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India to hand over Pakistani - Burnt, electrocuted, boiled, crucified... dead.

On a slightly different note, its interesting watching the "free" media run with the Khalid story -a lot of criticism going India's way. I wonder if this will result in a similar shift to that in India after the media took off, where the media became the ultimate pusher of jingoistic attitudes...

Good point! I guess we will have to wait and see how attitudes change with regards to the treatment of prisoners. This could just be a temporary guilt for some in India...do not see much happening beyond that. Some tears will be shed then it will be back to usual.
Then why doesn't Pakistan deny such news reports its easier to deny such things rather than accept.
Only one incidence of release of Indian after 35 years does not change everything.
However I donot want to say Jail authorities of India or Pakistan are great they would go great lengths get rid of them.
A few months back Pakistan did a huge release of Indian prisoners. India was supposed to reciprocate and it just released a handful.

I would agree that many prisoners are simply unknown to India and Pakistan. But those that are known should be processed and released where possible.
You wont get my vote for that. Ansar Burney remains a light of hope....regardless of Kashmir Singh and his past (it really has no meaning in the current day and age).

Khalid Mahmood's death is shocking. May the Almighty bless his soul. Ameen

I agree with that too. He's done a lot of good for releasing the children abducted by Sheikhdoms for camel racing.

However he needs to admit his mistake and sincerely apologize. However he just seems to have gone into hiding ever since Khalid Mahmood case emerged onto the scene. His absence from the exchange in Wagah, borders onto criminal negligence.

He better get his act straight, and he better do it now.

The Nation
Congratulations, Mr Ansar Burney

Assad Hameed
Islamabad - The near criminal absence of Human Rights Minister Ansar Burney from Wagah border on Monday added insult to the injury of Pakistani nation when mutilated body of Khalid Mehmood was crossed over into Pakistan from India.

The heart and mind of every Pakistani was mourning when Pakistani officials at the border received a wooden box carrying the corpse of an innocent cricket fan.

It was only last week when the nation witnessed a lengthy episode on several news channels in which an overjoyed Ansar Burney, the Federal Minister for Human Rights, was shown proudly escorting, Kashmir Singh, an Indian spy from a Lahore Prison to Wagah Border.

The jubilant Ansar Burney knew at that time that the innocent Khalid Mehmood had been tortured and killed in Indian prison when he was overwhelmingly helping Indian spy Kashmir Singh cross over Wagah Border last week.

All this he was doing amid a worst situation of human rights in Pakistan where Hero of the Nation, Dr Abdul Qadir Khan and Chief Justice of Pakistan, Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry are locked inside their houses along with their families.
This scribe had been having an interaction with Ansar Burney during the whole Kashmir Singh case but suddenly lost all contacts with him ever since the Human Rights Minister was asked whether there were any fundamental rights of Dr A Q Khan or Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry or even their family members.
Despite many efforts afterwards, the influential minister was not available to throw any light on the fact as he had become choosy with the media after the climax of drama Kashmir Singh.

Though Burney claimed to have started a new era of relations with the archrival by releasing a their spy in such a dramatic fashion, the other side responded within no time.

In return, they dispatched the tormented and tortured dead body of Khalid Mehmood, who was caught by Indian agencies shortly after he reached there to watch a cricket match.

No words of anger could match the sense of loss in Pakistani nation and no words of condolence can sympathize with the betrayed and injured Pakistanis. Neither there are any words for condemnation of brutal killing of innocent Khalid Mehmood in Indian prison.

But Khalid Mehmood has not come alone from that side of the border; there is a message that he is sending out for all Pakistanis.

Send their spies alive, get your innocents in coffins!

LAHORE - A few days back, an Indian spy Kashmir Singh walked across the Wagha Border hail and hearty, while a Pakistani cricket spectator Khalid Mehmood was fetched to the same entry-exit point in a coffin on Monday.
The celebrations on this side of the border regarding the release of an Indian convict were not yet over, when India ‘reciprocated’ the goodwill gesture by sending the body of an Indian-court-declared innocent in a casket.
61-year-old Kashmir Singh - an ex-policeman-turned-trader-cum-spy - was sentenced to death in 1973 on espionage charges by an Army court after he was arrested from the garrison city of Rawalpindi. Singh was in good health when he left Pakistan, while innocent cricket lover Khalid was tortured-to-death by the Indian law enforcement agencies.

