a superpower actually a desirable thing??

No,not really.World would be a much safer place place if it were multi-polar imo.I doubt that a single country will dominate the world like US has done since the end of cold war.I think the era of super powers is coming to an end.In the future countries may threaten each other but will never actually fight a large scale war because all major economies are inter-dependent on one another.

Saying that I really think India will have a major say in International matters in the future,just because of the size of its economy,projected to be 3rd largest by 2050 even by most conservative estimate and the great strategic location it enjoys,completely dominating the ocean which is named after her.
i allways want my country to be a developing nation in future too, being superpower comes with ur political,economical and military strength :)
No,not really.World would be a much safer place place if it were multi-polar imo.I doubt that a single country will dominate the world like US has done since the end of cold war.I think the era of super powers is coming to an end.In the future countries may threaten each other but will never actually fight a large scale war because all major economies are inter-dependent on one another.

Saying that I really think India will have a major say in International matters in the future,just because of the size of its economy,projected to be 3rd largest by 2050 even by most conservative estimate and the great strategic location it enjoys,completely dominating the ocean which is named after her.

yes, india rightly should be having a big say in the world, as should many countries, but wanting to be a superpower has always proven to be a disaster historically, i dont know why you would want it.

also, there are bigger and more seasoned players in this game, not worth the hassle, imo.
yes, india rightly should be having a big say in the world, as should many countries, but wanting to be a superpower has always proven to be a disaster historically, i dont know why you would want it.

also, there are bigger and more seasoned players in this game, not worth the hassle, imo.

Trust me, its always worth your while to make an effort to have more say in international matters.Just like money attracts more money, power begets more power.
I came looking for a rational discussion but all I see is jealousy and trolling.
India has been an economic superpower during all of history. There have been several invasions and falls but India has only gotten stronger each time it recovered. Infact, right now India is at the strongest point in it's military history.
LSE should perhaps be more worried about their own economy in the coming decades as the developing world gets more developed.
I think India will not become a superpower in near future. And I also don't think any other country will be one.
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