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India shows image of martyred Kashmiri Army officer at UN, says Pakistan's 'true face not hidden fro

not Kashmiris but few indian puppet Kashmiris in police and merely two dozen in indian army.
nobody knows who kidnapped and killed this Lt fayaz. this preparators can be Indian army or RSS people who want to create rift among Kashmiris.

Or the terrorists and vandals sponsored by Pakistan?!
But no! That version is totally unbelievable! Because terrorists NEVER do that!
A false flag is clearly the more believable story here! LOL
Cmon @Spring Onion, do you even believe your own words when you write this?

Pakistan accuses India of killing civilians

India accuses Pakistan of killing a soldier

Never before lack of morality in India was this much explicit and clear

I suppose you missed the woods for the trees, clearly!
The claim is that pellet guns have to be used to suppress a violent crowd that is using violence and terror to the point of killing an officer!
So the "innocent" kashmirs are not so saintly and that we are using minimum force against a murderous crowd!
The idea of a non violent "peaceful protest" in Kashmir is a lie!
Or the terrorists and vandals sponsored by Pakistan?!
But no! That version is totally unbelievable! Because terrorists NEVER do that!
A false flag is clearly the more believable story here! LOL
Cmon @Spring Onion, do you even believe your own words when you write this?
could be. but since india is party to the occupation and conflict in Kashmir hence Indian version can not be accepted either .
Besides your diplomat highlighting murder of a soldier who was on leave in no way could be portrayed as atrocities by Pakistan since he us killed in indian occupied Kashmir by unknown persons who could be Indians too.
could be any victim of brutality of the occupied arny who's part was this mr. fayaz.
Any of my fellow Kashmiri's who works with the Indian state as part of the apparatus used to intimidate and occupy our people is a traitor.
You will be very disappointed to know that there is a lot of so called traitors in Kashmir. May be an entire village or district full of them.

And not even in the wildest dream will an RSS member have desire go to Kashmiri and kidnap a serving Lieutenant in Indian army, it's just your conspiracy theory.

Since you said, these guys are traitors, unsurprisingly the terrorist have the same mentality like you, i.e those who oppose their cause are traitors. Hence they took action. Killed Fayaz. Even the Kashmiri police men are sometimes under threat of terrorists. Still, wonder why they join to fight those terrorists? :coffee:
nahh am not disappointed since every nation have some rodents.
as far the traitor mentality well india is far ahead of us or Kashmiris in this regard since Mozlims indians are considered traitors by indian Hindus.
as far why Kashmiris join Indian imposed police? the answer is unemployment due to indian occupation that is entering almost a century
could be. but since india is party to the occupation and conflict in Kashmir hence Indian version can not be accepted either .
Besides your diplomat highlighting murder of a soldier who was on leave in no way could be portrayed as atrocities by Pakistan since he us killed in indian occupied Kashmir by unknown persons who could be Indians too.
could be any victim of brutality of the occupied arny who's part was this mr. fayaz.

So what makes any Pakistani version credible then?! On Kashmir or otherwise?! Doesn't Pakistan consider itself a party to the conflict?

And the fact that this was an officer on leave is even more grave! That means that the officer was not at the point involved in any violence towards the kashmiris, in shooting pellets or bullets. So this was a pre-meditated murder which only adds to our argument about the murderous nature of the kashmiris and their state sponsored agents from Pakistan.
Basically validating that we are using but minimum force against a crowd that is target killing. Pellet guns are then justified!

No actually you missed the point.

Your country is showing a figure of a dead armed combatant while we are showing picture of a civilian.

The difference is clear in the thought process of both countries.

Or else it is occupation 101 to call oppressor as terrorist. Nothing new there.

All life is important.
A soldiers life is just as important. Hope you give heed to your words as next time a PA officer is killed in combat with a "freedom fighter", the same argument can be used.

What's worse is that the officer was on leave. So at the time he was killed he wasn't involved in crowd control or doing his duty. A clear sign of a pre meditated murder and justification for use of minimal force to suppress a violent and ruthless crowd. The UN should be happy we didn't kill the perpetrators and are only using pellet guns in the stead.
I suppose you missed the woods for the trees, clearly!
The claim is that pellet guns have to be used to suppress a violent crowd that is using violence and terror to the point of killing an officer!
So the "innocent" kashmirs are not so saintly and that we are using minimum force against a murderous crowd!
The idea of a non violent "peaceful protest" in Kashmir is a lie!

No actually you missed the point.

Your country is showing a figure of a dead armed combatant while we are showing picture of a civilian.

