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India to overtake China in 2020

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India has been overtaking China in the last 5000 years, hahaha:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Indians are truly incapable of simple math due to their low IQ (average 80): The math is simple: China is 3 times of India's economy and the gap is WIDENING as we speak. So for India to over take China in 2020 we need:

1. China STOPS growing at all!
2. India grows average of 12% every year!

So retarded...:lol::lol:
In 1st thread India is preparing to fight against Pakistan and China together in the 2nd thread India is overtaking China in 2020 .... Man you guys have too many faces which one should we believe..:lol:"
In 1st thread India is preparing to fight against Pakistan and China together in the 2nd thread India is overtaking China in 2020 .... Man you guys have too many faces which one should we believe..:lol:"

Hi all,

You all talk optimism about the growth of China and India, but I don't agree that China and India can keep the quick pace for the next 2 decades.

The main reason is that the resources in the earth is limited, can't keep growing as the population and demand! Oil, minerals, foods...... prices of all of them are growing higher and higher. Maybe not far in the future we can see Oil price reach 300$ per barrel, copper price reach 20000$ per ton...... especially food, as the price of food growing fast, more and more people will be in starvation!
The planet can't support too much people!
Let's hope the author is more learned than me, but my observation and strategic realities tells me otherwise.

I'd say the current education system in India **SUCKS** ;we may not be heading anywhere rather than a commerce hub (too bad we have only few things to trade), much less an hub of innovation. Our education system dumps creativity and talent for the 'ratta' -s. We suffer from a psychological crisis which tells us everything that needs to be known are already there and only thing one needs to do is learn/'ratta' (pretend to learn) them. Innovation is hardly in anyone's mind. This kills the innovative spirit and brings our 'vedic' minds to fore where they would load every scripture into memory without practicing it or even without understanding what it means or what it does. This is an irony that with such a huge population of youth we did pretty bad in past with science and tech. I have friends in big software companies where their designations are "programmers" but according to them the biggest events in their career is to go to a foreign country at a huge expense and install something. Install???! This is also a high paying event because they would save money by producing false bills and spending too little. And in interviews they would read Reader's Digest and pretend to have a good vocabulary by forcibly bringing in the words learned the other night. I don't have any hope from this breed.

Indians are pretty good businessmen and very hardworking, I hope we would succeed in that direction in future. Small businesses and self-employed people could take a good initiative though-- because they understand the value of labor and being productive. Guys working in bigger companies (pvt) hardly understand the concept of production-- they just "do a job".PSU guys don't do any job because they already "got the job". India should look towards small/medium size businesses. Delhi was made by family owned small/med businesses that's why it's evergreen...Bangalore by 'biggies' so it dried in the crisis. Employment is soaring in B'lore.

I do agree there is pretty good Indian businessman. I live in Singapore and seem many successful Indian. There are top Indian minister in Singapore too.

My opinion is that Indian IQ spread is too great! This will drag India down. I seen impressive Indian and seen hopeless Indian. Good Indian manager but bad engineer.
Yes here is the Indian friend how can wake u up from dreams and conduct a reality check.:azn::azn:

Does the so called statistics/ranking/poverty/hunger have stopped India from::bounce:

Somehow, what you listed below appears only to impede India’s “overtake” goal.

1.) Becoming world's 2nd fastest growing big Economy

How can 2nd fastest catch the 1st fastest?

Please explain this in the real world terms (not in Ga-Ga land ones.)

2.) Becoming world's 12th largest economy in the world by nominal value and the fourth largest by purchasing power parity (PPP).

This only says current position which doesn’t favor India over China.

3.) World's 3rd largest pool of doctors and engineers

If China has a larger pool, then it is still in China’s favor.

4.) World's premier Space Power

China is probably more powerful in that area in general. In addition, we don’t see the delta is in favor of India, either. Currently, probably the only slight advantage that India has is perhaps in the area of remote sensing.

5.) 2nd largest Army in the world

If you spend too much on cannon, you can’t spend enough on butter and bread. This is therefore against your catching-up China.

6.) 4th largest Air force in the world

7.) 4th largest Navy in the world

Same reason as above-mentioned.

8.) India ranks second worldwide in Agricultural production

Your agriculture is highly monsoon dependent. That is perhaps why your food price sky rocked like crazy the past year (2009). Your malnutrition problem dramatically belittles your so-called “2nd rank”: it renders no difference between 2nd rank of you and no rank of sub-Sahara of Africa.

Please think your logic carefully.
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