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India to Bypass US Dollar and Trade in Local currencies with 23 countries

US invade India:lol::rofl::rofl::rofl:.
Man where are you coming from?
This thread about currency swap between India and other 23 countries.
US attack countries ,only small unable poor countries like Iraq and Afghanistan.
If they attack India,they very well know what is the consequences.India is not some dictatorship,but world largest democracy.Sorry chinese dont know about democracy and its capacity.

US will not collapse .But their influence in world will be decline due to multi polar world .Prominently China ,other countries are India ,Russia,Brazil etc.US laready acknowledge it by themselves.

You regard India too highly. India is no different than a banana republic except it has illegal nukes that a few boomers can take out. As for democracy, don't even mention it. Indian democracy is a disgrace to democracies. Lets put it this way, if it has real functioning democracy, would it fall behind a communist China in almost all measurements. A real democracies are countries in Europe, North America and East Asia. India has banana republic type of democracy. AKA failed democracy with perpetual poverty, disease and suffering. India is indeed an embarrassment for countries that regard themselves as democracies.

I dont think so, friend.EU is completely surrendered their soverignity to US.Each of them stationed
US military in their own soil .But India is different case.US is not even a large trading partner of India.

disagree. India exports is best and brightest minds to the US. And in turn, they export remittance back to India. No wonder India is a crap hole as its best minds choose to leave India. The ones remain can't even provide enough toilets to the society.
why do you chinese posters have to come all these hateful posts when all we Indians show is love towards your country
Never mind:D. because most of chinese member in this forum are fans of Pakistan china relationship.
That is the reason why we visit here.
Chinese and indians should be enemy here.
You regard India too highly. India is no different than a banana republic except it has illegal nukes that a few boomers can take out. As for democracy, don't even mention it. Indian democracy is a disgrace to democracies. Lets put it this way, if it has real functioning democracy, would it fall behind a communist China in almost all measurements. A real democracies are countries in Europe, North America and East Asia. India has banana republic type of democracy. AKA failed democracy with perpetual poverty, disease and suffering. India is indeed an embarrassment for countries that regard themselves as democracies.

disagree. India exports is best and brightest minds to the US. And in turn, they export remittance back to India. No wonder India is a crap hole as its best minds choose to leave India. The ones remain can't even provide enough toilets to the society.

If you can disgree with my post .then do it in a decent way.Who are you to insult my country?I dont insult China in my post ,dont you?.Talking like blah ,blah may give you some relief.But reality is far different.You dont know nothing about India and day to day challenges face by India.
Britian rule completely eliminated our economy.But within 66 years ,we rebound our economy and achieve giant strides in science and technology .We have enough self confident.You boast about china ,I dont think you are citizen of PRC.If you are achinese who are you classify democracies in different countries ?,Do you have any idea what is the democracy?
But we know .We have enough freedom to question our PM.Poor chinese can imagine about questioning corrupt CCP.Chinese have another advantage ,same race ,same language even same climate.But in Indian it is about unity in diversity.You cant imagine that because you brain is like that.
We are proud what we are and we proud about our institutions.
You think we are so weak because we dont reciprocate to some of our action in border.
But chinese guts end at there.Chinese know very well about the consequences if they attack India serious .

who told you we Indians live with remittances from US ?If you dont know nothing then just STFU.
Our majority remittances is coming from Gulf countries like UAE,Qatar etc.Indian -Americans must spend their 70% in US from their income .They can only send rest 30% to India.
Is there a reason why you use the characters, ',' and '。' as well as the usual commas and fullstops :/

Just out of interest.

I can't bothered to switch to the English mode of input.

I use pinyin(Chinese phonetics) alphabets。
If you can disgree with my post .then do it in a decent way.Who are you to insult my country?I dont insult China in my post ,dont you?.Talking like blah ,blah may give you some relief.But reality is far different.You dont know nothing about India and day to day challenges face by India.
Britian rule completely eliminated our economy.But within 66 years ,we rebound our economy and achieve giant strides in science and technology .We have enough self confident.You boast about china ,I dont think you are citizen of PRC.If you are achinese who are you classify democracies in different countries ?,Do you have any idea what is the democracy?
But we know .We have enough freedom to question our PM.Poor chinese can imagine about questioning corrupt CCP.Chinese have another advantage ,same race ,same language even same climate.But in Indian it is about unity in diversity.You cant imagine that because you brain is like that.
We are proud what we are and we proud about our institutions.
You think we are so weak because we dont reciprocate to some of our action in border.
But chinese guts end at there.Chinese know very well about the consequences if they attack India serious .

who told you we Indians live with remittances from US ?If you dont know nothing then just STFU.
Our majority remittances is coming from Gulf countries like UAE,Qatar etc.Indian -Americans must spend their 70% in US from their income .They can only send rest 30% to India.

First of all, I'm not comparing India and China as I never lived in China. But I have been there and its widely known that China is more advance than India in infrastructure and development. And they are not a democracy and India is a 'democracy'. Just measure these 2 countries, it would appear clearly that democracy is a failure. But we know this is not true because India do not represent true democracy as Europe, North America and East Asia are more advance than China and they are democracies. So India represent a failure of democracy. Why this is so? You Indians have to figure out yourselves.