The difference is clear in the thought process of both countries.

Or else it is occupation 101 to call oppressor as terrorist. Nothing new there.
nahh am not disappointed since every nation have some rodents.
as far the traitor mentality well india is far ahead of us or Kashmiris in this regard since Mozlims indians are considered traitors by indian Hindus.
as far why Kashmiris join Indian imposed police? the answer is unemployment due to indian occupation that is entering almost a century
That's one state with majority rodents.

Guess we had many great traitors as presidents, voted by same Hindus. Many great entrepreneurs. Think tanks, army men. That's gonna be a long list of traitors.

TBH you are never getting Kashmir, with India getting economically stable, the land grab is not going to work well. And the Kashmiri's are tired of this merry go round. India will wait it out and let them snap, make them part of development which was denied by these terrorists and one's who sponsor them.
All life is important.

Nope. An unarmed civilian's life is far more important.

That is the problem with your thought process as a state and as a nation. When you enroll with army, you join a combat force knowing all dangers. That soldier might be on leave and all that. But the fact is that he was a soldier and cannot be compared in any manner to that 16 year old girl Insha whom your country and its coward forces riddled with pellets.

You will be very disappointed to know that there is a lot of so called traitors in Kashmir. May be an entire village or district full of them.

Even whole kashmir would be full of them.

But still that won't give you enough confidence to go for a plebiscite that you once promised.

So what makes any Pakistani version credible then?! On Kashmir or otherwise?! Doesn't Pakistan consider itself a party to the conflict?

And the fact that this was an officer on leave is even more grave! That means that the officer was not at the point involved in any violence towards the kashmiris, in shooting pellets or bullets. So this was a pre-meditated murder which only adds to our argument about the murderous nature of the kashmiris and their state sponsored agents from Pakistan.
Basically validating that we are using but minimum force against a crowd that is target killing. Pellet guns are then justified!
if your conscience as an indian individual is satisfied with crippling of innocent Kashmiri children and women and young men, blinding them forever by blind and brutal use of pellet guns then pardon me there is no argument left neither point to discuss.
as far as Pakistani version in any matter is concerned that is not part of discussion here but kashmir. and only Kashmir the most strong and acceptable version is that of Kashmiris which is validated by presence of mass graves of Kashmiris killed by india and hundreds of women n kids and men crippled and blinded by use of pellets by indian forces.
That's one state with majority rodents.

Guess we had many great traitors as presidents, voted by same Hindus. Many great entrepreneurs. Think tanks, army men. That's gonna be a long list of traitors.

TBH you are never getting Kashmir, with India getting economically stable, the land grab is not going to work well. And the Kashmiri's are tired of this merry go round. India will wait it out and let them snap, make them part of development which was denied by these terrorists and one's who sponsor them.
dummy presidents did not help in mitigating the discrimination, hate and violence faced by their communities in India at the hands of Hindu fundamentalists.
AND OH BTW for your information under current system of government in both India and Pakistan, the presidents are NOT VOTED by electorates but selected by ruling party .

That's one state with majority rodents.

Guess we had many great traitors as presidents, voted by same Hindus. Many great entrepreneurs. Think tanks, army men. That's gonna be a long list of traitors.

TBH you are never getting Kashmir, with India getting economically stable, the land grab is not going to work well. And the Kashmiri's are tired of this merry go round. India will wait it out and let them snap, make them part of development which was denied by these terrorists and one's who sponsor them.
dummy presidents did not help in mitigating the discrimination, hate and violence faced by their communities in India at the hands of Hindu fundamentalists.
AND OH BTW for your information under current system of government in both India and Pakistan, the presidents are NOT VOTED by electorates but selected by ruling party .
dummy presidents did not help in mitigating the discrimination, hate and violence faced by their communities in India at the hands of Hindu fundamentalists.
AND OH BTW for your information under current system of government in both India and Pakistan, the presidents are NOT VOTED by electorates but selected by ruling party .

You need not worry about Indian muslims. We are safe and sound. Apart from few isolated incidents, there is no mass distrust on Muslims in India, if that was the case then the country will be marred in communal violence.

And yeah, the presidents may not be elected directly by the people. But without majority support, how do you think someone will rise in political ranks. With the exception of Dr. Kalam every Muslim politicians have gained Hindu/Muslim votes. And Kalam is well respected by all. And you don't have the right to question India when you live in a country where the discrimination based on religion is written in law, how come you cannot have a non-muslim president/pm or holding any key positions. Say army, intelligence, key civilian government posts.
Despite making up to only 2% of population of India, Sikhs community had president, PM, Army / Airforce chiefs.