So far, Pakistani prisoners released by India, have been found physically impaired and mentally retarded after they were subjected to uninterrupted torture by the Indian agencies and police. They are made to land in mental hospitals here, as most of them are not even owned by their own relatives, mostly fearing further interrogation. Recently-released Kashmir Singh was in good health, and his family was waiting for him with open arms after he had been treated as a worthy guest and had spent a night at a luxurious local hotel.

To Pakistani people, apparently it was a ‘barter’ of the living, but self-pronounced guilty, and the dead, but innocent - declared by the Indian court - between two archrivals, India and Pakistan, while the latter is on the receiving end, be it political and diplomatic or human rights fronts. The last time’s larger-than-life image of a messiah from this side of the border was neither there on Monday to receive a coffin of a Pakistani brother nor the electronic media did make it ‘an event of the day’ for consecutively two days.
Interestingly, the Pakistani intelligentsia saw Kashmir Singh’s release as a tangible step in improving India-Pakistan relations, and building trust between two nuclear neighbours. The same coterie of political and human rights gurus was found fast asleep on Monday (yesterday). Not even a single condemnation note was released.

Caretaker Minister for Human Rights Ansar Burney, who was instrumental in securing Kashmir Singh’s release, was not available for comments despite repeated attempts. Singh’s release was primarily because of Ansar Burney’s visit to the Kot Lakhpat Jail, who won a presidential pardon for Singh also. Burney accompanied Singh to the Wagha Border, and announced a grant of Rs one million for him, which was not a case for Khalid. Outside the Jail on March 3, Burney and a diplomat of the Indian High Commission, besides a large number of visibly emotional Lahorites - showering rose petals even on the vehicle carrying the Indian - received Singh, where both national and international media, had thronged to report Singh’s hugely celebrated release.

On March 3, the Pakistani electronic media was all-out in covering Sigh’s release, while on March 10 - within seven days - there was no such ‘aspiration’ to cover the event, when Khalid’s body was being placed in the ambulance after it hade been handed over to the Pakistani officials.
Earlier, Burney did not leave a stone unturned in depicting the ‘hellish jails of Pakistan’, and portraying Kashmir Singh as a ‘poor soul’ who had languished in Pakistani jails. “He is now a weak, old and disabled man. He has never received a single visitor or met any member of his family. He, like other condemned prisoners, was locked in an overcrowded death cell for 23.30 hours a day, only allowed out for 30 minutes to stretch his legs,” he said, adding that his only communication with his family during these years, was a single letter that Singh had received many years back.

Whereas Kashmir Singh was later on found triumphantly announcing his success against the Pakistani investigation agencies, which ‘failed utterly in getting the truth uncapped by me’ as averred by Singh at a press conference in India. He was given heart-felt ‘Departing Kick’ on this side of the border, while he received a rapturous welcome on his return to India on the other side. “I did the duties assigned to me as a spy,” said Singh, as reported by the Press Trust of India. He blasted his government for doing nothing for him, while Khalid was not in any position to say so. His family and friends held a protest outside the city mortuary on Monday to give vent to their emotions, as a classic example of nothing will come out of nothing.

“After my arrest... successive (Indian) governments did nothing for me,” Singh told journalists in Chandigarh. “The government after my arrest did not bother to spend a single penny for my family.” This is true of the Pakistani government as well, which could have done something for its innocent citizen.
On the day of Kashmir Singh’s release, Burney said Singh had been held in a condemned prisoner’s cell for most of the time since his conviction, and had become mentally ill. “I was first informed about the case several years ago by members of the Indian community in London, but I was unable to locate Singh, despite visiting more than 20 jails across the country in connection with my campaign for prison reforms and prisoners’ rights,” he told to the media, while there was no one to come to Khalid’s rescue when he was alive.
Burney pleaded Singh’s case, which was ‘emotionally’ appreciated by a large number of Pakistanis.

In total contrast to Burney’s efforts - securing him a better position among his coterie activists, both in Pakistan and at the international level - neither the Pakistani officials nor the human rights activists say or did any thing on the ‘murder’ of Khalid Mehmood.

“This is what we are getting from our neighbour for whom we, be it our leaders or masses, do not miss a chance to appease, whereas there is a change neither in the Indian attitude nor feelings, despite Pakistan’s embroidered slogans about tall claims of having successful composite dialogue,” said a pharmacist Abid Gillani, who had seen Lahorites welcoming Singh outside the Kot Lakhpat Jail. “How long shall we live in the fantasy of one-sided love? Will anybody talk about the torture and consequent killings of Pakistanis in India?” he questioned.

