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India Sponsored Terrorism in Bangladesh

Stumper,That news is dated 2005.The news is very much possible to be true,as JMB was quite active in those days.And executed JMB leader had confessed that the supply of bomb making materials came from India.However, this particular case does not show state sponsored terrorism like the Shanti Bahini incident.
These could have been supplied by terrorists in India.May be Indian Hujis or other nutjobs.

Leon : JMB has operation in INDIA also.

Militants were hired from India to kill Hasina, Zia: Report
Apparel leaders point finger at neighbouring country

Staff Correspondent

Garment manufactures and exporters, along with business leaders, on Sunday pointed finger at a competitor country for ‘conspiring’ to destroy some 150 garment factories near Dhaka.

They said the activists, dictated by the agents of that country, were instigating labourers in the name of deprivation and low wage and gathered unruly people under the coverage of garment labourers for such destruction.

The leaders urged enhanced security measures at every garment industry to keep production going and for the safety of the owners and workers.

They alleged said intelligence agencies, after being informed, failed to track the agents who instigated the workers, who the factory owners have not held responsible for the destructions.

Destruction is part of a blueprint to keep the buyers off the Bangladesh apparel industry that has been experiencing robust growth in recent times, they said.

‘The agents of a neighbouring country have planned to destroy the factories by instigating some unruly workers,’ said Abdus Salam Murshedy, acting president of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters’ Association at a briefing on Monday after workers had damaged about 150 garment factories on the outskirt of Dhaka and inside the EPZ at Savar.

‘The unrest and destruction are not a sudden outbreak. It was a well-designed conspiracy,’ Salam said. ‘When the garment industry is posting a robust growth and orders keep flooding the factories, the agents of the neighbouring country targeted Bangladesh’s apparel industry.’

The leaders also blamed the police for not protecting the garment factories the rampage. Some leaders demanded army deployment for an increased security.

Many garment owners said few NGOs and political activists were also involved in the process. Some said foreign buyers were asking about the latest situation and expressed their concern.

The Bangladesh Employers’ Federation president, Syed Manzur Elahi, Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters’ Association president Fazlul Hoque and the Bangladesh Chamber of Industries president, AK Azad, also addressed the briefing.

In the afternoon, BGMEA leaders marched towards the Prime Minister’s Office demanding protection. The police blocked the procession at Farmgate. Two representatives later went to the PMO and met the commerce minister.

The BGMEA leaders also met the leader of opposition in parliament, Sheikh Hasina, who also demanded increased security measures.

Source:newagebd, May 20-22/2006
Ominous signs on the horizon

Shahiduzzaman Khan

Garment factories are being attacked one after another, some being set on fire by unruly mobs and property worth billions of takas has been, meanwhile, gutted in the name of movement for realising some demands. These are ominous signs.

The agitating mob became violent in Savar, broke through the Ansars' cordon and were locked in pitched battles with the law enforcing agencies. Workers from the neighbouring factories joined hands with the agitating workers, put barricade on Dhaka-Aricha Highway, attacked the nearby 100 garment factories and set fire to two units. They stormed into the Savar Export Processing Zone (EPZ). Many workers from the EPZ joined their hands with the agitating workers. Hundreds of buses and cars came under attack. An identical incident happened in Mirpur and other city areas the following day. The agitators set on fire numerous garment factories, damaged scores of cars in a dangerous orgy of destruction.

Now who is responsible for such bizarre acts? The workers in some garment factories do not get handsome salary. That may be true. They may be offered an amount that hardly is enough for their subsistence. Still they remained mostly peaceful. Why they reacted so violently this time is to be ascertained.

The garment owners association -- the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) -- has found a deep-rooted conspiracy that worked from behind the scene of such dastardly attacks. A similar incident happened two days ago in Gazipur. The management of a sweater factory was having talks on raising piecemeal contract of a certain employee. One wonders how such routine talks ended up in a massive showdown in Gazipur. In the incident, nearby garment factories also came under attack. Employees barricaded the roads leading to the suspension of communication between the city and the northern districts. Many cars and buses were damaged by the agitating mob. The factory was set on fire. Property worth billions of takas was damaged in the incident.

Such violent incidents, happening one after another in a week, gave rise to many questions. Is it the work of the opposition political parties which want to cash in on such incidents to mount greater pressure on the government? Is it the explosion of deep anger and frustration of workers that have been accumulated over the years against the owners of the garment industry? Or, is any extraneous force working from behind the scene to destroy the country's highest foreign exchange earning industry?

The first proposition can be readily dismissed as the opposition politicians would hardly think of destroying the country's RMG sector. The garment owners patronise both the government and the opposition. The members of the BGMEA are either supporters of the government or the opposition individually. The possibility is remote that such persons would tend to harm the industry. On the second notion, one may say that the ground is not rife enough as yet for such an explosive outburst of garment workers. Many owners have become compliant and raised the salary structure of the employees. Workers mostly take to the streets for realising their unpaid salaries and bonuses. This time they had no such solid ground.

However, doubt shrouds over the last proposition whether it was an act of extraneous forces who that want to see the local apparel industry ruined. Unfortunately, the country does not have effective intelligence services. The intelligence agencies are not also fully equipped. Had such agencies been equipped enough to discharge their duties more effectively, the management of the garment factories could have known much earlier about what is going to happen.

However, sources close to the BGMEA said, some quarters here in connivance with extraneous forces are conspiring to destroy the local garment industry. They are allegedly instigating the workers to be violent against the 'oppressors' and manhandle the owners. These are no trade unionism.

