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‘India to send 150,000 troops for anti-Pakistan operations’

there's no use getting defensive or over confident. pakistan IN FACT cannot do anything if india sends troops in afganistan.

Someone getting over confident, I think...

the US will welcome this with open hands and pakistan will be left there just watching.

US will definitely welcome this deployment with "open arms" and probably with few kisses as well. US is trying hard to negotiate with Taliban. US now needs to pull out of Afghanistan due to potential defeat. As a matter of fact we are not claiming here who is stronger. Any nation engaged in long guerrilla war is bound to get defeated specially when they are not welcomed there and also when they are thousands of miles away from home.

You are absolutely right. Pakistan will be watching and Pakistan should be watching only. Actually Pakistan should wish for this scenerio to happen. It took US 7 years to admit that they are trying to negotiate with Taliban.

How many you expect will India take?

however, india will not send it's troops. final. were busy cleaning our own gutters.

the deal was a favour to us. a favour which the US will kept reminding us about. while were only obligated to act against iran and nothing more - we may have to nod along at the future actions of the US elsewhere in the world. but the US asking india to send troops is not happening. ever.

No one knows how many compromises India would have promised during finalization of nuclear deal, so never say never. Nothing is final and anything can happen. After all, lot of favors have been done by US.

from a strategic POV - backstabbing iran had to happen some day or another. it was either, they booting us off or we.

we supported them for the last 30 years and they gave us nothing in return.

India's support for Iran was always conditional as it should be between two sovereign nations. Iran was never begging for any relationship with India and neither India was begging for any relationship with Iran. India's relationship with Iran was based on gave and take.

Somethings did happen on India's part that were very controversial. Like India managed to vote against Iran in the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2005 and that took Iran by surprise. Ali Larijani was reported as saying: "India was our friend". (Link)

Also India got a chance "due to Iranian" supported Northern Alliance after fall of Taliban to enter in Afghanistan.

Simply stating, it is now India's honeymoon with US that is not being liked by Iran and thats why relationship between two countries are soring.

im sorry but i don't see pakistan doing much more than disagree in some public statement. the US holds the baton here.

Well where US doesn't hold the baton? It's everywhere.

things will start happening fast once obama takes office early next year. and pakistan will have it's hands full domestically.

Firstly it is still not sure who will take office early next year Obama or McCain. Again in your wet dreams you are getting over confident.

Also Obama's statements are motivated politically more factually less. It is normal to draw public attention by discussing controversial topics. So it is bit early to say what strategy he would adopt if he gets elected.
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Someone getting over confident, I think...
hehe thank you.

Any nation engaged in long guerrilla war is bound to get defeated specially when they are not welcomed there and also when they are thousands of miles away from home.
correct. afganistan looks a bit better than iraq. iraq looks more like vietnam. weak governments, heavy casualties, and guerilla warfare.

You are absolutely right. Pakistan will be watching and Pakistan should be watching only. Actually Pakistan should wish for this scenerio to happen. It took US 7 years to admit that they are trying to negotiate with Taliban.

How many you expect will India take?
no worries. india are smart enough to not send troops there.
one thing is certain - the US is going to have to pull out of Iraq with its tail between its legs because the situation is unsalvageable. will also happen with afghanistan. and it will be obama who will in all probability have to clean up the mess, like LJ did after vietnam. the only good thing is, the US has experience in these matters.

No one knows how many compromises India would have promised during finalization of nuclear deal, so never say never. Nothing is final and anything can happen. After all, lot of favors have been done by US.
possible drastic compromises would be with trade. military and sending troops to assist US causes is not happening. the US industrialists mostly lobbied for this so compromises might be mainly towards trade and business.

Somethings did happen on India's part that were very controversial. Like India managed to vote against Iran in the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2005 and that took Iran by surprise. Ali Larijani was reported as saying: "India was our friend". (Link)
that was off course US pressure. india rubbed it off saying that it voted freely since most of the world also voted against it. this hurt relations bad. no doubt.