OUR STAFF REPORTER adds: The body of Pakistani citizen Khalid Mehmood alias Azad, who had died in the Indian police custody as a result of severe torture, was handed over to the Pakistani authorities at the Wagha Border here on Monday.
The family of Khalid was also present on the occasion, besides officials of the Rangers and local police. The incident of Khalid’s killing took place when the issue concerning Kashmir Singh was being highlighted as a goodwill gesture by the Pakistani government.

Khalid was brutally killed by the Indian police even though the Indian courts had declared him innocent. The Indian electronic and print media had also reported that Khalid died due to torture by the Indian jail police.
Muhammad Khalid Mehmood, 25, was unmarried and a resident of Dera Islam-ud-Din, Baseen Village. He had been to India as a visitor to enjoy the Pak-India cricket series, where he lost his Pakistani passport. The Indian agencies arrested Khalid and interrogated him for being a spy. After investigations, he was handed over to Indian police. Later, the Indian jail officials tortured him to death. Khalid was last time in Gurgaon jail, in the suburb of New Delhi.

The Indian police and agencies were being criticised for their notorious acts of torturing and killing a Pakistani citizen.

The relatives of Khalid, who received his body, also expressed their anger when they noted callousness of the Indian authorities as well as of Pakistani government for extending hands of ‘friendship’ to India.

When Khalid’s body arrived at the Wagha Border, his father Muhammad Abdul Hakeem besides his other family members, human rights officials and a large number of the mediamen were also present.

Deputy Superintendent of Police Manawaan Circle Ali Asghar Dogar said the victim’s brother Fateh Muhammad Sher and his family members received the body, which was shifted to City morgue for autopsy.

Later, Khalid’s relatives, friends and dozens of other people held a peaceful demonstration outside the City Mortuary to record their strong protest against brutal killing of the Pakistani citizen by Indian police and agencies.

The protestors also burnt tyres at the Neela Gumbad and demanded of the government to launch a government-level protest against the incident. They were chanting slogans against the Indian government’s dual policy, which was holding negotiations with the Pakistani government for the safe release of their prisoners.

The victim family asked the government to raise issue of innocent Pakistani citizen’s murder before the Indian government and review the policy of releasing more Indian prisoners.

The funeral prayer of the deceased will be offered on Tuesday (today) at his village.
Again why go into flashback mode? Just stand up and denounce the one bad thing you see when you see it! I don't think so. I'm pretty sure they all agree some bastards really effed things around with Khalid. However whether or not the parties responsible pay for it, yet remains to be seen.

Dear AA,

Till date have you posted one credible and neutral link that Mr Khalid was tortured to death by Indians ?

Have you posted a link to his autopsy showing torture?

Has Pakistan lodged any protest till date after recieving his body back about the mutilations with India or the Amnesty?

Please post the above and you will have my UNEQUIVOCAL Condemnation.

Till then stop putting your spin on what your personal agenda maybe against Barney.

As regards whether you are more gentle and peace loving than Indians, I doubt otherwise your country and your neighbouring brother country would not be so low in most human right factors.

Dear AA,

Till date have you posted one credible and neutral link that Mr Khalid was tortured to death by Indians ?

Have you posted a link to his autopsy showing torture?

Has Pakistan lodged any protest till date after recieving his body back about the mutilations with India or the Amnesty?

Please post the above and you will have my UNIVOCAL Condemnation.

Till then stop putting your spin on what your personal agenda maybe against Barney.

As regards whether you are more gentle and peace loving than Indians, I doubt otherwise your country and your neighbouring brother country would not be so low in most human right factors.

Last evening we received the body.

Pakistan government is in fact under a lot more scrutiny than the Indians since their own behavior has been lukewarm, but the victims family is the lone fighter in all this.
inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon. What do you know, a man is released after 30 years and is able to see his family again. while in return, another man has been in prison for a short time and has died. In return, his family will go to receive his body for burial. My feelings are to the Khalid family.
Such is the game of intelligence agencies, everyone knows what they are risking when they go deep undercover. Let us hope his sacrifice won't be in vain and will inspire many more to give their services to the nation. Very sad, indeed.
this terrible crime shows the true ugly face of india.
not one indian poster has even bothered to apologised or shown any remorse, but trying to justify this abhorence in some way (malang/Stealth Assasin/always neutral/etc) wheres salim? hes normally bashing pakistan in an oblique manner.
this terrible crime shows the true ugly face of india.
not one indian poster has even bothered to apologised or shown any remorse, but trying to justify this abhorence in some way (malang/Stealth Assasin/always neutral/etc) wheres salim? hes normally bashing pakistan in an oblique manner.

