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India To Ship Wheat To Afghanistan As Aid: Sources

Farmers arent commiting suicide because lack of water they cant afford to pay back the loans they took out to buy GM seeds.

Sorry, I forgot to add the loan part. That's what I meant when I said they are commiting suicide.
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Well let us be very frank, due to the extremely high procurement prices, increased by 75% in last 3 years the Govt. is saddled with wheat stock in excess of what it can store. Also due to the high MSP the acerage under wheat has also grown quite significantly.

Punjab & Haryana have a problem at present to stock the new wheat crop as the central agencies have not lifted their full quota of the previous year.
The situation is also complicated by the fact that since last year there is a ban on wheat export and what complicates things is that internationally the wheat prices have fallen by over 60%.
How can Indians talk about green revolution if you don't at all work hard?

Are you saying that Indian farmers don't work hard?

India has self sufficiency in food as a result of the green revolution. Although i do believe that food production is down because of insipid policies of the state governments. However, India's main problem is the inefficient Public Distribution System.

Coming back to topic, It's great that India is shipping wheat. But i think more needs to be done to make the Afghan population self reliant in food. Convincing them to stop heroin production would be a start.
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