There are certain rules to follow by trade unions. For realising certain demands, the union must notify the management and give a certain deadline to meet their demands. If the management fails, then unions must notify about its next course of actions - sit-in programmes, strike etc. If the management fails to strike a compromise deal, the union may go for strike or an agitation programme. Reports from Gazipur, Savar and Mirpur say that the unions did not serve any notice to the management about any issue. As such, there was no room for escalating agitations by the trade unions on a legal basis.

According to what a BGMEA leader alleged that a neighbouring country wants to grab Bangladesh's share in the competitive international market by creating an unstable situation at the factories. Are things going the way the BGMEA leader alleged? There were many 'blue-dressed' outsiders also who had attacked the factories along with the workers. Who had brought these outsiders -- nobody knows. Their identities need to be ascertained as soon as possible.

According to a factory owner, manufacturers of a neighbouring country had told a buyer from France not to do business with Bangladesh saying that a war-like situation was prevailing there. Following such an advice, that buyer postponed his planned visit to Bangladesh. A high profile German trade delegation has been in Bangladesh. Convinced about the favourable investment environment here, the leader of the delegation said Bangladesh should appoint a professional public relations agency of global repute to promote the country's image abroad. The acts of such vandalism and blazing of factories might have frustrated the enthusiasm shown by the Germans.

The country was doing pretty well after the phase-out of textile quota system. The garment sector thrived after that, with the addition of new orders from buyers. Feeling uncomfortable over the emerging situation, a neighbouring competitor might have gone for hard action. This is the feeling that prevails among the local manufacturers.

At Hong Kong WTO Ministerial, Bangladesh failed to get duty-and quota-free access to the US market. Two SAARC members lobbied openly against Bangladesh. Such lobbying against a particular least developed country in WTO negotiations is undesirable. Even the US -- where Bangladesh lobbyist worked hard for getting duty- and quota-free entry -- gave in to the intense lobbying of such neighbours.

It is thus assumed on some perceived grounds, real or imaginary, that a nexus has emerged to subvert the interests of the country. After Gazipur, Savar and Mirpur, more areas are feared to remain wide open to attack. The government must act urgently and prudently to break this nexus, if it exists at all. A peaceful atmosphere must return to the beleaguered sector that earns fortune for the country.

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A Bangladeshi national, identified as Dulal Mian (32), was arrested at the Kulubari area under Sonamura sub-division in the West District along with arms in the night of November 12, according to Sentinel. Dulal Mian, who is a resident of Deviduyar village of Comilla District in Bangladesh, had infiltrated into India and was living there since the past two years after marrying an Indian girl. An improvised pipe gun along with two rounds of 7.62 ammunition was recovered from his possession. During interrogation, Mian confessed that he travelled across the border frequently and had procured the arms from Bangladesh for different militant outfits active in India''s northeast.

Terrorism Update


The progeny of any nation are its real force. Today's young generation will serve the nation tomorrow. They are the ones who will lead their nation towards prosperity and save it from internal and external enemies.' The young ones of today will be responsible tomorrow for safeguarding the freedom, sovereignty and integrity of the country. If they (the younger generation) are alert and united then enemies cannot implement their nefarious designs.

RAW, which is ###### bent on damaging the independence and sovereignty of Bangladesh, realizes that the couIitry's youth is the most formidable obstacJe in the way of its ugly designs. Thus RAW has devised elaborate plans to influence the minds of the younger generation. RAW wants to wipe out spirit of independence and pride from their identity and heritage. It believes that if it can manage to eliminate revolutionary thoughts and high moralf!otfrom Bangladeshi youth, they will become easy prey for its evil scheme. In order to achieve tliis goal, RAW is working on various fronts. Some of them are :

Promotion of Narcotics
RAW is pushing various narcotics through its agents, traders and smugglers into Bangladesh. Under RAW's instructions, Indian border authorities connive with smugglers and help them in trafficking of narcotics into Bangladesh. At a time. when the entire world has declared an open war against narcotics, RAW is patronising drug pushers and smugglers. It is making crores of Takas by this illicit trade, besides converting the youth of Bangladesh into drug addicts. The Bangladesh Rifles and Directorate of Narcotics have seized huge quantities of Heroin, cocain, Aphim, Charas, Ganja and Bhang etc. during the recent years. These drugs originate from India and are infiltrated into Bangladesh through porous borders under patronage of RAW Officials.

A senior official of Directorate of Narcotics admitted that the flow of drugs from India can hardly be checked. Despite efforts only five percent of qu.antity smuggled can be seized by_Bangladesh border authorities, while the drug pushers manage to smuggle the rest through the porous border using road, rail and water ways"(The Daily Inqilab : January 21, 1995).Recently smuggling of cigarette pipes filled with 'Ganja' (0ne kind of narcotic) has also been spotted. Directorate of Narcotics seized 8725 such pipes in 1993 and 6114 in 1994. Directorate of Narcotics also seized pethidine, ID lacquer, local wine, Fitterend wine, 'Tari' (one kind of local wine), Spirit, Vinecherd Spirit, Bakar, Patvi, Hilly wine, TD, Genisock injection etc. Trafficking of phensydil has also been discovered In 1993.

Directorate of Narcotics seized 29514 cans, in 1994 (jan-Oct) 56,126 bottles and 1058 litre cans were seized. On the other hand Bangladesh Rifles seized 2087 bottles and 32829 bottles of phensydil in 1993 and 1994 respectively. Daily 'AI Mujaddiecl' wrote in its issue of December 6, 1995, "More than one crore bottlesof Fencidil have been smuggled into Bangladesh. Cost of the same comes to 90 crore takas'. It may be explained that Phencidyl is a yery harmful drug. Its addict loses white blood cells. The development of new blood cells stops. This' leads to sure death.

