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India warns US of impact on ties

Get an arrest warrant against Preet Bharara for obstructing justice by helping Richards flee from the trial of the Indian court, then neither Khobdagade will go to USA, nor Preet Bharara will come to India........EVER. End of story.

Yes, that is also point to think about. Why Indian Govt. is not pressing charges here against Bharara after his own admission about so called "Evacuation"?
I can understand some others being ignorant on the subject . But you live in the US and say something like this?????

US judicial system unlike chinese or parts of Indian judicial cannot be interfered by the State department. State department has no power at all to do anything to stop the judiciary ... they can make suggestions _they can even make pleas but have no power, period.

any hint of interference= big scandal and hearings and indictments

Absolutely, if you think state department is helpless in the judiciary, then you are in for a surprise... Think about it closely, where are preet bahar's aim's set at, and which endorsement's he currently has... the lobby that is backing this case is trying hard to pressurize the Indian side...The US state dept's policy towards India is changing, and the events to follow imo will show the same. We can wait and watch..
The US doesn't give a bat about our 'warnings', nor do we about the re indictment.

Happy ending. Rest is just defiance on both sides, just to let the people on their respective sides know they ain't spineless.
This actually causes suspicions of personal vendetta or even personal Ambition on part of Preet Bhahara
Frankly I believe , he is trying to use this case as a stepping stone for a US supreme court Run or even a possible Presidential Run
In 2012, their were Reports that Republicans might Nominate Bobby Jindal as their Vice President Nominee for 2016
Maybe Preet is thinking of a Democrat ticket for 2016
Absolutely, if you think state department is helpless in the judiciary, then you are in for a surprise... Think about it closely, where are preet bahar's aim's set at, and which endorsement's he currently has... the lobby that is backing this case is trying hard to pressurize the Indian side...The US state dept's policy towards India is changing, and the events to follow imo will show the same. We can wait and watch..

you have an iota of proof or you joined those conspiracy theorist we see here? Think what closely btw- you just made up a scenario. Not only that - but I thought you would know how the american judiciary works--- apparently you do not.

State department attitude is not changing- again you made up that stuff. Infact the state dept has apologized on many levels.

This actually causes suspicions of personal vendetta or even personal Ambition on part of Preet Bhahara
Frankly I believe , he is trying to use this case as a stepping stone for a US supreme court Run or even a possible Presidential Run
In 2012, their were Reports that Republicans might Nominate Bobby Jindal as their Vice President Nominee for 2016
Maybe Preet is thinking of a Democrat ticket for 2016

Or may be, just like any other prosecutor, from any other country, for any other case, he believes he is right. Do not in other cases the loosing party keeps on trying till they can? Why make it sound like it is more than that. It is not his job to think of diplomatic relations, it is that of MFA.
Or may be, just like any other prosecutor, from any other country, for any other case, he believes he is right. Do not in other cases the loosing party keeps on trying till they can? Why make it sound like it is more than that. It is not his job to think of diplomatic relations, it is that of MFA.

You have No idea about ambitions of people in the legal system, specially in the USA
Most Americans Presidents started their careers either in the arm forces or in the Law enforcement and legal system
Heck even obama started his career as a lawyer
whose to say that Preet Bhahara doesnot harbour similar ambitions
you have an iota of proof or you joined those conspiracy theorist we see here? Think what closely btw- you just made up a scenario. Not only that - but I thought you would know how the american judiciary works--- apparently you do not.

State department attitude is not changing- again you made up that stuff. Infact the state dept has apologized on many levels.

When did the state dept apologize? Now did you make that stuff up?
You have No idea about ambitions of people in the legal system, specially in the USA
Most Americans Presidents started their careers either in the arm forces or in the Law enforcement and legal system
Heck even obama started his career as a lawyer
whose to say that Preet Bhahara doesnot harbour similar ambitions

May be, may be he doesn't. Irrelevant. It is his job to pursue the matter till the end, like any other prosecutor in any part of the world. It is upto the MFA/Govt to put a stop to it.
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