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India tells China: Kashmir is to us what Tibet, Taiwan are to you

I would like to ask some Pakistani members who support China in Tibet matter. As far as you guys are concerned India occupied Kashmir using its army. And you guys support freedom movement in Kashmir because it is an illegal occupation (according to you guys). Now just tell me how China came into Tibet? And in what way are you guys going to say it is not an illegal occupation ? Can you guys explain?
I would like to ask some Pakistani members who support China in Tibet matter. As far as you guys are concerned India occupied Kashmir using its army. And you guys support freedom movement in Kashmir because it is an illegal occupation (according to you guys). Now just tell me how China came into Tibet? And in what way are you guys going to say it is not an illegal occupation ? Can you guys explain?

Ironically, it originates in large part with British imperialism. British forces invaded Tibet in 1904 and administered it until 1947. Their aim was to create what they self-consciously called a ‘buffer state’ to protect their immense interests in India, then run by the British Raj, from potential advances by Russia and China. Tibet was turned into a guard dog for Britain’s vast Indian Empire. And the British discovered that the idea of Tibet as a mystical, paranormal land - that is, not a normal state and certainly not a part of those other normal states of China or Russia - was a very useful propaganda tool. As Alex McKay, author of Tibet and the British Raj: The Frontier Cadre 1904 to 1947, points out: ‘The [British] found that the mystical image could serve British interests. The mystical image reinforced Tibet’s separate identity… furthering the interests of the British cadre.’ The British had a strict policy of only allowing in writers and explorers who were sympathetic to the mystical image of Tibet and who also would not criticise the severities of British rule or of Buddhist serfdom. And, says McKay, ‘in the absence of a viable alternative, the image of Tibet they constructed became the dominant historical image followed by Western academics’ (2).Tibet: still a ‘buffer state’ for posh Westerners? | spiked

role played by the British rulers of Tibet in the 1920s, 30s and 40s in creating so-called Tibetan Independence. Where under the feudal rule of the Dalai Lamas, Tibet had conceived of itself largely as a religious entity, the lamas were convinced by the British to adopt the trappings of nationalism. As one fascinating historical study points out, the British funded the creation of a national Tibetan flag, a Tibetan football team and Tibetan school uniform, with the explicit, express aim, in the words of one British imperialist, of ‘showing that Tibet had its own art etc and that in some ways Tibet is more closely allied to India than to China’ (4). In short, the idea of ‘Tibetan independence’ was born largely from the needs of British imperialism in India, and from British conflict with China, rather than from the demands of the Tibetan masses.

Western pro-Tibet activists also overlook the role later played by Washington, in particular the CIA, in funding and training the Dalai Lama’s armed forces in the 1950s. Between China’s invasion of Tibet in 1951 and the fleeing of the Dalai Lama in 1959, the CIA took a keen interest in directing the Tibetan forces as part of what the Dalai Lama himself later described as Washington’s broader international campaign of ‘anti-Communism’ (5)Chinese officialdom embraces ‘Shangri-La’ | spiked

I dont recall the chinese leader asking the UN to intervene in tibet or taiwan and promising a vote to the people like the indian leader did in kashmir.
I would like to ask some Pakistani members who support China in Tibet matter. As far as you guys are concerned India occupied Kashmir using its army. And you guys support freedom movement in Kashmir because it is an illegal occupation (according to you guys). Now just tell me how China came into Tibet? And in what way are you guys going to say it is not an illegal occupation ? Can you guys explain?

Time is really running out for you folks isn't it ? I wonder if there is still going to be a free Tibet movement in 10 years once Hollywood finds something shinier and more trendy to support.
Time is really running out for you folks isn't it ? I wonder if there is still going to be a free Tibet movement in 10 years once Hollywood finds something shinier and more trendy to support.

As long as the development money keeps pouring into Tibet, the situation will continue to improve.

The Chinese government has a good track record at preventing any "armed insurgencies" from arising. Using the carrot and stick approach, i.e. development and good law enforcement.
As long as the development money keeps pouring into Tibet, the situation will continue to improve.

The Chinese government has a good track record at preventing any "armed insurgencies" from arising. Using the carrot and stick approach, i.e. development and good law enforcement.

Nah more important is cultural and demographic dilution. Start opening nightclubs and internet cafes then we'll see how many of them are eager to jump back in the lama's lap.
when did india play the tibet or taiwan card?

did they confused themself with U.S :rofl:

tibet never was independent, all generations of dalai lama need central government approval, and that's why british negotiate with china the border

U.S try to split tibet from china coz cold war and failed

china is not U.S which can massacred the native people

all country recognize tibet is part of china including dalai

daydream is free for traitors

for Kashmir, it's a different types of legal issue
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I think what Mr S.M. Krishna tried to convey by drawing parallel between Kashmir and Tibet is that, just like how Tibet is important to China, Kashmir is important to India. And both the issues are fueled by outsiders with vested interests with leaders playing the religious and "ethnically different" cards.