Drug trafficking has become a serious problem in Bangladesh. There are more than five hundred illegal sale centres in Dhaka alone. The number of addicts is on the increase. There are more than one lakh drug addicts in Dhaka according to a WHO report but other sources say that number is about four lakh.National professor and prominent physician Dr. Nurul Islam told The Daily Inqilab that increasing drug addiction among the youth may cause shortage of young manpowerin the coming years. Theinvolvement of youth in immoral and unsocial activities 'will adversely affect country's economy and social fibre. This is exactly what RAW desires.

Bangladesh is a poor country but the abuse of addiction is making it worse. According to careful estimates 500 crore takas are wasted every year through use of drugs and narcotics in the country.Whatever its consequences may be for Bangladesh but RAW has earned the singular notoriety of being an intelligence agency which promotes drugs for furthering its nefarious agenda.

Supplementing Terrorism RAW has been smuggling arms, ammimition and explosives in Bangladesh to supplement terrorism. Their primary targets are universities and other educationa1 institutions, trade unions and political parties. Due to unabated snil,lggling of weapons by RA Wagents, the country is witnessing unparalleled proliferation of arms.The frequency oC armed clashes between various student groups, trade union activists and cagres of political parties has increased manifold. Only in ((Dhaka university 55 students were killed in armed clashes during the last 24 years.

The Daily Inqilab reported in its issue of August 7, 1995 that huge quantity of illegal arms were being smuggled into Bangladesh from India. Also included in the category are land mines, mortar bombs and high powered VHF wireless sets. Most of these arms are made in India. The s~uggling of weapons is taking place, through t4eporous Indo-Bangladesh border. Besides, Shantibahini was also smuggling arms into Bangladesh.
Daily Al Mujadded reported in its issue of January 19, 1995 that a number of illegal arms and ammunition factories were operating in Indian towns located near Indo-Bangladesh border. RAW is known to be patronizing these factories. The arms and ammunition manufactured in these factories are mostly smuggled into Bangladesh with the help of RAW agents:- In 1993 some illegal factories were also unearthed in Bangladesh at Chittagong, Mymensingh and Rajshahi. These were carrying out their nefarious business in collaboration with RAW agents. The raw material for these factories used to be smuggled from India.

On February 13, 1995, police seized 2016 Indian made chocolate bombs in Demra, when these were being taken to the capital city Dhaka. There are reports .that large quantity of deadly explos.ies is smuggled into the country which is used for preparation of bombs, mines and other sabotage material.According to the Daily Sangram a huge quantity of arms and ammunition is regularly smuggfed from India. Smugglers, anti-social elements, armed cadre~ of political parties, terrorists criminals, trade union activists and students are getting modern weapons from RAW agents.

These arms are smuggled into Bangldesh using different channels through land, air and waterways. Though police has been seizing a lot of arms but still a large quantity of arms finds its way to unlawful hands. Smuggling is done by RAW agents in such a systematic manner that police and other agencies remain unaware. The newspaper further informs that there are reports that arms producing factories have been established near Bangladesh borders under the patronage of RAW. Existence of such factories at 24 Pargana, Bangaon, Ranaghat, NAdia, Aurangabad and Dalian have been learnt. The Daily states that the provincial and Central Governments. of India are maintaining suspicious silence about these illegal factories. It indicates that the illegal business has tacit support of higher Indian authorities(The daily Sangram : March 8, 1995).

The Daily Inqilab reported that Railway police arrested a RAW agent named Ganesh Biswas from compartment No. 3599 of Khulna-Goalando mail train with arms and ammunition on January 6, 1995. Ganesh was smuggling arms and ammunition on behalf of Dilip Boshak of Nadia District, India and was to deliver it to an individual affiliated to a political party. Ganesh told police that he has been involved in trafficking of illegal arms inside Bangladesh for the past many years.The above reports amply highlight the involvement of Indian authroities particularly RAW in smuggling of arms ammuniton and explosive into Bangladesh. .

Proliferation of Immoral Video and cassettes of Indian films are easily available in urban as well as in rural areas of Bangladesh. There are hundreds of thousands of video shops all over the couAtry.Dhaka alone has about 50,000 video shopswhel\e IndiaI)films are available for sale and hire"(The Daily Jonakantha : October 23, 1994).It is indeed surprising to note that the nation which had fought and struggled against 'Urdu' now proudly watches Hindi films and listens to Hindi music. People who fought against autocratic Pakistani regime, are now watching Indian cultural aggression as silent spectators. The Daily further writes that the business of obscene films is booming under the garb of Hindi films. Most of these obscehe films are prepared in India and smuggled to Bangladesh. The ea.sy availabiltiy of these obscene films is
a grave threat for the, plorals of our new generation.

RAW is known to patronise this organized dirty game. Their aim is to destroy the moral fibre of our new generation and make it vulnerable to secularistic approach.It is an established modus operandi of RAW to use sex as bait for enrolment and running of agents. It provides obscene reading and video material to its agents and contacts. RAW regularly purchases large quantities of English and Hindi pornographic magazines and blue video films for circulation. RAW's safe houses serve as virtural sex houses where carnal desires of its agents are taken care of Of course such compromising moments are also preserved in the cameras for future black mailing in case the agent shows signs of wavering or slackening. It may be mentioned that such practices are resorted to by other intelligence agencies as well at limited scale. But RAW perhaps is the only agency which distributes pronographic literature and video films in bulk to spoil the entire youth of a target country. Indeed for RAW no holds are barred in the ruthless pursuit of its objectives.

