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Actually the term real GDP growth should be Nominal GDP growth minus Inflation. But the data is for further analyst and rarely included into the news media. Media just want to know GDP projection and real GDP (not projection anymore)

IMF or OECD when they show Real GDP growth number to the media, it means Nominal GDP growth number. They use the term real GDP to differenciate with their projection GDP growth figure

This is why Central Banks are so worried with inflation number, they even prefer to curb growth in order to curb inflation. See what The Fed is doing with inflation number that become the most important thing for them, they even dare to kill GDP growth in order to tame inflation growth. Those are Phd graduates in economics with long experience working as professional economist as well.

Inflation is tamed by reducing demand using interest rate increase, in technical words it means to reduce money circulation from real sector

I know the argument comes from Indian media, this show quality of Indian media. Even I heard the same thing from Indian equity analysts LOL

If the argument is true than Turkey nominal growth is the Fastest at 65 % per year since their inflation is around 60 % and real GDP growth projection by IMF/OECD is around 5% this year



Of course, 65% nominal is not impossible with their shit currency. Nominal growth in dollar term is real growth+ inflation - currency devaluation.
Of course, 65% nominal is not impossible with their shit currency. Nominal growth in dollar term is real growth+ inflation - currency devaluation.

That calculation from Turkey has already been there to see. See your false argument already been very clear. I have already explain what the meaning of real GDP for the media.

Believe with what ever you want to believe.
Of course, 65% nominal is not impossible with their shit currency. Nominal growth in dollar term is real growth+ inflation - currency devaluation.

Here, turkey nominal growth in their shit currency.
You are doing compounding of real growth percentage. Totally wrong. Nominal growth is Real growth+Inflation component. We are growing at 13-16% annually in nominal right now.

What does all that mean, LOL ?

If money is abolished among humanity or at least an evolved almost-Communist version introduced then all these MBA wordings and these "economists" and their projections and the stock exchanges and "B-schools" like London School of Economics and any other organization that seeks to make money from money including the arms industry, will have no place. After all money is an artificial construct so when it goes so will any associated industries.
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