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India to give up Chumar post for Chinese withdrawal?

Ha Ha Ha.... Complete BullSh!t... Chinese and Paks Can't even find out the different between an statement and Question...So Funny... HongWu and Psyops would Send planes to Delhi now... So pathetic fellows

How about we spank India even harder with our armored divisions and combat helicopters? When the Indian Army suffers another humiliating defeat just like 1962, all the separatist activity in India will explode and the second partition will begin. :)

India shupa-powa is just a delusion but the military might of the Middle Kingdom is reality :azn:

Ya We say your Spanking now... Where are the Armoured Unit, you were pathetically talking about invading Ladakh, what happened to 50 Cents now.. why have they ran back?
How about we spank India even harder with our armored divisions and combat helicopters? When the Indian Army suffers another humiliating defeat just like 1962, all the separatist activity in India will explode and the second partition will begin. :)

India shupa-powa is just a delusion but the military might of the Middle Kingdom is reality :azn:

Sure, but why did the PLA withdrew? Did they mistook your armoured division as Indian and fled in terror? Going by your comments I was expecting them to claim the entire territory and stay. Or may be they could not muster 8 times the forces and a surprise attack as in 62', so dropped the idea of war?
Times of India up with its speculations again ? They just don't want this to die down do they ? They just want the TRPs , rest of the world can go to hell.
Firstly this is speculation , secondly it says India will only demolish its bunkers in Chumar. Nothing about /giving up Chumar. Just a simple case of typical ToI sensationalisation of news and some kids and their cheerleaders get all excited.
Sure, but why did the PLA withdrew? Did they mistook your armoured division as Indian and fled in terror? Going by your comments I was expecting them to claim the entire territory and stay. Or may be they could not muster 8 times the forces and a surprise attack as in 62', so dropped the idea of war?
Yes we were afraid of India shupa-powa!

Pathetic is the nation that deludes itself as a shupa-powa when it is filled with defecation, starvation and molestation....

We came in, intimidated you, you cried and gave away Chumar :lol:

So you pathetic think IA already removed the post... Ha HA make me think how Chinese Communist slaves are taught their lessons in China....
PLA came, PLA spanked you for 20 days and then our Supreme Leader Xi Jinping took pity on you souls and withdrew because MMS begged and promised him India will return Chumar :)

If we wanted to keep spanking you even longer -- or even harder -- there was absolutely nothing you could do. The fact you grossly overreached building bunkers in Chumar in violation of the 2005 treaty showed what an untrustworthy backstabbing bunch you Indians are.

You should go on your knees right now, facing Beijing and utter "O thank you for sparing us unworthy Indians, great Xi Jinping, ruler of the East Asian superpower." If it was me, I would have simply ordered the summary execution of your pathetic "India" by a PLA armored assault smashing the Indian Army at DBO already.

Disgusting... despicable... humiliating and unworthy... :confused:
Welcome back to China, Chumar. Those timid Indians were willing to carve away territory without even firing a bullet. Just the sight of our armored division made them take a step back!





Not again, i am gonna die laughing.....please stop..

How about we spank India even harder with our armored divisions and combat helicopters? When the Indian Army suffers another humiliating defeat just like 1962, all the separatist activity in India will explode and the second partition will begin. :)

India shupa-powa is just a delusion but the military might of the Middle Kingdom is reality :azn:

Seriously dude, now i have started to suspect whether you know any other terms except armored divisions, Thermonukes and combat helicopters or not?
So summary -

1. Chinese intrude and set up a picnic (April 15).
2. Indians build major fortification (April 20).
3.IA uses media to embarrass China.
4.Use India - Japan - USA meet to apply pressure, extend PM's trip in Japan.
5. China demand changes from stopping Border infra to removing dummy fortification.
6.India groped China and it could do nothing.
We are not being told the full story. I think India must have made some compromise though officially New Delhi states "no deal" was made, I think that is a flat lie made for the ignorant Indian public to keep them jolly for election season and votes. There is no logical reason why after 20 days the PLA would withdraw without any concessions, that's not how they operate. India clearly made a compromise for their security, we just don't know what exactly. It is speculated they withdrew from Chumar and have essentially surrendered that locality.
We are not being told the full story. I think India must have made some compromise though officially New Delhi states "no deal" was made, I think that is a flat lie made for the ignorant Indian public to keep them jolly for election season and votes. There is no logical reason why after 20 days the PLA would withdraw without any concessions, that's not how they operate. India clearly made a compromise for their security, we just don't know what exactly. It is speculated they withdrew from Chumar and have essentially surrendered that locality.

