With all due respect sir this is rather irrelvent. Any improvment in ties between India and Pakistan would take decades to translate into a state where the two were willing to redeploy their assets away from one another. And the key word here is- redeploy. India would not dissarm, it would simply shift its assets elsewhere- probably to the East.
Fully agreed on the drawn out schedule for such a feat but that is no excuse by itself. Or else we'd never start much of anything!
However, the relevance in my answer was not clear if taking in militaries only. As the soldiers left our borders,
living quality has increased for civilians too. Just replace those state servants with nurses and teachers instead?
I understand the patriotic view very well but peace
[/and love] has
[/have] its
[/their] merit
[/s] too. Prosperity anyone?
there is little scope to make economies where defence is concenred.
In squandered money, there is! Of course, that may yet again seem a civilian thing but these play a big role
in defence spendings if only through politic; they're intertwined!
and the threat from China is omnipresent.
See, I'm not sure I believe that entirely which may be at play in this exchange of ours.
China is doing an awesome transformation job military wise but it can't attack all and every neighbour it has yet!
Is india their main fare or next course in the mil expansion business? No, that would be securing naval hegemony
as of these years and the growth of the IN of late shows this to have been computed by Dehli. Of course they have
the means to play stupid and dirty party tricks on the LoC and in Arunachal Pradesh and are unlikely to stop.
But a full frontal while they're coalescing most other countries East at them by building sand castles in the sea is
not credible considering how many folks would turn against them at once. Out of sequence, let's say!
This may not be the right thread for us to carry this one convo on though.
We can come back to it elsewhere?

All the best to you and yours, Tay.