Source: "RAW and Bangladesh" by Mohammad Zainal Abedin


The progeny of any nation are its real force. Today's young generation will serve the nation tomorrow. They are the ones who will lead their nation towards prosperity and save it from internal and external enemies.' The young ones of today will be responsible tomorrow for safeguarding the freedom, sovereignty and integrity of the country. If they (the younger generation) are alert and united then enemies cannot implement their nefarious designs.

RAW, which is ###### bent on damaging the independence and sovereignty of Bangladesh, realizes that the couIitry's youth is the most formidable obstacJe in the way of its ugly designs. Thus RAW has devised elaborate plans to influence the minds of the younger generation. RAW wants to wipe out spirit of independence and pride from their identity and heritage. It believes that if it can manage to eliminate revolutionary thoughts and high moralf!otfrom Bangladeshi youth, they will become easy prey for its evil scheme. In order to achieve tliis goal, RAW is working on various fronts. Some of them are :

Promotion of Narcotics
RAW is pushing various narcotics through its agents, traders and smugglers into Bangladesh. Under RAW's instructions, Indian border authorities connive with smugglers and help them in trafficking of narcotics into Bangladesh. At a time. when the entire world has declared an open war against narcotics, RAW is patronising drug pushers and smugglers. It is making crores of Takas by this illicit trade, besides converting the youth of Bangladesh into drug addicts. The Bangladesh Rifles and Directorate of Narcotics have seized huge quantities of Heroin, cocain, Aphim, Charas, Ganja and Bhang etc. during the recent years. These drugs originate from India and are infiltrated into Bangladesh through porous borders under patronage of RAW Officials.

A senior official of Directorate of Narcotics admitted that the flow of drugs from India can hardly be checked. Despite efforts only five percent of qu.antity smuggled can be seized by_Bangladesh border authorities, while the drug pushers manage to smuggle the rest through the porous border using road, rail and water ways"(The Daily Inqilab : January 21, 1995).Recently smuggling of cigarette pipes filled with 'Ganja' (0ne kind of narcotic) has also been spotted. Directorate of Narcotics seized 8725 such pipes in 1993 and 6114 in 1994. Directorate of Narcotics also seized pethidine, ID lacquer, local wine, Fitterend wine, 'Tari' (one kind of local wine), Spirit, Vinecherd Spirit, Bakar, Patvi, Hilly wine, TD, Genisock injection etc. Trafficking of phensydil has also been discovered In 1993.

Directorate of Narcotics seized 29514 cans, in 1994 (jan-Oct) 56,126 bottles and 1058 litre cans were seized. On the other hand Bangladesh Rifles seized 2087 bottles and 32829 bottles of phensydil in 1993 and 1994 respectively. Daily 'AI Mujaddiecl' wrote in its issue of December 6, 1995, "More than one crore bottlesof Fencidil have been smuggled into Bangladesh. Cost of the same comes to 90 crore takas'. It may be explained that Phencidyl is a yery harmful drug. Its addict loses white blood cells. The development of new blood cells stops. This' leads to sure death.

Drug trafficking has become a serious problem in Bangladesh. There are more than five hundred illegal sale centres in Dhaka alone. The number of addicts is on the increase. There are more than one lakh drug addicts in Dhaka according to a WHO report but other sources say that number is about four lakh.National professor and prominent physician Dr. Nurul Islam told The Daily Inqilab that increasing drug addiction among the youth may cause shortage of young manpowerin the coming years. Theinvolvement of youth in immoral and unsocial activities 'will adversely affect country's economy and social fibre. This is exactly what RAW desires.

Bangladesh is a poor country but the abuse of addiction is making it worse. According to careful estimates 500 crore takas are wasted every year through use of drugs and narcotics in the country.Whatever its consequences may be for Bangladesh but RAW has earned the singular notoriety of being an intelligence agency which promotes drugs for furthering its nefarious agenda.

Supplementing Terrorism RAW has been smuggling arms, ammimition and explosives in Bangladesh to supplement terrorism. Their primary targets are universities and other educationa1 institutions, trade unions and political parties. Due to unabated snil,lggling of weapons by RA Wagents, the country is witnessing unparalleled proliferation of arms.The frequency oC armed clashes between various student groups, trade union activists and cagres of political parties has increased manifold. Only in ((Dhaka university 55 students were killed in armed clashes during the last 24 years.

The Daily Inqilab reported in its issue of August 7, 1995 that huge quantity of illegal arms were being smuggled into Bangladesh from India. Also included in the category are land mines, mortar bombs and high powered VHF wireless sets. Most of these arms are made in India. The s~uggling of weapons is taking place, through t4eporous Indo-Bangladesh border. Besides, Shantibahini was also smuggling arms into Bangladesh.
Daily Al Mujadded reported in its issue of January 19, 1995 that a number of illegal arms and ammunition factories were operating in Indian towns located near Indo-Bangladesh border. RAW is known to be patronizing these factories. The arms and ammunition manufactured in these factories are mostly smuggled into Bangladesh with the help of RAW agents:- In 1993 some illegal factories were also unearthed in Bangladesh at Chittagong, Mymensingh and Rajshahi. These were carrying out their nefarious business in collaboration with RAW agents. The raw material for these factories used to be smuggled from India.

