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India to fund $450mil Isimba power project - Uganda

well i born in britain, i am a british. so its not between a Pakistani and indian, but between British and indian... or most probably between a Donor and begger. which is india in case .. so before you open your mouth mind it that your economy is standing on my tax paying money. and has some respect, after all we give you money to survive.. now dont be disrespectful by giving me some shitty surveys about your socalled economy.

Stop worrying about Indians,help your mates.

Stop worrying about Indians,help your mates.
endian you really need to read my comments..

ok so u mean we are beggars??....u think so??......
don't u think that uk looted alot from us(both india & pakistan)??

well your kings were too weak to defend themselves and you. so its a universal rule that powerful can do anything ..

your flag shows you are pakistani who is living in the UK :).. may be you should change the flag...
UK gives a 'aid' to Indian NGOs inspite of sever backlash at home, is because UK wants to influence GoI's decisions. The aid diplomacy is not new btw, and we are doing the same with other countries.

You have every right to demand your govt why they are sending money to Indian NGOs and why such disappointment when french got the deal to sell fighter planes.

NGO ?? lol really ..
well your kings were too weak to defend themselves and you. so its a universal rule that powerful can do anything ..

no this universal rule doesn't exist....brits were powerful than us wile we gained independence.....nazi's were powerful than ruskies...and the result u knw....there are lot many examples
if u are so concerned about sid given to india......please question ur govt.. as u are a brit...
I wonder, (no offence) that indian is giving aid to those countries, but why do our govt give aid to india ??? that stupid. that india beg us and then give it to africa...

Mate, don't buy into all this right-wing Daily mail BS. The govt of India told the UK to stop the aid calling it "peanuts" and the UK govt literally BEGGED the Indians to carry on accepting it. The aid to India will be stopping in 2015. The annual UK aid to India goes straight to NGOs, is barely regulated and more often than not ends up in the hands of some White guy sitting in some mansion who is the CEO of some NGO. Or goes to buy flat screen TVs for a school in the middle of nowhere with no electricity for 50% of the day! There is very little evidence the UK aid to India does anything positive at all. The annual UK aid to India is less than 0.00001% of India's GDP and India is actually a net giver of aid .

All this is contained below:

British foreign aid: India tells Britain 'we don't need the peanuts you offer us' | Mail Online
India rejects aid from Britain, says it is peanuts - Times Of India
UK continues £1bn India aid despite 'peanuts' jibe - UK Politics - UK - The Independent
How India squanders British aid: £1.4bn to a country with its own space programme | Mail Online
BBC News - UK to end financial aid to India by 2015

Wanna know the real reason why the UK gives aid to India?? It is an attempt to buy favor within the Indian govt to secure business for the UK and the UKG has effectively admitted as much. This tactic has however backfired massively and today India trades more with BELGIUM than the UK and the UK is LOSING contracts with India left right and centre.
Mate, don't buy into all this right-wing Daily mail BS. The govt of India told the UK to stop the aid calling it "peanuts" and the UK govt literally BEGGED the Indians to carry on accepting it. The aid to India will be stopping in 2015. The annual UK aid to India goes straight to NGOs, is barely regulated and more often than not ends up in the hands of some White guy sitting in some mansion who is the CEO of some NGO. Or goes to buy flat screen TVs for a school in the middle of nowhere with no electricity for 50% of the day! There is very little evidence the UK aid to India does anything positive at all. The annual UK aid to India is less than 0.00001% of India's GDP and India is actually a net giver of aid .

All this is contained below:

British foreign aid: India tells Britain 'we don't need the peanuts you offer us' | Mail Online
India rejects aid from Britain, says it is peanuts - Times Of India
UK continues £1bn India aid despite 'peanuts' jibe - UK Politics - UK - The Independent
How India squanders British aid: £1.4bn to a country with its own space programme | Mail Online
BBC News - UK to end financial aid to India by 2015

Wanna know the real reason why the UK gives aid to India?? It is an attempt to buy favor within the Indian govt to secure business for the UK and the UKG has effectively admitted as much. This tactic has however backfired massively and today India trades more with BELGIUM than the UK and the UK is LOSING contracts with India left right and centre.

