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India tells Asean it believes in ‘open’ South China Sea

Vietnam is too weak to take on China. Get some help from India? India is too busy with Pakistan, no free time.
Hehe, we have high inflation bcz we've bought lots of mordern weapons recently, and now, we use those weapon to rob money from China to reduce our inflation , that's wise strategy, dude, we've just got 200 $ from you after ramming your ship :P
see! You rob money on the sea, that means Vietnam is stupid pirates. Only ignorant goofy just like you will relate weapon procurement to inflation rate. Enjoy your 200$, beg your living:coffee:
Several Countries Have Made Competing Territorial Claims Over The West Philippine Sea. So Nothing Wrong In What India Believe As Long As UN Recognize It As A International Territory.
You are liar about history of relation between Vietnam - China.
Around 1k years China invaded in Vietnam, Chinese was sitting in stronghold to received borbey only and Vietnamese ruled country by itself by Vietnamese warlords. After victory of our warlord NGO QUYEN year 938, pushed Chinese out from country, Vietnamese regained independence from China and later Emperor DINH TIEN HOANG declared our Kingdom with name of DAI CO VIET (Great Viet) after defeated all other warlords (in our history called as civil war of 12 warlords).
Around 1000 year Vietnamese have been defeated Yoan, Ming and Quing Kingdom chinese invaders sucessfully protected our independence. In the past Vietnamese used Chinese Characters to writing like Japanese do until now, no more.

China Kingdom acepted and called Annam Guo, and our Emperor Annam Guo Yang 安 南 国 王 in Englis : King of Annam state.

After 1954, Vietnam was divided in two states: North Vietnam and South Vietnam. HoangSa and TruongSa belong to South Vietnam. Letter of Mr. Fan dated 1958, he was North Vietnam PM, he respected the 12 miles coastline of China only. We are South Vietnmaese and Gov condemned China's statement.

You have stop lying about such true evident.

I know it is hard to talk to an illiterate.

Now see maps in chronicle order:


Han Dynasty


Tang Dynasty


Ming Dynasty

Of course, Annam provice of China is not whole today's Vietnam, because today's Vietnam also includes the territory robbed from Cambodia. Annam province of China is more part or all of today's North Vietnam.

Annam (Chinese province)

BTW, Annam means Pacified South because the ancient Chinese wanted the trouble-less south. It doesn't mean Annam has never been independent. It is heartening that local people also called it Annam Kingdom.
I know it is hard to talk to an illiterate.

Now see maps in chronicle order:


Han Dynasty


Tang Dynasty


Ming Dynasty

Of course, Annam provice of China is not whole today's Vietnam, because today's Vietnam also includes the territory robbed from Cambodia. Annam province of China is more part or all of today's North Vietnam.

Annam (Chinese province)

BTW, Annam means Pacified South because the ancient Chinese wanted the trouble-less south. It doesn't mean Annam has never been independent. It is heartening that local people also called it Annam Kingdom.

Such map no reflected all realities.

Yelang or Văn Lang was ancient country of Viet, north point of Văn Lang reached to Dongding Lake in China. Ancient Kingdom of Viet was Hung' Kingdom with 18 generation and Thuc's Kingdom existed until before Christian Century. Truth is that China has robbed huge Land of Viet.

From year 938 until last century folowing Kingdom of Viet ruled our country:
ĐINH Kingdom,
LÊ Kingdom,
LÝ Kingdom,
TRẦN Kingdom,
LÊ (same name as former LÊ) Kingdom,
NGUYỄN Kingdom, ended by 1945.

Officially Vietnamese called our country Đại Cồ Việt, Đại Việt and Đại Nam (in time of Nguễn Dynasty)

In case of you aren't enough illiterate, You can read many old version our History Book 大越史 written in Chinese by Vietnamese Historian in the past.
It's map no reflected all realities.
Yelang or Văn Lang was ancient country of Viet, north point of Văn Lang reached to Dongding Lake in China. Ancient Kingdom of Viet was Hung' Kingdom with 18 generation and Thuc's Kingdom existed until before Christian Century. Truth is that China has robbed huge Land of Viet.
From 938 until last century folowing Kingdom of Viet ruled our country:
ĐINH Kingdom,
LÊ Kingdom,
LÝ Kingdom,
TRẦN Kingdom,
LÊ (same name as former LÊ) Kingdom,
NGUYỄN Kingdom, ended by 1945.

Officially Vietnamese called our country Đại Cồ Việt, Đại Việt and Đại Nam (in time of Nguễn Dynasty)

In case of you aren't enough illiterate, You can read many old version our History Book 大越史 written in Chinese by Vietnamese Historian in the past.

Dai Viet didn't exist in the past, only the An Nan province, no more ultranationalistic bs from you Vietcong. :coffee:
And Mongolia can say that China is province of Mônglia.:coffee:

Today's Inner Mongolia is part of PRC no matter what.

Anyway, you are too weak to play those ultranationalistic cards with us, claiming Southern China as a former territory of Vietnam?

Gimme a break, even if 2012 is the true end of the world, it still won't become true. :coffee:
Today's Inner Mongolia is part of PRC no matter what.

Anyway, you are too weak to play those ultranationalistic cards with us, claiming Southern China as a former territory of Vietnam?

Gimme a break, even if 2012 is the true end of the world, it still won't become true. :coffee:

In fact, Han china doesn't exist until 1911, there was Mancu Guo's peovince. Qing's Kingdom acepted that Islands belong to Vietnam.:coffee:
In fact, Han china doesn't exist until 1911, there was Mancu Guo's peovince. Qing's Kingdom acepted that Islands belong to Vietnam.:coffee:

You can keep those islands, but we will keep drilling for the oil since you can only drill at the littoral water of the SCS.

Whereas the bottom of the sea contains more than 95% of the oil fields, we can reach it, but you can't.
You can keep those islands, but we will keep drilling for the oil since you can only drill at the littoral water of the SCS.

Whereas the bottom of the sea contains more than 95% of the oil fields, we can reach it, but you can't.

OK man, China must hand back to Vietnam Hoang Sa and we can negotiation on area to be common fishing area for both same as we did in Tonkin bay.
For the oil resource in deep sea I mean, is very limited and expensive if we drill it, not so much as propaganda of western said, US should get politic benefit when we fighting and kill each others. US can "sitting on mountain watching tigers fighting".:enjoy:
Long dead empires are not justification for modern expansionism. Imagine Spain trying to reclaim South America. France trying to reclaim Quebec. I can go on.

If China wants other countries territories, they can try bullying them into handing their land over to them without a fight.

I don't think that is going to work anymore. China has grown strong and now expects that strength to get them whatever they want. The democracies of Asia , and the US, will not allow China to just dominate the region.

China has to learn to build relationships based on mutual respect, not fear and arms shipments in return for what it wants.

The Chinese are supposed to be masters of diplomacy. The nations of Asia coming together in fear of a expansionist China.

That is certainly not in China's interest. The Chinese have to learn how to use soft power more effectively.
OK man, China must hand back to Vietnam Hoang Sa and we can negotiation on area to be common fishing area for both same as we did in Tonkin bay.
For the oil resource in deep sea I mean, is very limited and expensive if we drill it, not so much as propaganda of western said, US should get politic benefit when we fighting and kill each others. US an "sitting on mountain watching tigers fighting".:enjoy:

Nothing to hand back, we are going to drill at SCS anyway. :coffee:

Our oil rig can drill at 99% of the water in the world.


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