So you agree that remittance is the major source of income for India, good. do you have any figures that compare remittance between middle east, US and Europe?
First of all, I'm not comparing India and China as I never lived in China. But I have been there and its widely known that China is more advance than India in infrastructure and development. And they are not a democracy and India is a 'democracy'. Just measure these 2 countries, it would appear clearly that democracy is a failure. But we know this is not true because India do not represent true democracy as Europe, North America and East Asia are more advance than China and they are democracies. So India represent a failure of democracy. Why this is so? You Indians have to figure out yourselves.

So you agree that remittance is the major source of income for India, good. do you have any figures that compare remittance between middle east, US and Europe?

Correlation does not equate causation.

Google it.
First of all, I'm not comparing India and China as I never lived in China. But I have been there and its widely known that China is more advance than India in infrastructure and development. And they are not a democracy and India is a 'democracy'. Just measure these 2 countries, it would appear clearly that democracy is a failure. But we know this is not true because India do not represent true democracy as Europe, North America and East Asia are more advance than China and they are democracies. So India represent a failure of democracy. Why this is so? You Indians have to figure out yourselves.

So you agree that remittance is the major source of income for India, good. do you have any figures that compare remittance between middle east, US and Europe?

You dont lived in China and you are comparing India and China.Then there is no meaning to continue this argument.And you dont try to read my post .I already told the challenges face by India is something that you cant imagine.Your EU countries,US all have one culture and language and subjected to economic looting like we suffered until 1947.And India is a different story .Even autocratic china has only one culture ,a majority chinese language is mandarin.But there is no democracy in China. Indian democracy is not a failure.Its main proof ,with this so much diversity we are still maintain our integrity and unity.And recently India is a emerging as a major power.It si not or claim it is west countries claim.

I dont know ,I dont see such an idiot like you.Did you read my post ?Can you see even a single words that I claim India major income sources is remittances?I am keralite .In India majority of remittances coming from NRI of kerala working in middle east.India and China are the two countries
that send huge amount of remittances to their respective country.
But main source India income is IT ,Agriculture,Pharma,Engineering goods etc.
You dont lived in China and you are comparing India and China.Then there is no meaning to continue this argument.And you dont try to read my post .I already told the challenges face by India is something that you cant imagine.Your EU countries,US all have one culture and language and subjected to economic looting like we suffered until 1947.And India is a different story .Even autocratic china has only one culture ,a majority chinese language is mandarin.But there is no democracy in China. Indian democracy is not a failure.Its main proof ,with this so much diversity we are still maintain our integrity and unity.And recently India is a emerging as a major power.It si not or claim it is west countries claim.

I dont know ,I dont see such an idiot like you.Did you read my post ?Can you see even a single words that I claim India major income sources is remittances?I am keralite .In India majority of remittances coming from NRI of kerala working in middle east.India and China are the two countries
that send huge amount of remittances to their respective country.
But main source India income is IT ,Agriculture,Pharma,Engineering goods etc.

As you are from Kerala, maybe people in your state work more so in middile east. But we also have plenty of Indians in the US that send money back to India. In India, they build houses, buy cars and hire lots of maid. All this is because of remittance.

Don't give excuses to multiple cultures in India. India has one major culture. That is the Hindu culture. And India would not have existed without Hinduism (plus Britain and English language, but these are besides the point now.) So the dominant culture in India is Hinduism. And most Indians are proud of their caste, even though if its untouchables, nowadays. Indian democracy failure have to do with the fact that India as a country is not ready for democracy. India need to end poverty and illiteracy before worrying about democracy.
As you are from Kerala, maybe people in your state work more so in middile east. But we also have plenty of Indians in the US that send money back to India. In India, they build houses, buy cars and hire lots of maid. All this is because of remittance.

Don't give excuses to multiple cultures in India. India has one major culture. That is the Hindu culture. And India would not have existed without Hinduism (plus Britain and English language, but these are besides the point now.) So the dominant culture in India is Hinduism. And most Indians are proud of their caste, even though if its untouchables, nowadays. Indian democracy failure have to do with the fact that India as a country is not ready for democracy. India need to end poverty and illiteracy before worrying about democracy.

Indian -Americans may send back money from US to India.I agree .But compared to remittances send by Indians from middle east to India.it is comparatively very low.Not influence our economy.

Well you are US citizen.may you dont visit India.So you cant understand how it is look like.In my homestate ,our language is malayalam ,but pronouncation and style of speaking is different in different parts of kerala. Now in Tamil Nadu language is Tamil ,You may take time to understand it .In north our neighbouring state is karnataka and their language is Kannada,it is very different than Tamil and Malayalam.similar goes to telugu,marathi,gujarati,Hindi etc.
In kerala our climate is moderate and beautiful ,so it known as Gods Own Country.But it is very different in other states .You are right Indian follow Hindu culture and that culture and patriotism
is base of our country.I hope you can understand.
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