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India to allow EU's Pak trade package to go through

I love the arrogant ToI titles. We LET Pakistan have this because we are magnanimous and graciousness in nature ha ha ha. Tripe.

Criticising just for the sake of it?

You would do better to know that the opposition consists of three countries and three countries only:




With India changing its stand, Bangladesh and Peru are expected to follow.

...and yes it is about being magnanimous.

I say a country that sacrifices its own traders' interests for the sake of interests of those belonging to a country most hostile to it, deserves so much as be called magnanimous.

There is no 'ha ha ha' about this.

...but you are free to troll anyways.
Where's the Realpolitik expression of affairs by Indians when it comes to Pakistan and China's "all weather friendship"?

I thought in that situation, nations do not have human qualities such as friendship only interests. Why should suddenly then India be bestowed with human qualities such as magnanimity. Face it titles like these are there to stroke your ego and you're insecure enough to fall for it.
Where's the Realpolitik expression of affairs by Indians when it comes to Pakistan and China's "all weather friendship"?

I thought in that situation, nations do not have human qualities such as friendship only interests. Why should suddenly then India be bestowed with human qualities such as magnanimity. Face it titles like these are there to stroke your ego and you're insecure enough to fall for it.

lol You're flamebaiting now and I politely refuse indulge in yet another time-wasting mud-slinging contest. You clearly do not want to discuss the topic.
Why? We pakistani and indian people are hungry for peace and development. We should applaud our leaders when they try to diffuse tensions and bring about good relationships. I for one being a pakistani applaud every little move towards freindship with all neigbours

AS I said Peace with Pakistan is good but NOT at the cost of Indians themselves.

Why so high and mighty, after all, do you speak for all indians?? or just yourself? Here's the fact of the matter, only the EU can effect trade with the EU - so while some may think they have yea or nay on the matter of the EU, reality is that only EU can effect such.
Give me a break. How does India lose out

Take a break and read the previous replies before posting one-liners.

Link and Link


Why so high and mighty, after all, do you speak for all indians?? or just yourself? Here's the fact of the matter, only the EU can effect trade with the EU - so while some may think they have yea or nay on the matter of the EU, reality is that only EU can effect such.


These practises amount to unfair trade practises under WTO regulations and India has the power to stop it. If it did not have this topic itself would jot have arisen as the EU would have gone ahead and implemented it. They need India's willingness to implement it.

And the topic is not about the EU's intentions but about whether the PM was justified in taking such a stand which directly stands to affect the Indian weavers.
@ gounder.....^^ You think so... Indian was only able to capture the garment industry in lieu of western aid and anti Pakistan govt. of Pakistan, itself.

Otherwise, Indians cannot compare the garment quality or quality of any product with Pakistan.

Only thoroughly useless people will talk and boast without anything to show for it.

The state of your economy and your nation's "products" is there for all to see.

Instead of making useless excuses, first do something, and then blab about how Pakistani products are "superior" to India's.

I sometimes wonder - even when your country is down in the dumps and universally reviled, people like you talk as if you are at the top of the world! One shudders to think what attitude you people would have shown if your nation had actually been worthwhile!
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