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India to fund $450mil Isimba power project - Uganda

Uganda once had huge amount of Indian population..a thriving community that owned a huge amount business across that country.But during Idi Amin's regime,all of that was lost.India is doing right thing..these projects will be our inroads in Asia,our footprints in Africa which we are trying too hard to expand.In Ugands,over 20000 Indians and PIO lives,which was over 60000 during Idi Amin's regime.Indian bussinessmen are one of the largest tax payers in Uganda and we have nearly $1 bil trade with them which is in India's favour.India is the 2nd largest FDI source in that country.and apart from this project,we are involved in various educational and communication projects there.
Dear sir,
My intent was not to trash Indian diplomacy or the foriegn policy. My concern is more about increasing domestic investment and resolving our own irrigation issue. I am sure the private sector investment in this day and age of globalization is in the right direction, but funding foreign projects when our own are dangling in uncertainty is confusing for me. Thats it!

The biggest problem with resolving Irrigation issue is lack of water availability. India has largest Irrigated area and we are utilizing our Irrigation resources to maximum.There is no scope of further development.

Irrigation statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take for example Kaveri issue. Mere presence of dams does not guarantee availability of water. They just guarantee conflicts. If there is no water to develop Irrigation system in a watershed, it can't be developed irrespective of how much money you pour into it.

Irrespective of what neo-liberals state, there is limit to growth and after certain limit investments ceases to be a solution.

We can have a discussion about agricultural subsidies some other day, that is another interesting topic. It is very heartening to see Indian private sector investing in African economies.
As far as the not having enough land for feeding our people :

According to the latest FAO report, the average yield of rice in India is 2.3 tonne/ha as against the global average of 4.374 tonne/ha. China is the largest producer of rice with an output of 197 million tonne with a per-hectare yield of 6.5 tonne while countries like Australia (10.1 tonne), US (7.5 tonne), Russia (5.2 tonne) lead the tally.

The report says India has done better in wheat by achieving an yield closer to the global average. It has recorded an average yield of 2.9 tonne per hectare as against the global benchmark of 3.0 tonne/ha. However, it's still far from countries like France (7.0 tonne), US (3.11 tonne) and China (4.8 tonne)

So maybe increasing out yield might be the solution for the long run, that includes better irrigation infrastructure, which in turn mandates funding for such projects.

I am not against funding foreign projects, but it seems insensitive from the government when most of maharashtra and karnataka is facing droughts!


Maharashtra and Karnataka are facing drought like situation because it is a drought prone area. The reason for it's being Drought prone is the presence of western ghats which act as a barrier for moisture laden SW monsoon winds. The region is net water deficit area and we could do precious little to alleviate that situation.

And a cause for low yield in India is that Agriculture is practiced on marginal lands and unconsolidated land holdings which make mechanization difficult.
so sad we are not spending this on our poor people.

yesterday while i am going to home from other city.... an handicapped guy, cleaning train coaches with a cloth by using hands and he is begging passengers... and women who is not fully grown what i mean mentally, physically and she is blind... that lady looks like a school kid size.. probably 3 feet not more than it... most of the passengers hesitated to give money to the guy.. but some people give money to her... when the handicapped guy seen her like that, he give 100RS to her and helped her to get down the train... i feel ashamed because even i am earning lots of $$ still i just give 5rs... and the guy who is begging gave 100rs to her.... that is called broad mind and helping nature..... i hope you understand what i said.... stop accusing government.... if you can, then help others....
Funny thing though, this is not even mentioned in ANY of our publications in India. I came across this only on ugandan publications.......

It seems pretty strange......
I have a very hard time understanding this stuff... Half the country is in drought, irrigation is abysmal, there is scarcity of schools, and we are funding projects in Uganda.... our priorities are way too skewed !!!

i think u missed this statement
"Khurshid noted that Uganda is an emerging oil and gas producer"

$450 million is not a great deal.we're spending billions on the things u mentioned
I wonder, (no offence) that indian is giving aid to those countries, but why do our govt give aid to india ??? that stupid. that india beg us and then give it to africa...
I wonder, (no offence) that indian is giving aid to those countries, but why do our govt give aid to india ??? that stupid. that india beg us and then give it to africa...

