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India votes against Iran in IAEA

Logic unjustified? India's romance with the US continues. Hence it's vote. Nothing surprising.

Indeed nothing surprising. The only surprising thing is that Indians are shying away from accepting their romance with US being the reason.

Rather, Pakistan was living in US' aid and amidst fear of repercussions with any "against Iran" vote(considering already tense relations with Iran).
So, it chose to be a cat on the wall, rather than facing the American/Persian music:rolleyes:
No choice really.

The so-called aid had already been debated much in other threads and proven that nothing is being given to us at all So lets keep it aside.

If that was the good choice India could have done the same and be a cat on the wall instead of trying to eat the ra.t which was hunted by US already ;)
@ Jana - yes India is drawing closer to the US. It is a worrying trend - the US is an unreliable ally - we are breaking off relations with Iran due to this love of the US. The Iran - Pakistan - India pipeline was scuppered due to US pressure. Creating economic interdependence between India , Pak and Iran would have helped to improve relations. I still believe India and Pak can become friends in the next 15-20 years. The US will not help in this aim - we need to work on it.
The so-called aid had already been debated much in other threads and proven that nothing is being given to us at all So lets keep it aside.

If that was the good choice India could have done the same and be a cat on the wall instead of trying to eat the ra.t which was hunted by US already ;)

India had no fear in voting with the US, indeed it voted along with 24 other countries, unlike Pakistan, which had no choice. I didn't mean to degrade Pakistan's voting decision.The only option Pakistan had was to abstain or face the music. It's that simple.
The chinese and Russian case is totally different. They did not vote against Iran under any pressure from US. Whereas India is in a fix after having a parternership with US. There is nothing wrong with safegaurding one's interests.
Wrong again. China's concern is not entirely different from that of India's when it comes to the security and arms race in Asia. Au contraire to what is usually falsely believed, India's decision to vote against Iran's program has its own merits than the 1-2-3 Nuclear deal. Let me be more blunt here, Iran is not liked by any of the other middle eastern countries especially Saudi Arabia and UAE not to mention Israel. If Iran gets or develops nuclear weapons then its goinig to be a no-holds barred catfight between these countries and nobody wants a conflict in the middle east which cannot be managed by the world power blocks!
Indian interests are of course to be safe guarded and will be rightfully.
India and Pakistan also had a history of hiding their nuclear program so lets do not try to be more clean.
Wrong again. India went nuclear way back in '74 while Pakistani nuclear program was an open secret only over looked by the US because of its role in creating and helping the Mujaheedin in SU occupied Afghanistan. Nobody's clean here, everyone knew we had our own nuclear programs.
As for Iran, it has blatantly lied about it capabilities and enrichment sites, not to mention that its nuclear program was also kept secret.
:) why not to oppose Isreal on the same pretext of nuclear arm race??
Of course, I do support for Israel to be under the purview of the IAEA, but being ambigious about their nuclear state doesnt help much either. Though its widely believed by many that Israel has nuclear weapons, they always say that Israel may or may not have nuclear weapons.
Anyway every country under the sun has the right to have nukes for self defence unless the big fishes destroy all their nukes.
No, not all countries have the right to develop nukes. How about India help the present Afghan govt with nuclear tech? Would Pakistan like that?
Only responsible, stable, reliable countries have the right to "have" nukes. And we have already reached the limit of that standard, no more room.
I don't see why Israel is allowed to have over 200 nukes secretly, then let everyone know and Iran can't even have one. Just look at what they did to Gaza, they are probably thinking about nuking it anyways...
@ Jana - yes India is drawing closer to the US. It is a worrying trend - the US is an unreliable ally - we are breaking off relations with Iran due to this love of the US. The Iran - Pakistan - India pipeline was scuppered due to US pressure. Creating economic interdependence between India , Pak and Iran would have helped to improve relations. I still believe India and Pak can become friends in the next 15-20 years. The US will not help in this aim - we need to work on it.

The negative consequences of the voting against Iran will fade away far quickly. The best bet for Iran to sell it's gas will be India/China which are huge markets and Iran cannot wish away the 2 economic giants no matter what.:pop:
I don't see why Israel is allowed to have over 200 nukes secretly, then let everyone know and Iran can't even have one. Just look at what they did to Gaza, they are probably thinking about nuking it anyways...

