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India Uses Terror Card To Counter Pakistan At UNGA

Firstly, you've gone off-topic and used irrelevant reason as your argument. So I will not reply to your whole post but only brief parts. Try to stay on topic.

Our strategy is working not because the whole world thinks like we do but because none in the whole world who matter think like you...no major world power be it US/UK/UN is buying your kashmir theory anymore, am I wrong in saying that?

Your strategy working means what you want is being done, which clearly is not happening.

It's been so many months since the recent protests in kashmir began in fact the situation is now slowly becoming normal once again. Your FM raised Kashmir with all the strident furore he could muster...tell me how successful has he been? How many of major world powers have criticized India on Kashmir?

And please do not say "they have not criticised India because of money, economy or MRCA etc."....it doesn't matter 'WHY' they did not criticise us, what matters is that they did not criticise us....whatever may be the reason for that...

So your strategy of cornering India on Kashmir has failed once again.

Cause is very important. You cannot ignore cause like that. They're involved in the region, hence few things are important. Come the Afghan exit, your short-lived honeymoon will be over very very quickly.

Let me do you a favour uncle, let me define my whole world as:

1. India
2. US
3. Russia
4. China
5. Europe (UK/France etc.)
6. Arab world
7. UN (Rest of the world including Pakistan)

These are the only blocks/powers who have some say in the modern world...now tell me how many of them have criticized India?

Even if I count the recent OIC statement on Kashmir, that'll be only 1 out of 7 and even that 1 is not williing to go beyond words.

Will OIC take any action against India? NO

OIC made the statement to appease you and we are fine with that as we do not care about OIC as they have not shown any willingness whatsoever for acting against India. In fact, Saudi Arabia is only getting closer to India nowadays because they seem to have realised that that is where their interests lie. As simple as that.

I am talking about countries who share same views as India. Which is these countries have said anything against Pakistan? You're deluding yourself.

As far as WoT is concerned, fine it is your country, it will be your decision, if you think WoT has benefitted you more than it has harmed you then be my guest.

After all, India ko toh WoT mein har taraf se faayda hee faayda hai but I don't think so about Pakistan with Bomb blasts becoming a regular feature of the average Pakistani's life.

You are in self-destruct mode and we have nothing to lose with that. It may sound harsh but it is true...isn't it?

I never claimed WoT has benefited Pakistan. Quite the opposite. Now as far as self-destruct mode is concerned, you may say that for now, but again, like I mentioned, come the US exit out of Afghanistan, your honeymoon will be all over.
An external entity regularly bombs your country without your official consent, and you dont cosider this as something being done to your military?

No, they're in no way acting against the Pakistani state. Keyword: state.

The consent for drones exists.

As far as chopper attacks are concerned, remember what happened in 2008? Kiyani plainly said them to stop cross-border manned raids. Didn't happen again. Let's see what happens now. Don't take this to be a trend so quickly, like you did with JF-17 deal cancelled, or US telling Pakistan to not use F-16s against India, both of which came out to be false.
What does "Pakistan-sponsored" suggest?

It means there is no serious move by government to abolish terrorism on your soil .. or rescue those people who are in dark and guide them into the path of light... Secondly Paksitan-sponsored refers to ISI and Army(People who have stake on Pakistan politics) which are sponsoring them with $$$ and who dont really care for there own people... Defence is important no doubt.. invest on defence/development ..... dont invest that money on brainwashing people and make them bombs(especially on the pretext of religion... cant believe there are very intelligent people out there who can twist the holy quran for there own benefits)... invest money on them and make them money machine...
You're saying two different things. First you say,

It means there is no serious move by government to abolish terrorism on your soil .. or rescue those people who are in dark and guide them into the path of light


Secondly Paksitan-sponsored refers to ISI and Army(People who have stake on Pakistan politics) which are sponsoring them with $$$ and who dont really care for there own people

There's plenty of work being done to stop terrorism. But that's not what GoI meant. He meant Pakistan is supporting terrorists, which he has no proof for.
Dear SMC... you have to agree on the strong fact that ... there are training camps in your soil and you are fighting WoT in your soil.... which means before WoT also these people were there getting brain washed and send all over the world as bombs ..... India is referring to them only...... how ever you argue out of patriotism it is a known fact in the world even you GoP has accepted that it exist in there soil and they are just saying "we are cleaning the mess"... Our honorable minister is pointing to this mess only... he says please clean your house before you can peep into our house and identify the mistakes... dont you accept that it is irritating if some one is pointing mistake on you and he is not worth to point to mistakes??...
No, they're in no way acting against the Pakistani state. Keyword: state.

So an action violating your sovreignity is not against the state of Pakistan...hmm...

The consent for drones exists.
Where?? Even today Rahman Malik said that drone attacks should be stopped

As far as chopper attacks are concerned, remember what happened in 2008? Kiyani plainly said them to stop cross-border manned raids. Didn't happen again. Let's see what happens now. Don't take this to be a trend so quickly, like you did with JF-17 deal cancelled, or US telling Pakistan to not use F-16s against India, both of which came out to be false.

You still dont have the french avionics for JF 17.. Do you??

And cross border raids continued. Its funny how you consider unmanned raids as any different. Does this also mean you are OK with US firing unmanned cruise missiles into Pakistan as well.

Any way, 2 years later to the ultimatum, last 3-4 days have seen daily chopper attacks.. Looks more like US working as per their plan instead of heading to Kayani
Again, all irrelevant. I am talking about his statement calling Pakistan a state sponsoring terrorism.
Your strategy working means what you want is being done, which clearly is not happening.

