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India suspends visas for Canadians as row escalates

Mr. Mig - India and Saudi aren't even in the same league.

They have oil, you don't. You have to beg for oil from Russia.

Saudi GDP per capita nominal is some where around $29k a year, India's is $2500 a year (lower than Bangladesh).

Canada's GDP per capita nominal is $52k a year. :-)

I don't know what you're smoking about Canada sucking up to India....
There is no point talking to someone who will move the discussion to GDP while the context was about International student population.

India has chosen to stand up for itself. Something a country like yours can learn from. Probably the reason why Bangladeshis and Pakistanis are irked since they know a similar situation like this and their country would do little to stand up for itself.
Do I need to make a long list of ISI operations inside India?
Have some self respect and withdraw from the ICC world cup cricket tournament after threatening to do so.. that's a start now..don't you think?

Modi ji hai to mumkin hai

Turdo is like grand son of Modi ji . He should take evidence from his dad Biden .
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Canada should reciprocate with a visa ban, let’s see how those universities get funds to even keep those lights on.

Canadian universities don't rely solely on Indian students. Majority of the Indian students come here and work full time plus extra overtime to meet ends meet. Same goes for other South Asians like Bangladeshis and Pakistanis. Bulk of the Indian students attend small colleges which have lower fees to begin with.

The only country's students Canada will be weary of losing is China. In general, they are richer and pay their tuition with money flowing in from China. That's a big inflow for Canadian economy.
Canadian universities don't rely solely on Indian students. Majority of the Indian students come here and work full time plus extra overtime to meet ends meet. Same goes for other South Asians like Bangladeshis and Pakistanis. Bulk of the Indian students attend small colleges which have lower fees to begin with.

The only country's students Canada will be weary of losing is China. In general, they are richer and pay their tuition with money flowing in from China. That's a big inflow for Canadian economy.

40% of overseas students are Indians.

Indians pay 3x-5x fee as charged to normal Canadians.

Entire private college system in Canada is funded by Indians

Let's see, if we close the tap-

An instant hole of $8B-$10B annually to Canada

Private college system collapses, will ask funds from government- who pays? Taxpayer

~$30B impact on the economy

Housing prices go down- GDP shrinks

Wages increase(gig economy), productivity decreases, inflation increases (already 4%)

Consumption decreases

Economy already stagnant, deteriorates more.

Impact on India? Na-da, those who can pay 3x-5x fee can pay the same to any other country as well.

Permanent loss to Canada, permanent/temporary gain to other countries.

If Chungideshis and your erstwhile brethren could plug the hole, then Canada would have closed visa for Indians yesterday itself.
Housing prices go down- GDP shrinks

For that reason alone Every single Torontonians and Vancouverites will be more than happy if they ban issuing new visas to Indians. :lol: :lol:

On your post - don't get triggered Karen.

It's not only Indian students who pay international rate. The same goes for international students from every other nation. The difference is - in general - Chinese will bring in money from Outside Canada, whereas Indian and other South Asians have to rely on working 60-70 hours to pay for the tuition. By that very fact Chinese students are more valuable than the rest. Not to forget that a large number of them also buy real estate in Canada while they are student, very unlike students from India and the rest of South Asia.

Even that didn't stop Canada from arresting Meng Wanzhou of Huawei and risking the loss of major source of income.

At the end of the day - its Indian students who seek to attend Canadian universities and colleges, in the hope of obtaining PR and citizenship in future. Canada always has the option to fill its need of labour from other countries if Indians choose not to apply to move to Canada.

So your argument that because Canada did not ban Indian students, therefore India has a hold on Canada - holds no value.
For that reason alone Every single Torontonians and Vancouverites will be more than happy if they ban issuing new visas to Indians. :lol: :lol:
The interest of an individual does not always coincide with the interest of the state.
Housing prices will go down but everything else will go up.

No one apart from Indians are flocking to Canada, most Indians also flock to Canada because of PR and nothing else.

Why would anyone from a high income country flock to these shitty colleges?

Chinese bring money from "outside" and Indians work; how much do they earn as % of their fee? What is the value of Canadian goods, services they generate and consume in the economy?

Do you even know how an economy runs?

Canada arrest Meng, because of danda from US.

Reciprocal actions are a norm in diplomacy, if Canada has not resorted to it; it only means those who are at the helm are smarter than you.
Lol. Come back when they actually do it lungi.

F off moron.
You dumb cow piss licker it is already in the process.

Remember when you thought the USA would never leave Afghanistan? Your lot kept asking, " but when haha when when", and then BOOM, all your concerns were flushed into the toilet by the USA.

On this matter too, it will come when you least expect it!

You dumb low IQ apes!

For that reason alone Every single Torontonians and Vancouverites will be more than happy if they ban issuing new visas to Indians. :lol: :lol:

On your post - don't get triggered Karen.

It's not only Indian students who pay international rate. The same goes for international students from every other nation. The difference is - in general - Chinese will bring in money from Outside Canada, whereas Indian and other South Asians have to rely on working 60-70 hours to pay for the tuition. By that very fact Chinese students are more valuable than the rest. Not to forget that a large number of them also buy real estate in Canada while they are student, very unlike students from India and the rest of South Asia.

Even that didn't stop Canada from arresting Meng Wanzhou of Huawei and risking the loss of major source of income.

At the end of the day - its Indian students who seek to attend Canadian universities and colleges, in the hope of obtaining PR and citizenship in future. Canada always has the option to fill its need of labour from other countries if Indians choose not to apply to move to Canada.