On February 13, 1995, police seized 2016 Indian made chocolate bombs in Demra, when these were being taken to the capital city Dhaka. There are reports .that large quantity of deadly explos.ies is smuggled into the country which is used for preparation of bombs, mines and other sabotage material.According to the Daily Sangram a huge quantity of arms and ammunition is regularly smuggfed from India. Smugglers, anti-social elements, armed cadre~ of political parties, terrorists criminals, trade union activists and students are getting modern weapons from RAW agents.

These arms are smuggled into Bangldesh using different channels through land, air and waterways. Though police has been seizing a lot of arms but still a large quantity of arms finds its way to unlawful hands. Smuggling is done by RAW agents in such a systematic manner that police and other agencies remain unaware. The newspaper further informs that there are reports that arms producing factories have been established near Bangladesh borders under the patronage of RAW. Existence of such factories at 24 Pargana, Bangaon, Ranaghat, NAdia, Aurangabad and Dalian have been learnt. The Daily states that the provincial and Central Governments. of India are maintaining suspicious silence about these illegal factories. It indicates that the illegal business has tacit support of higher Indian authorities(The daily Sangram : March 8, 1995).

The Daily Inqilab reported that Railway police arrested a RAW agent named Ganesh Biswas from compartment No. 3599 of Khulna-Goalando mail train with arms and ammunition on January 6, 1995. Ganesh was smuggling arms and ammunition on behalf of Dilip Boshak of Nadia District, India and was to deliver it to an individual affiliated to a political party. Ganesh told police that he has been involved in trafficking of illegal arms inside Bangladesh for the past many years.The above reports amply highlight the involvement of Indian authroities particularly RAW in smuggling of arms ammuniton and explosive into Bangladesh. .

Proliferation of Immoral Video and cassettes of Indian films are easily available in urban as well as in rural areas of Bangladesh. There are hundreds of thousands of video shops all over the couAtry.Dhaka alone has about 50,000 video shopswhel\e IndiaI)films are available for sale and hire"(The Daily Jonakantha : October 23, 1994).It is indeed surprising to note that the nation which had fought and struggled against 'Urdu' now proudly watches Hindi films and listens to Hindi music. People who fought against autocratic Pakistani regime, are now watching Indian cultural aggression as silent spectators. The Daily further writes that the business of obscene films is booming under the garb of Hindi films. Most of these obscehe films are prepared in India and smuggled to Bangladesh. The ea.sy availabiltiy of these obscene films is
a grave threat for the, plorals of our new generation.

RAW is known to patronise this organized dirty game. Their aim is to destroy the moral fibre of our new generation and make it vulnerable to secularistic approach.It is an established modus operandi of RAW to use sex as bait for enrolment and running of agents. It provides obscene reading and video material to its agents and contacts. RAW regularly purchases large quantities of English and Hindi pornographic magazines and blue video films for circulation. RAW's safe houses serve as virtural sex houses where carnal desires of its agents are taken care of Of course such compromising moments are also preserved in the cameras for future black mailing in case the agent shows signs of wavering or slackening. It may be mentioned that such practices are resorted to by other intelligence agencies as well at limited scale. But RAW perhaps is the only agency which distributes pronographic literature and video films in bulk to spoil the entire youth of a target country. Indeed for RAW no holds are barred in the ruthless pursuit of its objectives.

Source: "RAW and Bangladesh" by Mohammad Zainal Abedin
totally pathetic post....Why will India do this...I can understand if RAW do its activities in p@k.But there is no reason to destabilize Bangladesh and raw works direct under the external and home ministry ..why whould gov do this?
RAW: An Instrument of Indian Power

The Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), created in 1968, has assumed a significant status in the formulation of India's domestic and foreign policies, particularly the later. Working directly under the Prime Minister, it has over the years become and effective instrument of India's national power. In consonance with Kautilya's precepts, RAW's espionage doctrine is based on the principle of waging a continuous series of battles of intrigues and secret wars.

Its internal role is confined only in monitoring events having bearing on the external threat. RAW's boss works directly under the Prime Minister. An Additional Secretary to the Government of India, under the Director RAW, is responsible for the Office of Special Operations (OSO), intelligence collected from different countries, internal security (under the Director General of Security), the electronic/technical section and general administration. The Additional Secretary as well as the Director General of Security is also under the Director of RAW. DG Security has two important sections: the Aviation Research Center (ARC) and the Special Services Bureau (SSB). The joint Director has specified desks with different regional divisions/areas (countries):

Area one. Pakistan: Area two, China and South East Asia: Area three, the Middle East and Africa: and Area four, other countries. Aviation Research Center (ARC) is responsible for interception, monitoring and jamming of target country's communication systems. It has the most sophisticated electronic equipment and also a substantial number of aircraft equipped with state-of- the art eavesdropping devices. ARC was strengthened in mid-1987 by the addition of three new aircraft, the Gulf Stream-3. These aircraft can reportedly fly at an altitude of 52,000 ft and has an operating range of 5000 kms. ARC also controls a number of radar stations located close to India's borders. Its aircraft also carry out oblique reconnaissance, along the border with Bangladesh, China, Nepal and Pakistan.

RAW having been given a virtual carte blanche to conduct destabilization operations in neighboring countries inimical to India to seriously undertook restructuring of its organization accordingly. RAW was given a list of seven countries (Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Pakistan and Maldives) whom India considered its principal regional protagonists. It very soon systematically and brilliantly crafted covert operations in all these countries to coerce, destabilize and subvert them in consonance with the foreign policy objectives of the Indian Government.

