You are actually exposing the contradicting selectiveness in the policies of ''Islamic'' republic of Pakistan.
What is the contradicting selectiveness in the policies of ''Islamic'' republic of Pakistan between Armania/S.Cyprus and Peace Sring Operation of Turkey in Syria?
When you try to answer you will see, no consistency, religion/Ummah, morality etc. but money in the end.
NO, what India does is diplomatic responds for
the interests of your country and nation which is hurt by a presiden of a country for the sake of another country. In other words, India kindly reminds Erdoğan of the actual interests of the country that He is supposedly seeking the interests.
Can some Turk members here tell the same for the speech of Erdoğan in front of the whole world?
Here is an open and direct support with words of ''Kashmir'':
Here is the statment of Pakistani spokesman about Turkey:
Will you please show me the direct and open words of The Peace Spring operation just like in the speech of Erdoğan?
P.S: Do you seriously ''threaten'' me for seeking the interests of Turkey instead of Pakistan, seriously?