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India to launch Mars mission next year

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Mar 11, 2012
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The Indian Space Research Organisation’s ambitious plan to send an orbiter to Mars has received a boost with the Budget presented in Parliament on Friday making an allocation of Rs. 125 crore for the mission during the coming financial year.

The project, which comes on the heels of the Chandrayaan mission to moon, envisages placing a spacecraft in the Red planet’s orbit to study its atmosphere with the help of ISRO’s work horse launch rocket – Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle [PSLV].

The ISRO had been aiming at launching the mission either in 2016 and 2018. But, it seems the launch could happen earlier, in November next year itself, going by the Budget document.

According to the document, “Mars Orbiter mission envisages launching an Orbiter around Mars using Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle [PSLV-XL] during the Novermber 2013 launch opportunity. Mars orbiter will be placed in an orbit of 500 x 80,000 km around Mars and will have a provision to carry nearly 25 kg of scientific payload on- board”.

The Budget for 2012-13 also provides an allocation of Rs. 60.46 crore for ISRO’s human spaceflight programme and Rs. 170 crore for its plans to put in place a regional navigation satellite system for the Indian sub-continent on the lines of the U.S.-operated Global Positioning System.

Besides, the Chandrayaan-II mission to moon, which is planned to be launched in 2014-15, has been provided Rs. 82.50 crore. The amount also includes some allocation for the Chandrayaan-I mission.
Personally, i say , ISRO should concentrate on GSLV, i'm not sure if Mars expeditions are going to be lucrative, i doubt other countries be interested in it.
125 crore is not a big budget, compare that with our 30000 crore defence budget.
Hope it will give boost to science and technology which can be used for benefit of humanity.

We should not compare ourselves with pakistan, so please dont reply to troll post with any rude comments.
They are quite happy with their first satellite, and to their credit china is way ahead of us.(yes pakistanis have every right to take credit of china's progress, mogul rule in India etc, we cant deny them that).
Honestly,I was not expecting this news this early.Good to hear about the budget allocations.It will boost scientific development.
Mars Society India Launched Today In Collaboration With Nehru Center

AsianScientist (Mar. 2, 2012) – Robert Zubrin, President of The Mars Society, has stated that if India launches major space exploration missions it will inspire millions of Indians to participate in science and engineering programs.

In a specially-recorded message for The Mars Society India which was launched in collaboration with the Nehru Center on Friday, Zubrin, a strong advocate for a human mission to Mars, expressed hope that the newly-formed organization will help India to transform from what he called a “space faring to a space exploration country.”

“It is within the economy of India to embark on major space missions,” he added.
Zubrin told the audience that India and China were emerging as major global space powers. Emphasizing the importance of manned missions, he said that humans “from a local species had become global species.”

“They are about to become an interplanetary species and later an interstellar species,” Zubrin added.
At the inauguration, eminent space scientist, P. C. Agrawal, announced that the much-awaited Indian mission to Mars was in an advanced stage of development. His statement is significant as Agrawal is a member of an ISRO-appointed committee which recently examined the mission.

A large aspect of the society’s launch was a debate by the students of IIT-Mumbai on “Mission To Mars – Go Or No Go,” which was jointly organized by the society and the Nehru Center.

Dhruv Joshi, president of the India chapter and an IIT student, said that the society will help various issues related to the Indian mission to Mars to come to the fore.

“The development of payloads (scientific instruments) for the Mars mission are in an advanced stage, and the demonstration of the engine model is scheduled to take place in June,” said Agrawal, a space scientist formerly with the TIFR. If everything progresses on schedule the mission is slated for liftoff in late 2013, said Agrawal. Agrawal said that the total weight of the scientific instruments will be 30 kg and the rocket which will be used for this mission will be the advanced version of the highly-proven four-stage Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), designated as PSLV-XL.

Pointing out the project was conceived five years ago, he said that the project is expected to have technological spinoffs and to study the Red Planet in considerable detail.

first send a man to the moon then start talking about mars.
OK, so it was your NASA mission which found water on moon..??
And by the way don't if suddenly 40% of employee leaves nasa, than your space industry even won't be compared with pakistan..
Mind it...:azn:
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