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India vs Pakistan: A Contrast of their Armies and Democracies.


Sep 5, 2012
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A nice video that illustrates the differences of the Civilian-Military relationships from the inception of either country to its current state.

A lot of you might expect Pakistan-bashing and and Indian chest-thumping from this video, but you will be genuinely surprised by the comparisons he makes. Historians of Pakistan will especially note on the occasions the Indian Army had to stage a coup, especially after the 1962 Sino-Indian war. All in all, a nice Dissertation by the candidate.
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Can someone summon up this speech?

I dont have so much time ^^
Can someone summon up this speech?

I dont have so much time ^^

Basically he says that india have less poverty then pakistan its civillian governance is very good then pakistan and the military is very diciplined then pakistan also very advance in tactics and strategy and to date india has not lost war with anyone and the sino indian war the true facts are not their because china came inside india too deep where indian government wanted to stop military action against them and ARmy strated the covert coup and Actually Repeled and killed alot of Chinese troops so from that point it was a complete victory, Also because Pakistan army has too much at its plate next time in war it will be disenfranchised Because it controls the politics of the government unlike the india and also some other obvious factors about secular india vs pakistan and Economy and IT sector and Also Hint that china is actually very scared of india Because of the growth and high military tech india has etc

its a nice video once again shows how jwahar lal and krishna menon did so many things wrong and the funny thiong is there party is still doing the same thing i think its high time we indians throw this anty india party congress to gutters once and for all yes army time and agin showed the true professionals they are even under idiotikk leader ship like that of jwahar lal and his cabinet hope the messege gows thru the indian youth and they write a new chapter in indias quest for supremecy
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