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India successfully launches weather satellite, three others

Congrats to my Indian friends and good job DRDO. But one thing I would like to say here. Last week I saw China's satellite launch they fixed cameras on rocket itself to examine closely the separation of all three stages. Why don't we follow the same method? I very much like that idea. It will helpful to understand the flaw in any case and at the same time good opportunity for students to learn examine closely such critical launch.

i think we should now put more effort in our avatar(reusable space plane) program


Mates! I have question for you all .. I have noticed but failed to understand why all satellite covered with that Golden color aluminum foil? Thanks in advance.

Thank you very much mate ...so its mean that foil cover stay on satellite for good? or it will remove before launch? sorry I am bit confused here.

Thank you very much mate ...so its mean that foil cover stay on satellite for good? or it will remove before launch? sorry I am bit confused here.


Its not a gold foil..rather may be a metallized Mylar or Kapton Polymide film..MLI (multi- layer insulation, aka thermal blanket) is made up of many layers of aluminized polyimide. Polyimide is a type of plastic, and yellow in color. It's coated with aluminum on the inside surface so it looks gold. Bare aluminum reflects radiation very well, which means it absorbs heat very slowly. But it also radiates heat VERY slowly. An aluminum foil sitting in vacuum in direct sunlight will heat up to a pretty high temperature. Plastic film with aluminum backing absorbs heat a little faster, but it also radiates heat a lot faster, so it works better as the outer-most layer of the MLI.

The covering of many components may stay as it is.
Thanks a lot for formative post " Martin & Ashok" You make my life easier.;) Now can sleep peacfully all the night..

Congratulation to ISRO & every indian....:yahoo:

and thats the video of PSLV C-18 launch :tup:

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