کتے بھونکیں ہزار ھاتھی چلے بازار
کتے بھونکتیں رہتے ہیں اور قافلے چلتے رہتے ہیں
These scums are surviving and thriving on our attention.How Altaf the fat toad and his rehortics have died,after state has banned it's coverage.
We should stop giving them any attention.
I was once worried about these bastards and there rehortics,but one day i visited a premier counter terrorism school situated in Punjab,there were all most 80% Sindhi and Pashtun Instructors.That has strengthened my faith on unity of state.
Move On,plz don't provide them coverage,that's there life line.If they wouldn't be in head lines,there handlers would face disappointment.
P.S:This is weakness of state,that every bastard is able to bark on Pakistan,without fear ofbacklash.