Can you prove that Israel has 200 nukes? Any reports or sources? All the countries which have nuclear weapons brag about their numbers, but not Israel.
It might also be a possibility that Israel is simply bluffing by refusing to either accept or deny existence of nuclear weapons in its arsenal and there's nothing anyone can do about it?
The negative consequences of the voting against Iran will fade away far quickly. The best bet for Iran to sell it's gas will be India/China which are huge markets and Iran cannot wish away the 2 economic giants no matter what.:pop:

Sorry India is already dragging its feet and out of IP gasline.

China is inn :)
Can you prove that Israel has 200 nukes? Any reports or sources? All the countries which have nuclear weapons brag about their numbers, but not Israel.
It might also be a possibility that Israel is simply bluffing by refusing to either accept or deny existence of nuclear weapons in its arsenal and there's nothing anyone can do about it?

Can you prove Iran has one ? or even near completing it. even IAEA is not sure
Originally Posted by atleast_a_bronze View Post
The negative consequences of the voting against Iran will fade away far quickly. The best bet for Iran to sell it's gas will be India/China which are huge markets and Iran cannot wish away the 2 economic giants no matter what.

Sorry India is already dragging its feet and out of IP gasline.

China is inn :)

It is not Iran refusing to provide gas to India. It's the other way round. Still if India wishes to join IPI, Iranians should be too happy to accept that as it benefits them economically.
It is not Iran refusing to provide gas to India. It's the other way round. Still if India wishes to join IPI, Iranians should be too happy to accept that as it benefits them economically.

India is under US pressure simple as that and it is dragging its feet. You guys are in a fix neither can join nor leave it.

And recently the Iranian Minister has clearly warned India if you do not want to join just be clear so that China can be taken in.
Originally Posted by gubbi View Post
Can you prove that Israel has 200 nukes? Any reports or sources? All the countries which have nuclear weapons brag about their numbers, but not Israel.
It might also be a possibility that Israel is simply bluffing by refusing to either accept or deny existence of nuclear weapons in its arsenal and there's nothing anyone can do about it?

Can you prove Iran has one ? or even near completing it. even IAEA is not sure

Neither Israel nor Iran have been proven to have Nuclear Weapons.
Is it always the bigger of the friends who has the onus to always maintain friendship. India had always supported Iran before this nuclear drama started.

But when India asked Iran to direct the last portion of IPI pipeline through sea rather than Pakistan, it was refused. It was a pure strategic request and even every Pakistani would accept that that would have been biggest strategic blunder ever committed by Indian govt.

Anyways this is my 2 cents and I don't know enough about Indian foreign policy to comment for sure, but I think this would have been a point when last 2 votes were decided against Iran.
Countries are like beasts looking out for their interests only (Henery Kissinger).

I liked the way OBAMA moved Diplomacy to work things out against Iran ....

1. Obama Went to Russia
Understanding established by giving up Ukrainian inclusion in NATO & Polish Missile Defense Shield in return for the most important Russian Vote.
2. Obama Went to China
Certinly established an Understanding(Maybe allowing some of the Chinese oil companies to do buisness in central asia and middle east inreturn for the Chinese Vote against Iran ) Still Attributes of Obama's Engagement with China regarding the Iranian Issue are still unclear .
3. US beautifully conquered the Indian Camp by giving away the civillian nuclear tech along with sideon red-hot wepons packages much needed by the ever growing and ambitious India

If the indians were smart they would have negotiated more juice like the US stance over the Kashmir Dispute(I am sure SINGH would deffinately had tried it) but that would significantly deteriate the US ties with already rebelling Pakistan upon which it relies to transport supplies for ISAF troops in Afghanistan Plus such a move would also create complexities in Sino-US relations .
These three nations mattered alot in the voting against Iran in SC. Surprisengly Brazil and South-Afgrica didnt voted and Malaysia voted against the resolution .

Personally i think US will now be pushing the Arabs along with Israel for the FINAL SHOWDOWN with the Iranians while providing all the backhand Diplomatic and Milletery support . However things will get ugly once started and the law of unintended consequences Holds STRONGLY.
India is under US pressure simple as that and it is dragging its feet. You guys are in a fix neither can join nor leave it.

And recently the Iranian Minister has clearly warned India if you do not want to join just be clear so that China can be taken in.

As repeatedly commented by India, the reasons concern issues relating to pricing and security.
Buying gas at $8 per million BTU when Qatar offers LNG for $2.53 per million BTU.
Considering risks involved in investing in a highly troubled area.

Even China or any other country will have the high price in mind. After all, business is business.

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