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India to be the largest beef exporter

Eat animals not plants, animal gives CO2 and plants O2, more dead animals more plants====> No global warming....:lol:

P.S. - I think members from bangladesh will understand the importance.

What is needed is a healthy diet..
Meet your Recommended Daily Intake for each food group..
and you will be ok.
My research (personal) shows that people who eat beef does bad things more often.... Be it america, pakistan or middle east.... When people cut cow then does cows says am loving it? Its a Bad karma.... People who eat beef more often find them self in trouble. For mental peace a human should eat Vegetables.... Non veg and natural disaster is same coin different sides. Spread love. Love everything around u. Be a vegeterian and see the difference.... Trust me.

Well, there's a saying that when people eat beef - they become dumber. It was more of an urban legend in my country's culture.
But then, it was scientifically found to be true :lol:

See, beef is hard to digest. So to give more effort to the digestion, more blood comes down from the brain to the stomach. Hence, making people "dumber" in a sense :D

Eat animals not plants, animal gives CO2 and plants O2, more dead animals more plants====> No global warming....:lol:

P.S. - I think members from bangladesh will understand the importance.

Bahawhawhawhaw!! You the first one to tell me, and I believe you :D
My research (personal) shows that people who eat beef does bad things more often.... Be it america, pakistan or middle east.... When people cut cow then does cows says am loving it? Its a Bad karma.... People who eat beef more often find them self in trouble. For mental peace a human should eat Vegetables.... Non veg and natural disaster is same coin different sides. Spread love. Love everything around u. Be a vegeterian and see the difference.... Trust me.

one sentence ( typical hindu religion believes )

btw its scientifically proved tht some proteins we dont get from our body, meat, or beef provide us tht proteins. on the other hand its gud for humans health amd tasty too

Eat animals not plants, animal gives CO2 and plants O2, more dead animals more plants====> No global warming....:lol:

P.S. - I think members from bangladesh will understand the importance.

He studied his higher education from mars

and a big fan of bangladeshi fish
Well its better to avoid red meat products and eat more fish, veg and fruits for a healthy life..:tup:

While red meat is a good source of complete protein and iron, its regular consumption presents several health risks.

Cancer risk--

Recent studies indicate that red meat could pose a notable increase in cancer risk.

This has been attributed to the haemoglobin and myoglobin molecules which are found in red meat.

These molecules, when ingested, trigger a process called nitrosation in the gut, which leads to the formation of N-nitroso compounds, compounds that combine with DNA, and alter it so that it is more likely to undergo harmful changes or mutations that increase the likelihood of cancer.

Some studies have linked consumption of red meat with breast cancer, colorectal cancer, lymphoma, bladder cancer and prostate cancer. Overall, the relative risk of developing a fatal cancer is of 0.61 in non meat-eaters compared to people who eat red meat regularly.

Eating cooked red meat may increase the likelihood of cancer because carcinogenic compounds called heterocyclic amines are created during the cooking process. Heterocyclic amines may not explain why red meat is more harmful than other meat, however, as these compounds are also found in poultry and fish, which have not been linked to an increased cancer risk.

The Risk of Cardiovascular diseases--

Red meat has a high content of saturated fat, which is associated with cardiovascular diseases.

One study has determined that the death rate of non meat-eaters due to heart diseases is of 0.72 compared to meat eaters.

Other health issues--

Regular consumption of red meat has also been linked to bone loss, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and arthritis..
Well its better to avoid red meat products and eat more fish, veg and fruits for a healthy life..:tup:
NO!!! BEEF & pork is good for health....let the world consumption increase so that we can earn $$$$ and buy more Gripens & AWACs and LR missiles
I don't like Beef. It is not so good. It gives trouble in the toilet.
Chicken taste is very nice but not healthy for man.
Mutton taste is brilliant and healthy,
Chump and shoulder is my favorite piece.
Taste wise....members pls rank ur tastes according to ur preference
1) Pork
2) Lamb mutton
4) Chicken
My meaty quick fix joints.





hey doc you from pune right ? you could probably answer this question . in the mid 90s there used to be a place called "jaws" in abc food farms . is it still there?

by the way i love kareems which you showed up here . used to parcel food from there ever time i went next door to victory .
by the way what is this radio hotel famous for and where is it?
Taste wise....members pls rank ur tastes according to ur preference
1) Pork
2) Lamb mutton
4) Chicken
5) Frog

u bhartis eat frog i dont know tht.

well i can understand bcoz mother hood cow
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