RAW's operations against the regional countries were conducted with great professional skill and expertise. Central to the operations was the establishment of a huge network inside the target countries. It used and targeted political dissent, ethnic divisions, economic backwardness and criminal elements within these states to foment subversion, terrorism and sabotage. Having thus created the conducive environments, RAW stage-managed future events in these countries in such a way that military intervention appears a natural concomitant of the events. In most cases, RAW's hand remained hidden, but more often that not target countries soon began unearthing those "hidden hand". A brief expose of RAW's operations in neighboring countries would reveal the full expanse of its regional ambitions to suit India Doctrine (Open Secrets. India's Intelligence Unveiled by M K Dhar. Manas Publications, New Delhi, 2005).

Indian intelligence agencies were involved in erstwhile East Pakistan, now Bangladesh since early 1960s. Its operatives were in touch with Sheikh Mujib for quite some time. Sheikh Mujib went to Agartala in 1965. The famous Agartala case was unearthed in 1967. In fact, the main purpose of raising RAW in 1968 was to organise covert operations in Bangladesh. As early as in 1968, RAW was given a green signal to begin mobilising all its resources for the impending surgical intervention in erstwhile East Pakistan. When in July 1971 General Manekshaw told Prime Minister Indira Gandhi that the army would not be ready till December to intervene in Bangladesh, she quickly turned to RAW for help. RAW was ready. Its officers used Bengali refugees to set up Mukti Bahini. Using this outfit as a cover, Indian military sneaked deep into Bangladesh. The story of Mukti Bahini and RAW's role in its creation and training is now well-known. RAW never concealed its Bangladesh operations.

Interested readers may have details in Asoka Raina's Inside RAW: the story of India's secret service published by Vikas Publishing House of New Delhi.

The creation of Bangladesh was masterminded by RAW in complicity with KGB under the covert clauses of Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation (adopted as 25-year Indo-Bangladesh Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation in 1972).

RAW retained a keen interest in Bangladesh even after its independence. Mr. Subramaniam Swamy, Janata Dal MP, a close associate of Morarji Desai said that Rameswar Nath Kao, former Chief of RAW, and Shankaran Nair upset about Sheikh Mujib's assassination chalked a plot to kill General Ziaur Rahman. However, when Morarji Desai came into power in 1977 he was indignant at RAW's role in Bangladesh and ordered operations in Bangladesh to be called off; but by then RAW had already gone too far. General Zia continued to be in power for quite some time but he was assassinated after Indira Gandhi returned to power, though she denied her involvement in his assassination(Weekly Sunday,Calcutta,18 September, 1988).

RAW was involved in training of Chakma tribals and Shanti Bahini who carry out subversive activities in Bangladesh. It has also unleashed a well-organized plan of psychological warfare, creation of polarisation among the armed forces, propaganda by false allegations of use of Bangladesh territory by ISI, creation of dissension's among the political parties and religious sects, control of media, denial of river waters, and propping up a host of disputes in order to keep Bangladesh under a constant political and socio-economic pressure ( "RAW and Bangladesh" by Mohammad Zainal Abedin, November 1995, RAW In Bangladesh: Portrait of an Aggressive Intelligence, written and published by Abu Rushd, Dhaka).

Rest of the article:
Global Politician - RAW: An Instrument of Indian Power
Kaderia Bahini (militant group) chief Abdul Kader Siddiqui admitted india sheltering and sponsoring (Until Indira govt was changed) terrorist act inside Bangladesh. Kaderia Bahini was created with fund, shelter and arms from india. This militia fought against Bangladesh army and killed many from our armed foces.

"We occupied some 300 kilometres area along the border stretching from Rangpur to Sylhet with about 9,500 comrades on our side."

"A number of army and BDR camps and police stations came under our control," Siddiqui claimed.

"But after the political change-over in India, the then Indian Prime minister Morarji Deshai handed over our 6,000 comrades to Ziaur Rahman," he said.

"Otherwise, we could have installed our government in Bangladesh," he said.

Siddiqui claimed that his forces had put up an armed resistance against Bangladesh administration in Sep-Oct 1975 which triggered some small battles at different parts of the country in which 72 of his comrades were killed.

He also claimed that some 17-18 army personnel died in a helicopter crash in Pabna in October 1975 while trying to capture him.

INTERVIEWKader Siddiqui wants 'real plotters' tracked :: :: bdnews24.com ::
Please don't waste your creativity in these forums. Creativity is a gift of god so you people should save it for future use or you can write a book. How about a science fiction.
Read the link below to know how India sheltered 9000 BD guerrillas when Quader Siddiqui rebelled against BD govt after the death of Sk. Mujib. Quader Siddiqui is telling himself his own account.

INTERVIEWKader Siddiqui wants 'real plotters' tracked :: :: bdnews24.com ::

However, I believe the situation is different now. India, perhaps, do no more regard BD as a 'Banana Republic.' So, it has changed its attitude.
India's Designs to Harm Bangladesh Using Islamic Militancy as Pretext

By Mohammad Zainal Abedin

During the recent Awami League rule (1996-2001), India began a propaganda war which claims Islamic terrorists are becoming active in Bangladesh. A section of Dhaka-based dailies frequently made reports about the existence of the militancy in Bangladesh. They repeatedly alleged that the Muslim terrorists were being trained deep in the jungle of Chittagong Hill Tracts, or Sundarbans or different madrashas of the country. Security forces instantly rushed to those spots mentioned in the dailies, but found the reports fake and baseless. To provoke the America-led western power India deliberately launched media campaign that Bangladesh has become a safe base of al-Quada and Taliban terrorists. To promote the idea of the existence of the Islamic militant groups in Bangladesh, the government even officially published booklets on the eve of the US President Bill Clinton's visit to Bangladesh. American government, however, still officially claims that there is no real Islamic militancy in Bangladesh, rather Bangladesh is a moderate Muslim democratic country.