So your argument that because Canada did not ban Indian students, therefore India has a hold on Canada - holds no value.
Canada already removed many visa requirements for Mexican citizens. Eventually the ease will be extended to other South American / Latin American countries.
You dumb cow piss licker it is already in the process.

Remember when you thought the USA would never leave Afghanistan? Your lot kept asking, " but when haha when when", and then BOOM, all your concerns were flushed into the toilet by the USA.

On this matter too, it will come when you least expect it!

You dumb low IQ apes!

Canada already removed many visa requirements for Mexican citizens. Eventually the ease will be extended to other South American / Latin American countries.
Lol. Afghan Taliban is screwing you over and US has put your stupid PM in Jail and made your people run behind an atta truck for sustenance. India is still sitting comfortably in Afghan today. Afghan Taliban is encouraging India to open all consulates. Quoting this for an example shows how stupid and idiotic you are really.

We have openly challenged Canada to reciprocate the Visa action. That Buffon PM of Canada skirted the question all together. Come back when he actually does it. Enjoy this.

At UNGA, today.
Lol. Afghan Taliban is screwing you over and US has put your stupid PM in Jail and made your people run behind an atta truck for sustenance. India is still sitting comfortably in Afghan today. Afghan Taliban is encouraging India to open all consulates. Quoting this for an example shows how stupid and idiotic you are really.

We have openly challenged Canada to reciprocate the Visa action. That Buffon PM of Canada skirted the question all together. Come back when he actually does it. Enjoy this.

At UNGA, today.
Says you!

The work to build the Peshawar-Kabul highway continues even as you breathe through your miserable life!
Says you!

The work to build the Peshawar-Kabul highway continues even as you breathe through your miserable life!
Lol. Only being miserable here is you. And so many are being killed by TTP who are still getting patronage under Taliban as you breath too. Pakistanis are nobodies these days. Lol.
The interest of an individual does not always coincide with the interest of the state.
Housing prices will go down but everything else will go up.

No one apart from Indians are flocking to Canada, most Indians also flock to Canada because of PR and nothing else.

Why would anyone from a high income country flock to these shitty colleges?

Chinese bring money from "outside" and Indians work; how much do they earn as % of their fee? What is the value of Canadian goods, services they generate and consume in the economy?

Do you even know how an economy runs?

Canada arrest Meng, because of danda from US.

Reciprocal actions are a norm in diplomacy, if Canada has not resorted to it; it only means those who are at the helm are smarter than you.

Yes, you are the expert in Economics and geo-Politics, the rest of us are clowns. Now pat yourself in the back and be happy. :lol:

Reciprocal actions are not always a norm in diplomacy. I don't know which two penny text book you read it from.

It makes absolutely no sense for Canada to place a ban on Indians.
  1. it will keep the visa open to facilitate Pro-Khalistan "refugees" to migrate, directly in defiance to India.
  2. if Indians are willingly bringing their wealth into Canada, why should Canada stop that flow of income? Canada did not ban Chinese visa even during the Meng situation. Let India ban their own citizens from moving to Canada.
As for Canada fearing US danda - for your information, Canada does not have a "comprehensive" sanction on Iran and Cuba, despite being the closest ally of US. It has limited sanctions in place on Iran and Cuba. Canadian businesses can do business in both countries provided they do not deal with items and parties prohibited under Canadian sanction regime. If Canada was dictated at the whims of US, there would have been comprehensive sanction on both those countries and have zero connection long ago.

The only key advantage India has over Canada in this confrontation is that - US and the rest of the West will remain silent on this, as they view India as a critical player against China. And they wouldn't want to risk their trade with India and access to India's large market. So Canada is completely on its own in this case.

But to say that this visa ban shows India has a hold over Canada, is utterly ridiculous.

It's Indians who want to come to Canada, not the other way around. Only people impacted by this ban are those NRIs without OCI and Canadian tourists to India, which is nothing significant. So this visa ban is in effect nothing but a show, so that Hindutva nationalists can feel good about themselves and pat themselves in the back.

Indians not coming to study or migrating will surely negatively impact Canadian economy, but it is nothing critical that there will be a crisis in Canadian economy. The fact that you think it is a big deal shows you have very limited knowledge on Canadian economy and politics.

Migrants from India can be replaced by more migrants from Eastern Europe, Phillipines, West and North Africa, and the rest of South Asia. The number of immigrants from these regions have been growing in recent years. If Indians don't come, it will just open a spot for someone else. There is already a very strong case amongst Conservative circle that Canada already has too many migrants and if Conservatives come back to power, they may significantly limit immigration or even stop it altogether.

So the bottom line is - India does not have any hold over Canada that could be considered as critical in this diplomatic row.
Lol. Only being miserable here is you. And so many are being killed by TTP who are still getting patronage under Taliban as you breath too. Pakistanis are nobodies these days. Lol.
No you have a miserable life. Have had it throughout the recorded history and are God Willing destined for it here and in the hereafter.

You lot continously fail to avoid failing alliances. First you tied yourself to the dying USSR horse, then lost Billions along with experienced operatives in Afghanistan while your own people starve and lack water to wash let and drink, and now you have guaranteed a target for the Chinese Dragon, and all it took was a little praise from your White masters and a few call centers.

Pakistan got out of many situations without making death/life comittments. But you, the praise starved fools, have guaranteed yoursleves to be the target of the relentless, unforgiving and unspeakbly painfull onslaught of the Chinese military in the upcoming war.
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