Beg :omghaha:
Says a pakistani

Btw is not aid but loan u dont even read the article

The Indian government is to finance the construction of the 180 megawatt (Mw) Isimba hydropower project with a $450m loan to boost Uganda’s power generation.
Beg :omghaha:
Says a pakistani

Btw is not aid but loan u dont even read the article

well i born in britain, i am a british. so its not between a Pakistani and indian, but between British and indian... or most probably between a Donor and begger. which is india in case .. so before you open your mouth mind it that your economy is standing on my tax paying money. and has some respect, after all we give you money to survive.. now dont be disrespectful by giving me some shitty surveys about your socalled economy.

Beg :omghaha:
Says a pakistani

Btw is not aid but loan u dont even read the article

and one more thing SON !! you besides being the one who give you money to survive, i am also your senior in this forum. but you pathetic morons would never learn to have respect.. would ya ?
I wonder, (no offence) that indian is giving aid to those countries, but why do our govt give aid to india ??? that stupid. that india beg us and then give it to africa...

UK's "aid" to India is a funny $319 million, which is peanuts to us anyway. Also,we aren't begging you to give us the aid.
Also,your aid is less than what we give to uganda!
I wonder, (no offence) that indian is giving aid to those countries, but why do our govt give aid to india ??? that stupid. that india beg us and then give it to africa...

the aid given to India is just mockery......there is no significant role of 319$ million........it is just uk paying back of what they did to India & Pakistan..... they took away or rather looted from us...so they are paying back to both india and pakistan.......there was a situation when youth of uk raised a ques that why they need to give air to a country with such a big economy as india?..........but the money they are giving us now is just a fraction of what they took away from us(India & Pakistan) before 1947
I wonder, (no offence) that indian is giving aid to those countries, but why do our govt give aid to india ??? that stupid. that india beg us and then give it to africa...

No, its the UK that begs India for more cooperation to get our investments. Just take a look at your PMs visit with the largest ever British trade delegation. India is among the top 3 investors in to the UK.

And not a single penny of UK aid (which will stop in 2017) goes to the Indian government! All the money goes to NGOs. The GOI did not accept any foreign aid for years now, not even during the 2004 Tsunami.

And these 400 USDs will help our trade relations with Africa as well.
the aid given to India is just mockery......there is no significant role of 319$ million........it is just uk paying back of what they did to India & Pakistan..... they took away or rather looted from us...so they are paying back to both india and pakistan.......there was a situation when youth of uk raised a ques that why they need to give air to a country with such a big economy as india?..........but the money they are giving us now is just a fraction of what they took away from us(India & Pakistan) before 1947

LOL not such a good reason provided ..

UK's "aid" to India is a funny $319 million, which is peanuts to us anyway. Also,we aren't begging you to give us the aid.
Also,your aid is less than what we give to uganda!

dont be disrespectful ... lol being a begger
LOL not such a good reason provided ..

dont be disrespectful ... lol being a begger
ok so u mean we are beggars??....u think so??......
don't u think that uk looted alot from us(both india & pakistan)??
well i born in britain, i am a british. so its not between a Pakistani and indian, but between British and indian... or most probably between a Donor and begger. which is india in case .. so before you open your mouth mind it that your economy is standing on my tax paying money. and has some respect, after all we give you money to survive.. now dont be disrespectful by giving me some shitty surveys about your socalled economy.

and one more thing SON !! you besides being the one who give you money to survive, i am also your senior in this forum. but you pathetic morons would never learn to have respect.. would ya ?

your flag shows you are pakistani who is living in the UK :).. may be you should change the flag...
UK gives a 'aid' to Indian NGOs inspite of sever backlash at home, is because UK wants to influence GoI's decisions. The aid diplomacy is not new btw, and we are doing the same with other countries.

You have every right to demand your govt why they are sending money to Indian NGOs and why such disappointment when french got the deal to sell fighter planes.
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