You are a disgrace to the language left to you by your British Masters.Wrong. The so called quantum communication is actually a quantum key distribution mechanism in quantum cryptography, it has existed way before chinese test of so called quantum satellite and it was tested in past as well.
Again wrong. Chinese HSR is built on technology acquited from european HSR companies. Japan has been the real pioneer in HSR.
Wrong again. The real breakthrough in what you call 'AI' actually came from Canada. The current hype of AI breakthrough is due to deep-learning. Again, it is based on seminal work done in 2012 by Alex Krizhevsky of Geoffrey E. Hinton group in University of Toronto on something called as AlexNet. Before this the field of Deep Learning was not exactly very popular. All the current burst of activity in 'AI' and Deep Learning comes from his work.
Not just that, the next big thing in AI and deep learing is again coming from Geoffrey E. Hinton. It is called Capsule Networks.
your remaining claims are not even worthy of being pointed out.
Made significant contributions to.From China, they have made contributions to the following.
Fastest Super Computer for the past 6 years continuously till this June 2018.
Quantum Communication.
High Speed Train.
Leader in Artificial Intelligence.
Ultra-high-voltage electricity transmission
Solar Power.
Bike Sharing.
Mobile payment and Cashless shopping.
Infrastructure Building(Bridges)
etc etc.