During its rule, AL government arrested a number of madrasha teachers and students and Imams of the mosques branding them either as terrorists or their godfathers and claimed that some of them were trained in Afghanistan or Kashmir. But the court failed to prove the allegation and they were released. But neither India nor AL stopped their fake propagation and their followers or hired columnists stopped their campaign. India and its allies in Bangladesh were **** sure about the existence of such extremist groups in the country, as they fueled them. It is unfortunate that our ministry of Home Affairs failed earlier about India's hand in floating a number of India-sponsored outwardly Islamic terrorist outfits that clandestinely served in the interest of India in justifying the allegation of India and its Bangladeshi allies.

India's constant aggressive designs to create disturbances in her neighbouring countries ventilates her expansionist as well as jealous attitude against her peace loving and innocent neighbours is known to all. But India is particularly intolerant towards her neighbouring Muslim countries, Bangladesh and Pakistan, as they were curved out of British India. India, after 58 years of the partition of the subcontinent, unfortunately failed to forget the spirit of two-nation theory. She applies this theory in dealing with the Muslims inside her own territory and beyond.

The recent bomb attacks on some NGO installations and cultural soirees and the subsequent arrest of some terrorists under the guise of so-called Islamic militants and their gangleaders unveiled India's involvement. A number of Bangladeshi dailies on February 25, 2005, quoting the interrogation of the arrested informed, that the recently banned so-called Muslim outfits - JMTB (Jagrata Muslim Janata Bangladesh) and Jamaatul Mujahiden-were the brainchildren of Indian intelligence agency-RAW. The outward and instant aim of floating these outfits was to justify Indian allegation that Bangladesh is a haven of the Islamic terrors and provoke the government to take stern action against the madrashas, their teachers and students. Such step will make the government unpopular among the people that will deter the possibility of returning to power of the alliance government and pave the way to install a puppet government in Dhaka. The long-term design is to invite American-led anti-terror invasion or get American permission to invade Bangladesh so that either the invaders or their puppets in Dhaka gradually can close down the madrashas and crush the Islamic scholars, intellectuals, and even the pro-nationalist forces and ultimately make Bangladesh a vassal state of India.

Now the question arises why India is inimical to madarasha education in Bangladesh.

Historically, India believes in the unification of the pre-1947 map of the British India, which means destruction of independent Bangladesh. Indian policy makers believe that madrashas and madrasha education are main sources of inspiration of pro-nationalist forces. So long these institutions exist in Bangladesh, it will not be possible to control and keep Bangladesh under her occupation if she invades and captures it eve in remote future. Indians are aware that the maulanas, mulllahs, imams, pirs, darvishs, in brief the Muslim religious leaders, organised and led all the anti-British movements and struggles in the subcontinent when the Hindus extended their unconditional support to British occupation and exploitation. So the real resistance in Bangladesh will come from the madashas, whenever India bids to capture it. On the other hand, this education keeps the candle of Muslim identity alive in Bangladesh, which is the main bar of the reunification of the British India. For this reason madrasha as well as madrasha education has become the prime
target of India. After the emergence of Bangladesh in 1971, India tried its best to ban madrasha and Islamic education in Bangladesh alleging that all the teachers and students of madrashas were collaborators and they should be tried and given exemplary punishment. But the then government paid no heed to pressure of Indian government, though madrahas remained closed for certain period of time. But India did not lose heart; rather worked vigorously over the years to defame the madrahas and their teachers and students branding them anti-liberation forces. Madrassas were termed as the producers of 'rajakars' and anti-liberation forces. Demand was raised from the pro-India elements to close down madrashs and madrasha education. During the immediate past AL rule, madrasha teachers and students passed hard days and many of them were the victims of harassment and persecution and thrown into jail under fake allegations. Pro-lndian print media branded the madrashas as Taliban training centres. Same of the madrashas were closed down during the AL regime (1996-2001). Moreover, all the governments were directly and indirectly influenced to change the curriculum and syllabus of the madrasha education in the name of modernisation and reformation, so that the students and teachers are gradually diverted to secularism, which is the road to the unification of dreamy 'Akhand Bharat.' Above all, the debacle of AL in the general election of 2001 scared India of and it came to this conclusion that religious parties played the vital role in installing a nationalist government in Bangladesh. Indian intelligence are confirmed that the ruling alliance will come out victorious in the coming election scheduled to be held in 2006. Though the government adopts soft policy in dealing with India, it does not respond positively in allowing transit or port facilities to India or allow her forces to use Bangladesh territory to fight against the militants of her northeastern states. Moreover, the relatively independent foreign policy of the alliance government, its internal success stories, above all its 'look east' policy scared Indians strategists that Bangladesh would get out of Indian fold if the alliance is allowed to form government again. For all these reason, India took hard line against the
alliance government. Other than disturbing the government in hundreds of ways, Indian agencies clandestinely recruited agents from those who are outwardly seen and known as religious and have relations with madrashas. This is how India now uses the card of the presence of the Islamic militancy in Bangladesh in order to crush religious education and brand Bangladesh a terror-infested country and isolate it from the international community and install a puppet government to turn it into a secular vassal state and annex it to India in course of time when Muslim identity will be replaced by secular spirit.