Simply stating, it is now India's honeymoon with US that is not being liked by Iran and thats why relationship between two countries are soring.
there were reports of iran aiding the sri lankan army against it's effort to contain the tamil tigers. that's a sign.

Also Obama's statements are motivated politically more factually less. It is normal to draw public attention by discussing controversial topics. So it is bit early to say what strategy he would adopt.
if he got elected, then i do think he'll invade pakistan. that's my scenario. im not over-confident. he already said he won't send troops to pakistan. an aerial attack off course. i think he has a plan. a plan to talk it out with pakistani officials and i think the PAF may assist them will be a part of it.

the last thing the US wants is another war. the have there own problems at home. the dollar is not going to appreciate. not till the US comes back from iraq and starts fixing its broken financial system which has been crippled by the war.
Burper said:

there's no use getting defensive or over confident. pakistan IN FACT cannot do anything if india sends troops in afganistan. the US will welcome this with open hands and pakistan will be left there just watching. that's called a realistic scenario. "try us - we'll kick your @ss scenario is for kids.
however, india will not send it's troops. final. were busy cleaning our own gutters.

Pakistan can not do anything??? Perhaps, you are trying to say that Pakistan has not to do anything? Everything done with Indians, will done by the Afghanis by themselves, yea?

Yes, US will welcome you fools there. As this will help them save the lives of their soldiers at the cost of you fools. hehehe.

And you are also cheap than americans.. Isn't it? American soldier cost more than your generals. So the cost of war on terror will decline, which will help Zionists to save their money for their next misadvanture.

Yes, Pakistan will left with watching and we WILL watch. Don't worry?

Don't worry about gutters back in homes. As the RSS/Bajrang Dil are more capable than your regular army handle them.
Burper said:

there's no use getting defensive or over confident. pakistan IN FACT cannot do anything if india sends troops in afganistan. the US will welcome this with open hands and pakistan will be left there just watching. that's called a realistic scenario. "try us - we'll kick your @ss scenario is for kids.
however, india will not send it's troops. final. were busy cleaning our own gutters.

Pakistan can not do anything??? Perhaps, you are trying to say that Pakistan has not to do anything? Everything done with Indians, will done by the Afghanis by themselves, yea?

Yes, US will welcome you fools there. As this will help them save the lives of their soldiers at the cost of you fools. hehehe.

And you are also cheap than americans.. Isn't it? American soldier cost more than your generals. So the cost of war on terror will decline, which will help Zionists to save their money for their next misadvanture.

Yes, Pakistan will left with watching and we WILL watch. Don't worry?

Don't worry about gutters back in homes. As the RSS/Bajrang Dil are more capable than your regular army handle them.

relax buddy. u are arguing with someone who cant even argue back. he's banned.

and if u keep insulting people by calling them fools, you'll join him on the banned members list. either talk civilly or keep quiet.
As usual our Pakistani friends have come to the conclusion.Plz know this,India has a well placed bureaucracy,leadership & a solid public opinion in place which unfortunately u ppl don't.It's not easy task for any Govt to bypass and deploy such a large force anywhere in the world.

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Memon expresses concern over deployment of Indian soldiers in Afghanistan
'Pakistan Times' Metro Desk

ISLAMABAD: Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Defence Nisar Memon Wednesday expressed great concern over deployment of 10,000 Indian soldiers in Afghanistan.

“There deployment is questionable as there are reports that these soldiers are being deployed near the border area,” he said addressing a press conference.

He observed that foreign hands are involved in act of terrorism in Pakistan who are also igniting sectarianism to destabilize the country.

Those providing logistic support to Pakistan are also attacking innocent people inside the country while violating the international laws as well as country’s sovereignty.

He urged the government to take measures and utilize all available resources against terrorism and respond in befitting manner to cross border violators.

