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India,the world’s third-largest economy by 2030? Dream on

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You feel jealous of Indians when world call us Other Rising Asian Giant after China because you people want to be Sole Rising Asian Giant.

LOL, that is ridiculous.

India Measures Itself Against a China That Doesn’t Notice - New York Times

MUMBAI, India — It seems to be a national obsession in India: measuring the country’s economic development against China’s yardstick.

Indians, in fact, seem to talk endlessly about all things China, a neighbor with whom they have long had a prickly relationship, but which is also one of the few other economies that has had 8 percent or more annual growth in recent years.

Indian newspapers are filled with articles comparing the two countries. Indian executives refer to China as a template for development. Government officials cite Beijing, variously as a threat, partner or role model.

But if keeping up with the Wangs is India’s economic motive force, the rivalry seems to be largely one-sided.

why you have interst in indian eco??
why dont you mind your business?
india will be 3rd eco after 2025 or before it and replace U.S after 2035[/QUOTE

I'm very interested to see how you come up with that analysis or conclusion. Some numbers would at least help.

why you have interst in indian eco??
why dont you mind your business?

It's the Indians who are always gloating about the coming collapse of China's economy. :lol: Just read this article from an Indian think tank:

The Fall of the Dragon - IDR

That predicted we would collapse during the 2008 Credit Crunch.

After that prediction failed, the Indians have been going on about housing bubbles in China, jasmine revolutions in China, high food inflation in China, ghost cities in China, non-performing loans in China, local authority debt in China... etc. All wishing for our economy to collapse.

But their obsession backfired on them. Now it is India who has collapsing growth rates, sky-high inflation, huge debts and trade deficits.

Poetic justice perhaps? :azn:
Aramsogo the "Zhong Guo Gong Ren in America", the $1 trillion investment in infrastructure is not WILL but IS starting this year to keep GDP growth rate of 8-10% and your Chinese Companies ARE flocking to have their share.

You seems like a Jealous butthurt. :lol: :lol:

Deepak in India-Will Land
no doubt in my mind that india will be world's third largest economy....there are so many projects going on currently...and we have man power to maintain this growth unlike other countries...

Indian Megaprojects - SkyscraperCity
At the pace we’re chugging along, it can become quite easy for another more nimble-footed competitor to overtake India . Already, there is some talk that the ‘I’ in BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) could be replaced by Indonesia.





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Indians are all about propaganda and absolute BS. None of them make a sensible knowledgeable post on this forum, so much is the level of illiteracy in India. Every single forum member from India just pollutes the forum with their utterly ignorant and totally false statements all the time that degrade the quality of the forum.

It is a mystery as to why the moderators are so lenient on the ******** who degrade the quality of the forum with their utterly false posts. India has the largest illiterate population in the world.

Indians are so utterly illiterate and incompetent that they do not even know simple facts, so it's a waste of a time to even engage in any discussion with these ignorant illiterates. Only Turks in this forum seem to match them with their propaganda of "strong military". What is the basis for such claims? "We WILL produce blah blah blah...", "We WILL do such and such and such...".

What have you two achieved so far? India can not even produce a single working assault rifle, not a single decent sniper rifle, not a working MBT that other countries would take a second look at, yet just for propaganda purposes to fool the hungry and illiterate masses they are spending hundreds of billions of rupees and more to build aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines - ALL with foreign help because they are too incompetent to build anything indigenously.
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