Are you blind ? :crazy:

Please see my reply to AA (Today 10:44 AM) . Its in English by the way.


Ps : While at it care to clarify what is the maximum punishment for spying in Pakistan in peace times.
mr neutral people dont just drop dead, or their finger nails all fall out. you arent very neutral.
im not blind or stupid.
youre rabid.
he wasnt tried, nor obiously convicted but certainly punished.
disgusting, but these are the depth we can expect of india and indians.
Are you blind ? :crazy:

Please see my reply to AA (Today 10:44 AM) . Its in English by the way.


Ps : While at it care to clarify what is the maximum punishment for spying in Pakistan in peace times.

Are you Indian?
Are you Indian?

Are u Martian ? What does unequivocal condemnation mean ? Thats what I wrote in my POST.

AA himself in reply to my post confirms that the Pakistan Govt. has not officially confirmed or protested the torture so what do you want me to do be a ROBIN to BATMAN and nod my head in unison when you say the sun is blue ?


mr neutral people dont just drop dead, or their finger nails all fall out. you arent very neutral.
im not blind or stupid.
youre rabid.
he wasnt tried, nor obiously convicted but certainly punished.
disgusting, but these are the depth we can expect of india and indians.

Before you want me be a blind mice to your incoherant ramble please show me an official statement from the Pakistan Govt. confirming the torture as well as lodging a protest with Amnesty International. Also be kind enough to open a webster dictionary and see what the word "unequivocal condemnation" means in my post to AA and his reply.

If I am to believe you then I must believe that whenever you capture any spy, terrorists, AQ etc in Pakistan the interrogators never lay hands on them but probably give him coffee, biscuits and a warm hug :angel: and he immediately became overcome with guilt and love for Islam and confesses all his sins :blah: and everyone lives happily ever after.



Khalid was not a spy but Kashmir Singh was.

Khalid was martyred but Kashmir Singh was released healthy.

I don’t blame Indians for this. Pakistani Government is responsible for their shameful silence.

Actually this shameful silence and accepting every thing has became our attitude as a Nation in every field.

I m not surprised to hear what Indians have said. Since torture is a part of investigation on both sides hence we should kill all the Indian prisoners here saying the same.

Fair Logic!
‘Tortured’ prisoner’s body arrives from India

By Our Staff Reporter

LAHORE, March 10: The body of a Pakistani man who had died in Indian police custody allegedly because of torture was handed over to Pakistan at Wagah on Monday.

The victim’s brother Abdullah, who had gone with other family members to receive the body, told reporters that Khalid Mahmood , 26, had gone to India in 2005 to watch a cricket match.

He said Indian intelligence agencies had arrested Khalid in Mohali when he was going to the Pakistan High Commission to report that he had lost his passport.

He said the family came to know about the arrest in 2006 from a letter sent by Khalid. His mother, sister and a bother went to India and filed an appeal in a court for his release but they had to leave for home within a week because of harassment by Indian intelligence agencies, he

said. This left the family unable to follow up the case.

He said the family came to know about Khalid’s death in police custody on March 4 but he had died on Feb 12, which could be verified by an autopsy.

He said Indian security agencies had ‘severely tortured’ Khalid because they considered him a spy.

He also criticised the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi for failing to secure his brother’s release.

He said the Indian government should be ashamed of such a brutal act, especially when Pakistan had released convicted spy Kashmir Singh.

The body was brought to Lahore for autopsy and Khalid’s relatives held a demonstration. They blocked the Nila Gumbad Road, burnt an Indian flag and chanted slogans against the Indian government.

The protesters urged the government to lodge a strong protest with the Indian authorities and pay compensation to the family.

Khalid’s funeral prayers will be offered in his village Dera Islamuddin, Baseen, on Tuesday.

Agencies add: Arif Awan, a lawyer for the relatives, said Khalid had been charged with spying and involvement in terrorism but he never appeared in a court.

He said the relatives wanted an autopsy because they suspected that he had been abused in custody.

Relatives who visited Khalid in a jail in New Delhi said his nails had been pulled off, his body bore torture marks and his eyes had sunk, according to his brother Inamul Haq.

We are giving spies back to India and they are returning our people after killing them, Mr Awan said.

An official of Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi told APP that it was informed on Feb 13 about the death and a letter was written the same day to the Indian external affairs ministry seeking details and the circumstances under which he had died. The Indian government had failed to provide any information, he said.

‘Tortured’ prisoner’s body arrives from India -DAWN - Top Stories; March 11, 2008
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