He said Pakistan is facing socio-economic challenges like power crisis, inflation, price-hike, increase in electricity and petroleum products.

It needs to take more effective measures to overcome these challenges, he added.

The senator criticised the in-camera session of the parliament, saying it would create distance among the people and the elected representatives.

To a question Memon said President Asif Ali Zardari’s visit to China will strengthen Sino-Pak relationship.

Regarding Kashmir issue, he said “We support Pak-India dialogue but both sides should avoid controversial statements.”

He urged the government to ensure supremacy of parliament, freedom of judiciary and media for socio-economic development of the country.

November 19th, 2008

New York, Nov 19 (IANS) The US joint commander of NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan, General David McKiernan, Tuesday clarified that India has not been approached by the United States to send its troops to the troubled country. “That is not true,” McKiernan said during the course of his interaction with members of the Atlantic Council - a Washington-headquartered think tank for NATO countries.

McKiernan said this question was posed to him early this week in Islamabad during an interaction with a group of 70 Pakistani parliamentarians.

Meeting at the residence of US Ambassador to Pakistan Anne W. Patterson, the Pakistan MPs, he said, wanted to know if the United States has invited India to send 1,000 troops to Afghanistan by Christmas.

“A couple of the questions I got were why you Americans came to Afghanistan when it was so peaceful. Before you got there. So I have long tried to answer that and, a long way and then another one was we understand that you’ve invited a thousand Indian soldiers to serve in Afghanistan by Christmas. Some of you are looking at me like you believe that. But no, that’s not true,” the general said.

However, diplomatic sources told IANS that the United States indeed had made a request to India early this year to send its troops to Afghanistan as part of the US-led fight against terrorism in Afghanistan.

The issue was forcefully raised during the visit of Indian Defence Minister A.K. Antony to Washington in September. The proposal was politely but firmly rejected, with India apparently arguing that this was not in its long-term national and geo-political interests.

Sources said the issue is believed to have briefly occurred raised during the meeting of US President George W Bush and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the White House in last week of September. However, on all occasions, whenever such a request has come, India has out rightly rejected it, informed sources said.

For quite some time now, the US has been pushing for more Indian involvement in Afghanistan. India, as of now, is majorly involved in the developmental and reconstruction activities of Afghanistan. It is one of the largest donors to Afghanistan.

India has often said it would send its troops overseas only as UN peacekeepers. Some 8,000 Indian troops currently serve under the UN flag in various hotspots around the world, including in the Congo, Ethiopia/Eritrea, Lebanon and the Golan Heights.

November 19th, 2008

New York, Nov 19 (IANS) The US joint commander of NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan, General David McKiernan, Tuesday clarified that India has not been approached by the United States to send its troops to the troubled country. “That is not true,” McKiernan said during the course of his interaction with members of the Atlantic Council - a Washington-headquartered think tank for NATO countries.

McKiernan said this question was posed to him early this week in Islamabad during an interaction with a group of 70 Pakistani parliamentarians.

Meeting at the residence of US Ambassador to Pakistan Anne W. Patterson, the Pakistan MPs, he said, wanted to know if the United States has invited India to send 1,000 troops to Afghanistan by Christmas.

“A couple of the questions I got were why you Americans came to Afghanistan when it was so peaceful. Before you got there. So I have long tried to answer that and, a long way and then another one was we understand that you’ve invited a thousand Indian soldiers to serve in Afghanistan by Christmas. Some of you are looking at me like you believe that. But no, that’s not true,” the general said.

However, diplomatic sources told IANS that the United States indeed had made a request to India early this year to send its troops to Afghanistan as part of the US-led fight against terrorism in Afghanistan.

The issue was forcefully raised during the visit of Indian Defence Minister A.K. Antony to Washington in September. The proposal was politely but firmly rejected, with India apparently arguing that this was not in its long-term national and geo-political interests.