NO, our strategy is status-quo and it is working. There's no prime mover when it comes to changing the status-quo.

So our strategy is working. We have status quo for the past 63 years. Our strategy has served us fine so far. Has yours?

Cause is very important. You cannot ignore cause like that.

Cause is a shelter for those who have no means of getting their point across. As long as I have the ability to get my point across, I can afford to give 'cause' a miss.

They're involved in the region, hence few things are important. Come the Afghan exit, your short-lived honeymoon will be over very very quickly.

I'll come to that later.

I am talking about countries who share same views as India. Which is these countries have said anything against Pakistan? You're deluding yourself.

As long as they do not say anything against India, suits me fine after all I'm not striving for a goal, I'm striving for a draw i.e. status quo. Ad so far the going has been great for me.

I never claimed WoT has benefited Pakistan. Quite the opposite. Now as far as self-destruct mode is concerned, you may say that for now, but again, like I mentioned, come the US exit out of Afghanistan, your honeymoon will be all over.

Ok now let me address this A'stan delusion of yours.

Worst case scenario for India:

US leaves A'stan---Taliban (favoured by Pak) gains control of A'stan---Pak regains 'strategic depth' (whatever it might mean)

Isse bura aur kya ho sakta hai India ke liye? Aur isme bhi India ke liye itna bura kya hai?

In fact uncle, the real game will begin 'after' US leaves A'stan.

Whatever little significance Pak has today in the eyes of the US/world is because of the WoT.

You are at your delusional best when you think they will give two hoots about you after they have left.

Why the hell would they care about you after their purpose is served?:confused:

Now that is when you'll see India come into the bigger picture when US would be free from the shackles of its dependency on Pak and the relationship between India and US will blossom to a whole new level with Indian economy becoming stronger by the day.

Once the WoT is over, the world will forget about Pakistan.
Again, all irrelevant. I am talking about his statement calling Pakistan a state sponsoring terrorism.

Already gave sufficient example for this... We are not taking irrelevant .. your heart in not accepting the fact... that is the difference..
So an action violating your sovreignity is not against the state of Pakistan...hmm...

If thats the case then drone strikes did the same. So what has changed in the this week?

Both are violation of sovereignty.

Where?? Even today Rahman Malik said that drone attacks should be stopped

There is an agreement privately between the government. ISI provides them intelligence to carry out the attacks, such as with Baitullah Mehsud.

GoP says otherwise only for public consumption.

You still dont have the french avionics for JF 17.. Do you??

Deal is still on, we're not suppose to get have them ATM.

And cross border raids continued. Its funny how you consider unmanned raids as any different. Does this also mean you are OK with US firing unmanned cruise missiles into Pakistan as well.

Symbolically some may have a problem but if it's killing terrorists then for all practical purposes it's OK.

Any way, 2 years later to the ultimatum, last 3-4 days have seen daily chopper attacks.. Looks more like US working as per their plan instead of heading to Kayani

Took 2 years to change the plan, huh? And again, you're still making this into a trend.
NO, our strategy is status-quo and it is working. There's no prime mover when it comes to changing the status-quo.

So our strategy is working. We have status quo for the past 63 years. Our strategy has served us fine so far. Has yours?

Cause is a shelter for those who have no means of getting their point across. As long as I have the ability to get my point across, I can afford to give 'cause' a miss.

I'll come to that later.

As long as they do not say anything against India, suits me fine after all I'm not striving for a goal, I'm striving for a draw i.e. status quo. Ad so far the going has been great for me.

Ok now let me address this A'stan delusion of yours.

Worst case scenario for India:

US leaves A'stan---Taliban (favoured by Pak) gains control of A'stan---Pak regains 'strategic depth' (whatever it might mean)

Isse bura aur kya ho sakta hai India ke liye? Aur isme bhi India ke liye itna bura kya hai?

In fact uncle, the real game will begin 'after' US leaves A'stan.

Whatever little significance Pak has today in the eyes of the US/world is because of the WoT.

You are at your delusional best when you think they will give two hoots about you after they have left.

Why the hell would they care about you after their purpose is served?:confused:

Now that is when you'll see India come into the bigger picture when US would be free from the shackles of its dependency on Pak and the relationship between India and US will blossom to a whole new level with Indian economy becoming stronger by the day.

Once the WoT is over, the world will forget about Pakistan.

I am not going to bother even reading the reply nor answering it because it's off-topic and irrelevant. You were using diversion tactics to not answer my point.
I am not going to bother even reading the reply nor answering it because it's off-topic and irrelevant. You were using diversion tactics to not answer my point.

:lol: Anything that runs contrary to your views is off-topic and irrelavant.

By the way, You seriously think I'd care if you read it or not?

Padh bhi lete toh kaun sa teer maar lete:lol:

Everything has a time and place to be said. What you said is not relevant to what I said. I can respond to it in a relevant topic.

And wtf? Stop acting childish. I don't care that you don't care if you read my reply or not. What makes you think that not reading it is meant to be a personal attack

Everything has a time and place to be said. What you said is not relevant to what I said. I can respond to it in a relevant topic.

And wtf? Stop acting childish. I don't care that you don't care if you read my reply or not. What makes you think that not reading it is meant to be a personal attack

If you felt something was off-topic you should have told me what was it that seemed off-topic to you instead of saying "I'm not going to read this"

Cmon man, it's not easy to type pages after pages and that too when the person whom it is intended for says "I'm not going to read it" WTF!

Now would you care to tell me what was off-topic?
I mentioned that it was off-topic the very first time.

What was off-topic was that I was talking about evidence for the claim and you went on to talk about how India's strategy is working.
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