Finally some guy who talks without cursing ..
mate sorry but i dont buy your logics, i believe when someone says that "your offering is peanuts" i would believe they are asking for MORE, and not rejecting it.
plus yeah i heard the trade thing, and i understand indian gdp, my point is i pay tax, which is ultimately given to those indians and they rather than appreciating disrespect my hardly earned money, i dont care if that goes to their ngos or govt, i care about my money being transferred to those who dont even respect..
if we dont give them money we can improve many sectors in our own country like NHS which is a disaster !!
no this universal rule doesn't exist....brits were powerful than us wile we gained independence.....nazi's were powerful than ruskies...and the result u knw....there are lot many examples
if u are so concerned about sid given to india......please question ur govt.. as u are a brit...

well when brit left (i think either your govt never told nor you study) that brits were too weak to hold india
1) Indian independence movement was getting powerful
2) after world war 2 UK had gone too weak, economy especially so they thought to let you people go, other wise when they were powerful they crushed indians in that famous freedom movement in 18 something i forgot the year sorry.
and issue is not me asking my govt to stop aid to you my issue is you being not appreciating it. we both know still a large percentage in india lives under poverty line. and our money supports them.
well when brit left (i think either your govt never told nor you study) that brits were too weak to hold india
1) Indian independence movement was getting powerful
2) after world war 2 UK had gone too weak, economy especially so they thought to let you people go, other wise when they were powerful they crushed indians in that famous freedom movement in 18 something i forgot the year sorry.
and issue is not me asking my govt to stop aid to you my issue is you being not appreciating it. we both know still a large percentage in india lives under poverty line. and our money supports them.

You are not getting the point we don't NEED your money. Your govt can take that money and use it for supporting the Queen or NHS or any other thing they want. WE DON'T CARE
we both know still a large percentage in india lives under poverty line. and our money supports them.

As I've pointed out mate- no it doesn't!

wrt not appreciating the aid- the fact is the govt of India has asked the UK to stop and the UK begged the Indians to carry on taking it. Why should the Indians appreciate it? They barely see a penny of it and they don't want it.

Like I've said, it is a poor attempt to try and secure business from India- nothing more, nothing less. Don't be under the impression anyone in Whitehall has any sort of yearning to better the life of any Indian.

Of course it's a case of misplaced priorities, I cannot envisage another country on earth carrying on such payments to a nation that has asked them to stop. Nor can I understand why the govt and specifically Cameron haven't been crucified over the issue. The entire situation is sheer lunacy.

Wrt the NHS, you think £280mn a year will fill that black hole?!! Please! My mother is a doctor in the NHS, she tells me of the mess it is in right from the top to the bottom, it is rotten to the core and let me tell you the selling off of its assets has already begun.

Let me also tell you this, I have no doubt in my mind that if the Typhoon had been selected as the winner for India's MMRCA, the storm that has been created over aid to India here in the UK would never have taken place. Cameron would be too busy calling India a "special partner" and the UK press lauding the decision to pick the best fighter plane ever built, EVER.
well when brit left (i think either your govt never told nor you study) that brits were too weak to hold india
1) Indian independence movement was getting powerful
2) after world war 2 UK had gone too weak, economy especially so they thought to let you people go, other wise when they were powerful they crushed indians in that famous freedom movement in 18 something i forgot the year sorry.
and issue is not me asking my govt to stop aid to you my issue is you being not appreciating it. we both know still a large percentage in india lives under poverty line. and our money supports them.
u said it is universal rule that powerful can do anything....stick to this statement ANYTHING!! expalain anything??...anything also includes ruling a weaker nation...!!!!
and for ur satisfaction read this:
"Having visited India, I have seen first-hand the tremendous progress being made. India is successfully developing and our own bilateral relationship has to keep up with 21st-century India. It's time to recognise India's changing place in the world.
NGO ?? lol really ..

Yes, aid money which will continue to flow to India till2017 is only going to NGOs. The Indian Government did not accept ANY foreign aid for years! Even during catastrophes like the 2004 Tsunami.

The GOI spends billions and billions and billions on poverty reduction measures, those few hundred millions USDs are peanuts, but any kind of help from NGOs is appreciated.

Fact is the UK needs India more now than India needs the UK. Britain and its weak economy need investments and India is the 3rd largest investor in the UK. Just see how Cameron came to India with the largest British trade delegation ever.

Stop worrying about Indians,help your mates.
endian you really need to read my comments..

well your kings were too weak to defend themselves and you. so its a universal rule that powerful can do anything ..

NGO ?? lol really ..

Yes... why is it a news to you? You pay tax to UK govt and UK gives aid to Indian orgs... its your govt's responsibility to spend taxpayer's money properly.
I am sure they have mechanism to check whether the money is properly spend by the organizations, and that is the only influence you should have. On the NGOs, not in GoI's forengn policy.
You are not getting the point we don't NEED your money. Your govt can take that money and use it for supporting the Queen or NHS or any other thing they want. WE DON'T CARE

how about those who are living under poverty line ???? there is a massive percentage. and your govt dont care for them.

Not worth the time Paqi..whoops! Pommy.

asshole, i am brit... begger

Yes... why is it a news to you? You pay tax to UK govt and UK gives aid to Indian orgs... its your govt's responsibility to spend taxpayer's money properly.
I am sure they have mechanism to check whether the money is properly spend by the organizations, and that is the only influence you should have. On the NGOs, not in GoI's forengn policy.

lol it still effect your foreign policy in our favour ..
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