If China looses Tibet, other restive regions like Xinjiang would want to secede as well. Same goes with India in Kashmir, it doesn't want to let go Kashmir and set a precedence for other separatists movements in the country.

Why would India wan't to negate China's claim on Tibet and then draw parallel to Kashmir as many of you here think. Its like saying "India said Tibet is Occupied and its same as Kashmir issue and hence Kashmir is occupied by India." :confused:

Is it really that hard to understand, or were you guys just trolling and I am being a captain obvious?
Time is really running out for you folks isn't it ? I wonder if there is still going to be a free Tibet movement in 10 years once Hollywood finds something shinier and more trendy to support.

Nah more important is cultural and demographic dilution. Start opening nightclubs and internet cafes then we'll see how many of them are eager to jump back in the lama's lap.

I don't think rubbing it in helps with the cause of integrating Tibetans into main stream China:undecided:
I think India should recognize Tibet and Taiwan as a separate country. This would make the Indian members here proud and demonstrate India's intent. Taiwan definitely would welcome an embassy from India. However, this would also recognize that the Republican of China government represents the legitimate government of the whole China. This government makes big claims, including some Indian land.

As far as I'm concerned India does recognize Taiwan as a seperate country
Political status of Taiwan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
India ? Republic of China relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for Tibet, India has always supported the policy of Tibet being part of China. However the "government in exile (Tibetan government) is pretty much taking refugee in India. Who says India is supporting the seperatist movement? :undecided:
If KLashmir is to India what Tibet and Taiwan are to China, then why this big-mouth India avoids a voting in Kashmir to know if Kashmiris also feel the same love towards India? India's love is one-sided and is answered by constant opposition to its rule by the Kashmiris themselves. India should also demand to hand over Azad Kashmir from Pakistan. India is the biggest mouth democracy in the world without a culture of democracy.
If KLashmir is to India what Tibet and Taiwan are to China, then why this big-mouth India avoids a voting in Kashmir to know if Kashmiris also feel the same love towards India? India's love is one-sided and is answered by constant opposition to its rule by the Kashmiris themselves. India should also demand to hand over Azad Kashmir from Pakistan. India is the biggest mouth democracy in the world without a culture of democracy.

Then why do your countrymen keep coming into our border via illegeally? I guess your bangladeshi brothers love big mouth democracy that they'd rather die than live in bangladesh :rolleyes:
I don't think rubbing it in helps with the cause of integrating Tibetans into main stream China:undecided:

I doubt he actually lives in Tibet. Most of the Tibetans that could afford rides out of China in the 50's were the lamas or the aristocrats and judges by what they did to their own people, they're pretty much scum anyways.
As far as I'm concerned India does recognize Taiwan as a seperate country
Political status of Taiwan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
India ? Republic of China relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for Tibet, India has always supported the policy of Tibet being part of China. However the "government in exile (Tibetan government) is pretty much taking refugee in India. Who says India is supporting the seperatist movement? :undecided:
if u recognize one china policy or not it doesnt matter for china.but status of kashmir will remain disputed until it gains freedom from india.Kashmir is not an integral part of india.
if u recognize one china policy or not it doesnt matter for china.but status of kashmir will remain disputed until it gains freedom from india.Kashmir is not an integral part of india.

Of course it is :lol:
As far as I'm concerned India does recognize Taiwan as a seperate country Political status of Taiwan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
India ? Republic of China relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for Tibet, India has always supported the policy of Tibet being part of China. However the "government in exile (Tibetan government) is pretty much taking refugee in India. Who says India is supporting the seperatist movement? :undecided:

Yes, you are right if as far as you concern but the reality dosn't seem to support your ignorant claim.

Currently, the countries who maintain formal diplomatic relations with the ROC are:

Belize (1989)
Burkina Faso (1994)
Dominican Republic (1957)
El Salvador (1961)
Gambia (1995)
Guatemala (1960)
Haiti (1956)
Honduras (1965)
Kiribati (2003)
Marshall Islands (1998)
Nauru (1980–2002, 2005)
Nicaragua (1990)
Palau (1999)
Panama (1954)
Paraguay (1957)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (1983)
Saint Lucia (1984–1997, 2007)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1981)
São Tomé and Príncipe (1997)
Solomon Islands (1983)
Swaziland (1968)
Tuvalu (1979)
Vatican City (The Holy See) (1942)
Political status of Taiwan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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