More speculation after falling flat on your face once again?
Although the government maintained on Monday that no concessions were offered to the Chinese to end the face off in east Ladakh, India forces appear to have agreed to the removal of bunkers built by the army in Chumar close to the line of actual control (LAC) to facilitate an agreement.

Sources in the security establishment familiar with the negotiations and the local topography told TOI that the 21-day confrontation on Ladakh's desolate Depsang plains ended only after the Indian Army agreed to demolish bunkers it had built in the region of Chumar near the LAC.

The bunkers in question are close to what India considers its current border and are part of the proactive measures objected to by the Chinese. It's said that only after New Delhi agreed to concede the Chinese demand to pull down these "permanent" structures, that allow Indian troops to keep an eye on the Karakoram highway, did the PLA agree to pull back and restore pre-April 15 status.

It has been claimed that India has also adopted "intrusive" tactics to counter aggressive Chinese patrolling and temporarily rolling back some measures is not a large sacrifice. It was also claimed that these bunkers were made only as "retaliation" to the Chinese intrusion. The vacation of the strategically located bunkers or "observation posts" -- that keep an eye on troop movements on the Chinese side - could end India's drill of daily border patrols to the "disputed" area, highly-placed sources said.

Indian troops were patrolling the motorable stretch from the regular Chumar post to the bunkers and manning them through the day. The Chinese troops, which surprised India by setting up a tented post some 19 kms into what India perceives as its side of the LAC, first flagged concerns over the bunkers in Chumar at the second flag meeting on April 21. Since then, this strategic observation post had emerged as a bone of contention.

China, already miffed with India's re-activation of advanced landing grounds at Daulat Beg Oldie, Fukche and Nyoma and construction of other infrastructure along the LAC over the last four-five years, was uncomfortable with Indians being able to peep at the movement on the highway. The Chinese, in fact, had frequently tried to "immobilize'' the surveillance cameras positioned at the Chumar post by cutting wires.

According to sources in the security establishment, at the April 21 flag meeting, the Chinese demanded the observation post at Chumar - which India insisted was only a resting place for patrolling troops as icy winds are a regular phenomenon - be immediately dismantled.

Even at the time, the Army did not completely rule this out as a measure that could lead to the Chinese troops withdrawing from Raki Nala. But the Chinese refusal to make a firm commitment about pulling their tents in return for demolition of the bunkers was not acceptable to the Indian side.

At the third flag meeting too, the same issue was raised, and the Chinese continued to be evasive. They said only after Indian troops had dismantled the border fortifications in Chumar and pulled back their own troops from the faceoff point at Raki Nala, would it "mull the next step".

As the standoff entered its twentieth day on Saturday, the Chinese reiterated the demand for demolition of the Indian Army bunkers at a meeting between the local commanders. It was only after this was approved by the highest level on Sunday morning, with the Chinese agreeing to a reciprocal pull back, the Army sealed the "deal" - something which South Block mandarins stoutly denied.

India to give up Chumar post for Chinese withdrawal? - The Times of India

The article has a ? in the title which means the author is speculating that has India given up to China? But the reality is if so the media will get the news from its sources and the government will collapse so that is highly unlikely to happen.
Some circus from Media not true, lets wait for official statement.

Considering the coverage this incident it has received in the media Govt. will never do this kind of thing, instead

India is upgrading the infrastructure all along the Indo-chinese border

The head line itself is a question not a statement.

If the deal was reached Chinese will leave after the bunkers are demolished but this didn't happen. TOI has been giving contradicting statements from the beginning of this debacle.

For all the cheer leaders the article is a question and suspicion, keeping in mind the elections next year Govt. won't give any assurances like this.

The initial reports all suggested to the fact that the with drawl is unconditional.

Why the Chinese are quoting our media ? Why not their own media?
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