Sources said the issue is believed to have briefly occurred raised during the meeting of US President George W Bush and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the White House in last week of September. However, on all occasions, whenever such a request has come, India has out rightly rejected it, informed sources said.

For quite some time now, the US has been pushing for more Indian involvement in Afghanistan. India, as of now, is majorly involved in the developmental and reconstruction activities of Afghanistan. It is one of the largest donors to Afghanistan.

India has often said it would send its troops overseas only as UN peacekeepers. Some 8,000 Indian troops currently serve under the UN flag in various hotspots around the world, including in the Congo, Ethiopia/Eritrea, Lebanon and the Golan Heights.

That should calm nerves in Pakistan. Like most of the indians here said, india will NOT send troops to afghanistan. our govt may be corrupt, but they are not that stupid. indian troops in afghanistan will be as much a nightmare for india as pakistan.
Interesting - so if the 'anonymous sources' are to be believed, India is quite correctly not interested in stirring the pot, but the US seems intent to do so, since the 'sources' indicate that it has argued on several occasions for an Indian troop deployment.

That doesn't really come across as the US 'cooperating' with Pakistan, or addressing its concerns.
So the most trustworthy LET source was not trustworthy after all. :lol:
^^^ I find the reports of the US trying repeatedly to get India to commit troops to be more worrying, because that IMO points to a duplicitous attitude.

In conjunction with strong-arming the nuclear deal though the NSG, and the co-opting of former warlords and criminals of the NA, extremely anti-Pakistan + pro India, into the GoA, this does not appear as anything but the US working at cross purposes to Pakistan's security concerns.
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November 19th, 2008

New York, Nov 19 (IANS) The US joint commander of NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan, General David McKiernan, Tuesday clarified that India has not been approached by the United States to send its troops to the troubled country. “That is not true,” McKiernan said during the course of his interaction with members of the Atlantic Council - a Washington-headquartered think tank for NATO countries.

McKiernan said this question was posed to him early this week in Islamabad during an interaction with a group of 70 Pakistani parliamentarians.

Meeting at the residence of US Ambassador to Pakistan Anne W. Patterson, the Pakistan MPs, he said, wanted to know if the United States has invited India to send 1,000 troops to Afghanistan by Christmas.

“A couple of the questions I got were why you Americans came to Afghanistan when it was so peaceful. Before you got there. So I have long tried to answer that and, a long way and then another one was we understand that you’ve invited a thousand Indian soldiers to serve in Afghanistan by Christmas. Some of you are looking at me like you believe that. But no, that’s not true,” the general said.

However, diplomatic sources told IANS that the United States indeed had made a request to India early this year to send its troops to Afghanistan as part of the US-led fight against terrorism in Afghanistan.

The issue was forcefully raised during the visit of Indian Defence Minister A.K. Antony to Washington in September. The proposal was politely but firmly rejected, with India apparently arguing that this was not in its long-term national and geo-political interests.

Sources said the issue is believed to have briefly occurred raised during the meeting of US President George W Bush and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the White House in last week of September. However, on all occasions, whenever such a request has come, India has out rightly rejected it, informed sources said.

For quite some time now, the US has been pushing for more Indian involvement in Afghanistan. India, as of now, is majorly involved in the developmental and reconstruction activities of Afghanistan. It is one of the largest donors to Afghanistan.

India has often said it would send its troops overseas only as UN peacekeepers. Some 8,000 Indian troops currently serve under the UN flag in various hotspots around the world, including in the Congo, Ethiopia/Eritrea, Lebanon and the Golan Heights.

its not a news to me that ^^^^ US Commaders lie pretty often.India is going to send troops and they want to gang Pakistan by gang i mean "TRAP" Pakistan and take over its Nukes and take Pakistan by suprise just wait n see.
Doesn't matter what you "would say".

The reality is a wee bit different.

India is not going to get trapped in that cesspool. We need to just ensure that it does not become a terror heaven again as it was in the bad old days of Taliban
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