Quoting intelligence agencies a number of Bangladeshi dailies said, both the recently banned outfits were floated, financed and guided by RAW to carryout disruptive and subversive activities. 'The Inqilab, "The Manbjamin," The Amar Desh,' 'The Naya Diganta,' other dailies of Dhaka on February 25, 2005, unearthed how RAW floated a number of socalled Islamic militant outfits, JMJB (Jagrata Muslim Janata Bangladesh), Jamaatul Mujahideens, etc., to implement Indian design and controlled and guided their activities from across the border. Police recovered some vouchers from the house of Mantazar Rahman, which
show that some unnamed persons used to come from and go to India through the Hilly Border. The arrested cadres confessed that an assembly of learning the holy Quran used to hold at Jaypurhat residence of Jamaatul Mujahideen Commander Mantazar Rahman and others on every Sunday and Tuesday. In those gatherings vegetables were served instead of beef during dinner or launch, but in Bangladesh, beef is the main item of such occasion. The intelligence agencies believe that the avoidance of beef indicates that some Hindus used to attend in those outwardly Islamic gatherings to brief the leaders and cadres of the outfits.

Other than briefing on subversive activities, other major task of these outfits, were to award erroneous 'fatwa' (Islamic Judicial decree). The main task of these RAW-financed organisations is to derail and crush the real pro-nationalist Islamic movement in Bangladesh. Indian RAW pours huge amount of money to expand these outfits and keeps them active. No worker of Jamaatul Mujahideen knows who was the real leader of the
outfit and from which source money comes.

It is learnt that a group of Rajshahi-based lawyers belonging to Awami League (AL) and a section of anti-government dailies assisted these groups in earning prominence and spreading activities of Shahadat-e-AI Hikma, another outfit. Its Amir, Syed Kaowsar Houssain was a half-educated Maulana. He was admitted into Rajshahi College in 1999, but could no sit for HSC examination due to financial crisis. Kaowsar does not have the financial or educational ability to run such a militant organisation. So the question arises, how he could gain financial ability to run the outfit. One pro-AL lawyer, Rashidul Islam of Rajshahi Bar assisted and financed Kaowsar in drafting the constitution and leaflets, posters and other publications of his outfit. Rashidul Islam also provided him
legal assistance when he was arrested along with his party worker. Sanjib Roy, the President of Hindu-Buddhist-Christian Okkiya Parishad, accompanied Kaowsar on a tour to India. Kaowsar was introduced in India with an Indian citizen Ashim Kumar who later took him to a hotel and arranged his appointment with such a person who claimed himself that he was Mafia godfather Daud Ibrahim. It is suspected that he was high-ranking RAW official.

On the other hand, Jamaatul Mujahideen headed by Dr. Ghalib Rajshahi University (RU) was floated in 1998 during Awami League rule. Most the leaders and workers of this organisation are the followers of Ahale Hadith. Abdur Rahman, who once acted as the Amir of Jammatul Mujahideen, is the husband of the sister of Mirja Azam MP of Jamalpur-3 constituency belonging to AL. Using his relationship with an AL MP Abdur Rahman procured the dealership of fertiliser and earned a lot of money during AL rule. On the other hand, Dr. Ghalib of RU who now heads the outfit maintains warm relation with some influential political leaders of different parties.

On the other hand, concealing his real profession and identity secret during AL period, Dr. Ghalib using a business passport went to India and stayed there for 11 days. When this forgery came to light, the then Register of RU Prof. Mohammad Younus served showcause notice on him and took disciplinary measures against him. But the initiative deterred and foiled due to the interference of the then Home Minister Mohmmad Nasim and the Mayor of Dhaka City Corporation Mohammad Hanif. Both belong to AL. During interrogation, the arrested persons informed that an Indian prominent religious leader used to come to Bangladesh and inspired them to work for Islamic revolution. A number of Bangladeshis got huge amount of money, arms, explosives and Other materials through this Indian religious leader. As a result, the activities of these groups suddenly expanded in bordering districts like Satkhira, Chapai Nawabganj, Rajshahi, etc.

It is learnt that Indian RAW tried to brand Bangladesh as a terrorist country using these elements The coal of raisine outwardly Islamic outfits was to throw the government to an awkward position-internally and internationally. When the government would take punitive measures against the outwardly Islamic militants, the common Bangladeshis will go against it. On the other hand, if the government remain mum, it will be isolated from the international community. In that case, India will get chance to prove that the government nurses the militants. India will also try to persuade the western powers to impose punitive measures against Bangladesh, including trade embargo, economic blockade, even military invasion. Its short-term goal is to unseat the present government, while its long-term goal is to isolate Bangladesh from the international community and finally invade her.

The international community should evaluate India's historical design and evaluate its involvement in imposing terrorism in her neighbouring countries, particularly in Bangladesh. If a giant country constantly designs to undo a tiny neighbour, it can neither wipe out terrorism, nor survive. India is well aware of this evil theory and deliberately creates terrorists in different sectors to meet her ulterior goal. India is the architect of terrorism in Bangladesh. Under this situation, international community before blaming Bangladesh for all sorts of terrorist activities, should identify the real sponsor of terrorism, that let loose the terrorists not only in Bangladesh, but also in other South Asian countries and ask her to refrain from such heinous misdeeds.

Global Politician - India's Designs to Harm Bangladesh Using Islamic Militancy as Pretext
MOD: This thread should be merged with the newer one and made sticky!
RAW's terror involvement in

RAW's terror involvement in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and Burma's Kachin Hills as well as
Indian sponsorship of the Shanti Bahini guerrillas .. was the military coup that killed Sheikh Mujibur Rehman and many members of his family.

India killed Sheikh Mujibur Rehman n its family....n also sponsor the current corrupt Prime minister of Bangladesh.
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