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India to order 42 more HAL-produced Su-30MKIs

I have some doubt about this additional order, because of the number!

AFAIK the orders are like this:

1. order - 50 x MKI from Russia
2. order - 140 x MKI from HAL
3. order - 40 x MKI from Russia made in 2007
4. order - 42 x MKI additional to the HAL production line and including the replacement of the 2 crashed

=> 272 - 2 crash => 270

The 3. order is expected to start delivery this year, the 4. order was fixed last year and was 42 only because of the 2 replacements, that means if this was an additional order, it would be 40 and not 42 again.
Another reason why I don't think this is an additional order is the timeframe. The additional 42 that was fixed last year are expected till 2017, because then the productionline will be switched to FGFA, but an additional MKIs order would mean, the production would be delayed till 2020.
I think we should limit the MKI numbers to 250-270 and add more FGFA.

If we get the last batch MKIs in 2020, whats the use?
I think you forgot about the AMCA. IAF going to induct 200 of these by 2025.It's test flight is expected in 2016
First prototype is proposed for 2016 not. I think by 2025 the fighter should be developed and it will then take around a decade more(around 2035) to induct 200 fighters unless India decides to increase its production capacity.

Even these 300 Su30 mki will take 6-8 years to induct. 40 will be inducted quickly which we are purchasing from Russia.
First prototype is proposed for 2016 not. I think by 2025 the fighter should be developed and it will then take around a decade more(around 2035) to induct 200 fighters unless India decides to increase its production capacity.

Even these 300 Su30 mki will take 6-8 years to induct. 40 will be inducted quickly which we are purchasing from Russia.

Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA)
Wind tunnel testing model of MCA
Role Stealth Multirole fighter
National origin India
Designed by Aeronautical Development Agency
Status under evaluation[1] / planned induction by 2020[2]
Primary users Indian Air Force Sir as according to wikipedia it is clear that it is g oing to fly 2016-2017
I think you forgot about the AMCA. IAF going to induct 200 of these by 2025.It's test flight is expected in 2016:cool:

Kinetic and me are talking in a more practical way..If AMCA is inducted before 2030 then I will be very happy. But looking at the pace of ADA chances of that are are very less,,
a.) 180 Su-30MKI under production with HAL
b.) Additional 40 Su-30MKI (Ordered in mid-2010 as flyaways from Russia's Sukhoi.)
c.) Further order of 42 locally produced Su-30MKI by HAL (As per above news)

a+b+c = 180+40+42 = 262 Su-30MKI

What about the very first batch of Sukhoi that were made in Russia??

As per point

a.) Its talking about made in India Su 30MKIs
b.) Is reporting about the deal announced in 2010
c.) Is talking about a future deal

But what about Made in Russia Su-30K and Su 30MKI??????

the initial order was for 230 Su 30 mki's

50 - bought directly from Russia
180 -to be built by HAL(with tech transfer-initially assembling knock up kits and now full production in India)
42 -later ordered from Russia
40- to be ordered from HAL
why buy all these toys when MMS and Congress got no balls to use them.
I hope india select Gripen.


so your f-16s and jf-17s can gang on gripen..lol yea if i were pakistani i would have wished for same thing ;). I think IAF and MoD, GoI will go for EF, SH, and mayb rafael. personally i want SH to win, but EF wouldnt kill me either. 126 MRCA (with opitional 74 more) and 272-310 MKI...pertty pretty strong. But the only problem is are orders will prb be delivered 'round 2013-2017.:hitwall:
I think we should limit the MKI numbers to 250-270 and add more FGFA.

If we get the last batch MKIs in 2020, whats the use?

First off we may have better avionics and radars stored for MKI in 2020, plus we are going to get 300 pak-fa/ FGFA (50 pak fa, 250 FGFA). agree we need for FGFA but AF may be planning for F-35 A or B but i can't say anything yet. I wouldnt want F-35 in IAF but it would be good choice for navy.
why buy all these toys when MMS and Congress got no balls to use them.

I really wish someone burn all congress and mms babus and BJP comes in. Manmohan needs to foucs more on military and defence. economy will grow regardless. our defence budget should be at leat 5% of our GDP. Or we could turn to communism...:china:
Thats the IAF structure in 2030.( if HAL/ADA sticks to its normal way of working )..After 2030 AMCA will start replacing LCA..

I dont think 2030 AMCA will replace LCA, even if we go by 10 LCA Mk2s a year then the last batch of LCA will be delivered 2025 as the Mk2 will get delivered in 2015, lets say and if we take 100 fighters in consideration. So you are keeping the last batch of LCA for 5 years?, doesnt make sense. and the LCA life span is for 10-15 years.

So simply say AMCA will add upto LCA numbers be with it and not replace it until LCAs fulfil their life span. and that tells us IAF will be much more than 40 sqads..and we will be 40 squads by 2025.
Primary users Indian Air Force Sir as according to wikipedia it is clear that it is g oing to fly 2016-2017
First of all your source is wiki. Secondly, you are wrong there too. Check out the wiki link
Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It says induction will start from 2020. Also if you are taking wiki into accounts, then the no.of fighters according to wiki is 150 not 200.

The point which struck my eyes was that, since 2006 we are just talking about AMCA and changing its name but after 5 years also, we got nothing.
More Su-30MKI fighters to be purchased​

Russian Aviaton » Wednesday January 12, 2011 20:01 MSK
The Indian air force is expected to place order for an additional batch of forty Sukhoi Su-30MKI fighters.

Speaking to the local media, Ashok Nayak, chairman of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) company that produces these aircraft locally in India under the Russian license, said he expects the air force to award HAL respective contract for more Su-30MKIs.

Ashok Nayak further said that a total of 180 such aircraft have already been ordered from HAL. Of those, 105 aircraft have been delivered so far. First of HAL-assembled Su-30MKIs was rolled out in November 2004.

Not long ago Indian defence ministry awarded Russian Su-30MKI manufacturers a direct contract for 40 such aircraft on top of the previously ordered. This follow-on order was formalized in the middle of the past year. The aircraft will be constructed by NPO Irkut’s plant in Irkutsk and delivered to the customer through their developer Sukhoi and Russian state arms export agency Rosoboronexport.

Today, the Su-30MKI is the best asset in the Indian air force inventory and forms the backbone of its fighter squadrons. The service often sends its Sukhoi fighters abroad for various international exercises involving US and Asian allies.

More Su-30MKI fighters to be purchased - News - Russian Aviation - RUAVIATION.COM
The Original Order was for 190 planes

50 direct from Russia

140 license built between 2005-2015

India then ordered 40 more in 2009 frm Russia

Now this order 42 which they have discussed since June last Year

= 190+ 40+ 42 = 272 BY 2016-2017 i,m guessing
so within 2025 India will have 310 (MKI) + 300 (FGFA) + 126 (MRCA) + 200 (LCA) = around 51 squadrons, all on duty. Thats best to defend and offend in whole Indian Ocean Region. Also we can't forget 3 Carrier Based Groups will also be on duty before 2025.
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