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India supporting "Terrorists" in Afghanistan against Pakistan

Mark my word if at all the same Chuck visits India next time as def.sec,he will issue a Public statement that "Pakistan is Epicenter of Terrorism"
Because we are not fools. We know who is telling the truth and who is not.
So who is telling the truth ?

Do you know what this guy support and what it means to Pakistan since he has become Defense Secretary ?

Kindly read about him.
So who is telling the truth ?

Do you know what this guy support and what it means to Pakistan since he has become Defense Secretary ?

Kindly read about him.

Mr. Hagel is a US politician, and I don't expect anything to change in US policies towards Pakistan after he takes office. What he said a long time ago will not mean much in the present situation.
Mr. Hagel is a US politician, and I don't expect anything to change in US policies towards Pakistan after he takes office. What he said a long time ago will not mean much in the present situation.

Still how does it prove that you guys are not fools? How did you decide on the truthfulness of his statements?
We have been fighting terrorism for a long,long time and to stop that counter measures are important.(to fight cancer you have to kill the good cells to)

This is what US wants. India and Pakistan fighting each other forever keeping the region in eternal instability.

There is no moral side of India supporting terrorists in Pakistan. And its a strategic blunder too. The Indian proxies will be neutralized easily by Pakistan military when Pakistan gains control over Af-Pak border post 2014 when US ends combat operations. Then what?

You can't fight terrorism by terrorism.


The only solution is dialogue. Afg, Pak, Iran and Ind dialogue with US and britain as mediators.

You are right, solution is a dialogue. But don't involve the UK and US as mediators. They are the ones who created the crisis, how can you expect them to solve it?

I say lets dump US and UK. Both India and Pakistan should break alliance with US if they want any solution in the region.

India, Pakistan, Iran should have a dialogue. For mediators - Lets engage Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Lets engage Russia, China and the regional power blocks. Pakistan has close alliance with China, SCO has also invited Pakistan for full membership. India also has close alliance with Russia/China as partners in BRICS. India has close alliance with Russia over close defense and economic cooperation.

I say lets discuss the regional problems among our regional partners and security block. F@ck the Americans and British. We don't want two imperialist powers to get involved in the region. They are saboteurs. Asia can handle its dispute by itself.
Mr. Hagel is a US politician, and I don't expect anything to change in US policies towards Pakistan after he takes office. What he said a long time ago will not mean much in the present situation.

You are right. What Hagel is doing is that he is manipulating both India and Pakistan turning up against each other.

Did you see that coming my fellow Indians? After allying with US all these years, US is now blaming India for problems in Pakistan.

I say it again - India should break alliance with US. US is a backstabbing nation. It will happily turn India and Pakistan against each other and withdraw from Afghanistan. And both nations will keep fighting each other in future.
Okay no problem. It won't affect India. USA looks at its own interest and India has its own.

Every country has its own intrests to protect. I was just trying to explain to the guy before that they are no ones friends. Every one was accusing pakistan for backstabbing americans so now they know why.

And now you are also doing the same....some allegations are credible while others just remain allegations.
In essence the America has known for several years on how India supports terrorism against Pakistan hence it either ignores or sidelines when India cries Wolf.
And now you are also doing the same....some allegations are credible while others just remain allegations.
In essence the America has known for several years on how India supports terrorism against Pakistan hence it either ignores or sidelines when India cries Wolf.

Leon Panetta said the above when he was THE defense secretary. Chuck Hagel said the point of contention in 2011 in some obscure university speech when he was just a senator. Now talk about credibility !
Leon Panetta said the above when he was THE defense secretary. Chuck Hagel said the point of contention in 2011 in some obscure university speech when he was just a senator. Now talk about credibility !

Pakistan's nukes might fall into hands of terrorists: Panetta

When a person thinks it may happen, i doubt one would bet a dime on it. Albeit, convinced but remember no WMD turned up in Iraq, on the contrary one has to look at ground realities vis-a-vis...India > Afghanistan > Pakistan. It's no brainier to assume where and how these elements acting against Pakistan are being fed with an endless supply of resources.
India's malicious designs are no secret at least to Pakistan, the only difference is militants have replaced the Muktis. !!
I think the way the Indian embassy responded was really stupid - has opened a door that they will regret - the direction Afghanistan may take is still really up in the air - there's a lot of hopeful talk about reconciliation and negotiations, but it's just that, talk, at least so far - and I would invite readers to once again read the published response from the Indian embassy in Washington - it seems to me that some in the Indian seem, to my sense, a bit out of the loop so to speak, they seem not to have picked up the meaning of the Kerry state and Hagel defense dept, not the urgency to exit Afghanistan, and seem to be positioning for a "counter terrorism" melieu, which, if I may suggest, is liable to be a departure from the past.
Excuse me...... is this ""financed problems" or "Financed terrorists"? Why changing the Cliché when it comes to India?

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