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India to buy $8 billion generators from China

Let me answer this by giving an example... We had a tailor "A" in our neighborhood... During a festival period, he got so many orders for new clothes to be stitched, he wanted to hire more assistant's to help him out... When he was looking for assistant's to help him out, he came to know that there was another tailor B in the neighborhood who was free and looking to ply his skills... So instead of hiring new assistant's, tailor A just took the services of the other tailor B for a fixed amount, but tailor B charged more than a normal assistant... but since tailor B was ready to work, tailor A didn't think twice...

And now replace tailor A with Reliance Power, tailor B with Shaghai Electric and clothes with Power generation and read the above again...

And BTW, google the term "power generator manufacturers in India" and you will get your answer whether India can manufacture power generator's or not...

do you know how difficult it is to design and manufacture a generator? i'm not surprised that india can't do it, most countries except maybe 10 can't do it. there's so much fluid mechanics, materials science, thermodynamics, electromagnetics and computers in the design and construction of a generator, that it takes whole teams of engineers to design and manufacture.
do you know how difficult it is to design and manufacture a generator? i'm not surprised that india can't do it, most countries except maybe 10 can't do it. there's so much fluid mechanics, materials science, thermodynamics, electromagnetics and computers in the design and construction of a generator, that it takes whole teams of engineers to design and manufacture.

Of course it is much more difficult than designing fighter aircrafts, ballistic missiles, space launch vehicles, lunar orbiters etc.

It's a GENERATOR after all....so scary...so difficult to design...

I completely agree with you...so much so that I thanked you.
Of course it is much more difficult than designing fighter aircrafts, ballistic missiles, space launch vehicles, lunar orbiters etc.

It's a GENERATOR after all....so scary...so difficult to design...

I completely agree with you...so much so that I thanked you.

it's a different type of design than fighter aircraft, missiles, rockets, etc. the USSR built some of the best weapons on earth but struggled with cars.
it's a different type of design than fighter aircraft, missiles, rockets, etc. the USSR built some of the best weapons on earth but struggled with cars.





And here is an engineering feat unparalleled anywhere in the world!

A $2500 car....world's cheapest and in production!


do you know how difficult it is to design and manufacture a generator? i'm not surprised that india can't do it, most countries except maybe 10 can't do it. there's so much fluid mechanics, materials science, thermodynamics, electromagnetics and computers in the design and construction of a generator, that it takes whole teams of engineers to design and manufacture.

I am sorry, but are you implying India doesn't manufacture power generators?

I thought Kirloskar was manufacturing Diesel Generators...
Wow, $8 billion for generators? definately will be a big relieve for the electricity crisis.:tup:
Oh, strange, so many members on this thread with user name as peaceful this, peaceful that? :whistle:
Will India ever payback the loans ???

It's not a loan taken by Govt ... it's a private company which took loan following normal procedures of financial backing.

Regarding a previous comment abt why there are few of the richest people in the world in India having so many poor people:

We don't believe in socialism .. those who can create wealth gets richer. India has been lauded as one of the best wealth generators. We in India doesn't always depend on government financial backing to succeed. All Chinese (I wonder if there are any without any Government affiliations!) companies are either owned/controlled by Commies either directly or indirectly.

I hope u understand the difference between the both.
yes India will pay back loans.we have trillion dollar economy!if reliance has bought generators from china what is wrong? Chinese goods are cheap! Indian companies build awesome hi tech powerful generators but they are costly.quality of Chinese goods is not bad either.so good luck reliance!
yes India will pay back loans.we have trillion dollar economy!if reliance has bought generators from china what is wrong? Chinese goods are cheap! Indian companies build awesome hi tech powerful generators but they are costly.quality of Chinese goods is not bad either.so good luck reliance!

can you look in the mirror and say that with a straight face?
New Delhi, Oct 28 (IANS) In one of the largest such orders of its kind, Reliance Power, a part the Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group, Thursday said it has awarded a $10-billion contract to a Chinese firm to provide power plants equipment of 32,000 MW capacity.

China's Shanghai Electric Corp (SEC) has been contracted to provide boilers, turbines and generators to Reliance Power's coal-based power plants, including the supply of 42 units of 660 MW each using what is called super critical technology.

"The strategic cooperation between Reliance Power and a leading global supplier like the Shanghai Electric Corp will enable faster execution of our projects," said J.P. Chalasani, chief executive of Reliance Power.

"Shanghai Electric Corp's after-sales support will ensure higher availability and also assured maintenance support through the operating life of the our Projects," Chalasani added, soon after signing of the accord in the presence of group chairman Anil Ambani.

The financing for the deal is proposed to be provided by commercial banks, export credit agencies and other financial institutions in China, he said.

Among institutions which will provide financing are Bank of China, the China Development Bank (CDB), The Export-Import Bank of China (C-EXIM) and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC).

Shanghai Electric will also provide long-term supply of spares, training of manpower, support for the operation and maintenance, erection, testing and commissioning of the boiler, turbine and generator and after-sales service.

The supply of the boiler, turbine and generator packages has already started and will be completed over the next three years, said a Reliance Power statement.

The Indian company on its own and through subsidiaries has a portfolio of 37,000 MW of power generation capacity, both operational as well as under development.

The company had earlier announced the conclusion of one of the largest fund-raisers in India on a project-finance basis that had helped the financial closure for two ultra-mega power projec
Shanghai Electric $10 Billion Order From India Signals China Export Surge - Bloomberg

All indians should appreciate such help. Our banks gave you a multi billion loan to let you purchase such generators deadly needed by your average citizens.

Why do you open your mouth when you don't know stuff.
Basic economics tells that one should never finance a project with his own money but always take a loan.Reliance went for Chinese banks because they probably offered a better deal compared to Indian or other international banks.There is nothig India Vs China about it. It could have been a British or an American bank.Regarding the machines the chinese company must have won the bid and therefore the order was placed.Again there is nothing India VsChina about it.

Think rationally otherwise don't post.
Will India ever payback the loans ???

What kind of a stupid question is this?First of all "India" did not buy these .The generators are being purchased by a highly reputable private firm called reliance and it is their job to repay the loan .

Coming to your question ,the answer is YES
do you know how difficult it is to design and manufacture a generator? i'm not surprised that india can't do it, most countries except maybe 10 can't do it. there's so much fluid mechanics, materials science, thermodynamics, electromagnetics and computers in the design and construction of a generator, that it takes whole teams of engineers to design and manufacture.

Oh yes i do Know .I am a 3rd year electrical engineering student.By the way India does have the capability to manufacture generators.If i am not wrong BHEL manufactures generators and even exports some units.

Just checked out BHELs website .They do manufacture a wide range of generators
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