Discrimination in India is there, but not in the scale you imagine.
India is a country that only knows how to lie & speak lie. India is truly mother of terrorists.
laughable indian acts of juvenile. indian army is occupation force and are legitimate military target for resistance.
if your conscience as an indian individual is satisfied with crippling of innocent Kashmiri children and women and young men, blinding them forever by blind and brutal use of pellet guns then pardon me there is no argument left neither point to discuss

Conscience? Seriously, you people speaking of conscience is simply laughable when most of your morality can be described as Hypocrisy at best. But ill entertain.

For one, our effort at using pellet guns is to use minimum force to control violent mobs. The intention is not to blind or hurt anyone but to deter violence. Maybe if the crowds used peaceful methods and no stone pelting, we wouldn't have to use any force period! Have you ever thought of that? Unless you consider stone pelting and vandalism of property, "peaceful" methods.

Second, why are children or women part of stone pelting to begin with? Who's fault is it that they are there? Ours or those Kashmiri parents and families that allow it? Now if you're afraid of fire, don't play with matches. Pellets cant tell the difference between children and adults. We are firing at adults who are violent. Children have no business being there. And if they are there, they are being used as human shield so that propaganda exactly the way you're positioning it can be promoted. Please don't think that for one second that we buy into your dramebazi of "innocents". This is as contrived as can be!

Lastly, you conveniently skirted my question about the life of a soldier (off duty nonetheless) whos pre-meditated murder by Kashmiris was completely skipped over by you? What would Pakistani state do if this happened to one of your soldiers? Or does his life and family not matter to achieve your political goals?

as far as Pakistani version in any matter is concerned that is not part of discussion here but kashmir. and only Kashmir the most strong and acceptable version is that of Kashmiris which is validated by presence of mass graves of Kashmiris killed by india and hundreds of women n kids and men crippled and blinded by use of pellets by indian forces.

Actually no! It is all linked and part of the same vicious cycle.
If our opinion and concerns don't matter, then we give two shits about the opinions of Kashmiris. and trust me, we got deep pockets and diplomatic clout to sustain this for a long, long time!
If Kashmiris didn't use violent mean, kill pandits, political entities that oppose their POV, soldiers, policemen, and cripple daily life of other peaceful Kashmiris, we wouldn't have to use excessive force.
Its quite simple you see. Protesting is the right of Kashmiris to get their political aspirations. Violence isn't. So everything that happens as a result of use of violence is the Chickens coming home to roost![/QUOTE]

Nope. An unarmed civilian's life is far more important.

That is the problem with your thought process as a state and as a nation. When you enroll with army, you join a combat force knowing all dangers. That soldier might be on leave and all that. But the fact is that he was a soldier and cannot be compared in any manner to that 16 year old girl Insha whom your country and its coward forces riddled with pellets.


Maybe the 16 year old girl should not have been in a protest to begin with or pelting stones at the forces. Simple.
The minute one attacks an armed forces officer, he/she becomes a combatant.
How does the PA or Pak Police deal with people that attack them? Shower them with flowers?

And the soldier you mentioned was unarmed. He was civilian at that point in time as he wasn't on duty. So I suppose if a mob can kill an unarmed soldier or policeman, then the same rules apply to the armed with stones protestors as well.

See two can play that game!
Maybe the 16 year old girl should not have been in a protest to begin with or pelting stones at the forces. Simple.
The minute one attacks an armed forces officer, he/she becomes a combatant.
How does the PA or Pak Police deal with people that attack them? Shower them with flowers?

And the soldier you mentioned was unarmed. He was civilian at that point in time as he wasn't on duty. So I suppose if a mob can kill an unarmed soldier or policeman, then the same rules apply to the armed with stones protestors as well.

See two can play that game!

May be your security forces shouldn't be so ill disciplined and nonprofessional that they don't use guns meant for animals to attack young girls or using random people for human shield.

That would solve a lot of issues.

We don't have any IOK like thingy here in Pakistan. My army is not stone pelted by its own people. Yeah they get attacked by armed and trained terrorists sponsored and supported by Afghanistan and India but then they are armed terrorists and not 16 year old unarmed girls.

That Fayaz guy whose death you keep exploiting to hide your crimes was a combatant himself and was part of Indian army. He was no civilian. He can't be compared to any civilian with or without stone in any manner. And not particularly to teenage kids whom we presented as proof of your crimes at UN. There is no equivalence between the both.
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