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India welcomes Chinese investments in infrastructure sector

[Bregs];4778632 said:
Good comments for a joke, let him become pm first

Just wanted to know his stance, The impression i get from PDF Indians is that he is the only man with guts in India.
[Bregs];4778632 said:
Good comments for a joke, let him become pm first

in last 9 years check the how much time two way trade has increased then tell me who is anti china

Every govt wants trade with China, leave trade aside. Is not Modi more pro-China than the Congress war-mongers?
Every govt wants trade with China, leave trade aside. Is not Modi more pro-China than the Congress war-mongers?

i never saw any war mongering by govt. during recent border incursions on the other hand it was opposition led by modi party which lost no chance in blaming govt for being soft on china

Just wanted to know his stance, The impression i get from PDF Indians is that he is the only man with guts in India.

Modi is Fenku not bold and PM chair is for responsible mature person
no ,we should not invest in India infrastructure, but i support selling engineering machinery and building materials

Infact, Indian infrastructure sector is one of the fastest growing in the world. A trillion dollars are at stake, and given Chinese experience in this particular sector, this is the only sector where China has competitive advantage over western counterparts.

Good move by India and China. Except for certain important industries such as telecommunication, ports and defence, India should welcome Chinese investments in other sectors such as energy, rail, construction and transport, especially construction.
Will Pakistan not ask its taller than mountain friend and new daddy in chief that why it is investing in infrastructure in India?

Or is their relationship based on Pakistanis pimping out their country like they always have?
Infact, Indian infrastructure sector is one of the fastest growing in the world. A trillion dollars are at stake, and given Chinese experience in this particular sector, this is the only sector where China has competitive advantage over western counterparts.

Good move by India and China. Except for certain important industries such as telecommunication, ports and defence, India should welcome Chinese investments in other sectors such as energy, rail, construction and transport, especially construction.

I just want to clarify when the GOI announces that there is a trillion dollars worth of infrastructure investments does it mean it will pay for the infrastructure work and tender the jobs out to contractors i.e the Chinese? Or did they expect some private investors to come to India and pay for the road works, hire contractors etc?
I just want to clarify when the GOI announces that there is a trillion dollars worth of infrastructure investments does it mean it will pay for the infrastructure work and tender the jobs out to contractors i.e the Chinese? Or did they expect some private investors to come to India and pay for the road works, hire contractors etc?

Some of it could be contractor, but majority would be build on PPP mode with majority of funds raised in international capital markets - both debt and equity. Government could also contribute a bit with grants here and there
Don't know why China is SO STUPID in helping India out. It is like giving your enemy a rope to hang yourself !
If it is so stupid in helping Pakistan out, why not India??

You've already hung yourselves by the rope they've given you - Everything is now Chinese in Pakistan, from roads to dams to bridges to ports to missiles to aircraft to ships to infrastructure being built in Pak administered Kashmir, to the opening of land routes through Pakistan for access to their own energy and trade requirements. In other words for their own national interests. In fact Pakistan administered Kashmir is soon turning into another Chinese autonomous region like TAR. It's just the question of time.

There are no free lunches. The Chinese will extract their pound of flesh from Pakistan at an appropriate time. And then you guys will be left holding the candle!
Some of it could be contractor, but majority would be build on PPP mode with majority of funds raised in international capital markets - both debt and equity. Government could also contribute a bit with grants here and there

For simple infrastructure i.e fibre optic, telephone services there would be interested parties from the big players. Low cost, easy setup, and good revenue generator.

For more capital intensive outlays it won't work, Road/Rails/Bridges have very poor ROI's and generally the MO is for governments to build them and privatize for someone to run and maintain the operation. The time taken to build and realize the investments can span 10's to 100's of years (not to mention subject to political manipulation). For such outlays unless the loans are made to the GOI who will make good on the loan or agree to swap quick revenue generating natural resources its gonna be tough uphill climb.

Eurotunnel and return on capital employed
BBC NEWS | Americas | Ecuador seizes dam company assets
For simple infrastructure i.e fibre optic, telephone services there would be interested parties from the big players. Low cost, easy setup, and good revenue generator.

For more capital intensive outlays it won't work, Road/Rails/Bridges have very poor ROI's and generally the MO is for governments to build them and privatize for someone to run and maintain the operation. The time taken to build and realize the investments can span 10's to 100's of years (not to mention subject to political manipulation). For such outlays unless the loans are made to the GOI who will make good on the loan or agree to swap quick revenue generating natural resources its gonna be tough uphill climb.

Eurotunnel and return on capital employed
BBC NEWS | Americas | Ecuador seizes dam company assets

It used be like that, not anymore. Governments don't have such money. PPPs are gaining ground in Road/Rails/Bridges sector.

It used be like that, not anymore. Governments don't have such money. PPPs are gaining ground in Road/Rails/Bridges sector.


Thanks for the link

I won't 100% this won't work but given the nature of Infra projects in developing countries its an investors worse nightmare. The only investors possible to pull off large infra works are State funds (i.e Temasek Holdings, China investment etc) because they have cash up front and no shareholders to answer too.

Nothing against India, if the government is strap for cash it will try all means to pull it off. If someone asked me today to invest in Infra projects in Indonesia I would also balk at the idea of it.

This article from the economist sums it up nicely, unless clearer directions/red tape are evident from the GOI it would be hard to say how things will pan out for the really big stuff.

Infrastructure in India: RIPPP | The Economist
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