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India should only talk to Pak civilian govt: General Jehangir Karamat

Look what has happened to this thread. Karamat talked sense and made some good statements, and everybody here is fighting bickering again over points that have been made millions of times on this forum already.

Can't we just say, "Yeah, his suggestions are good. Peace in South Asia".

/\ /\ /\ this is exactly what I was talking about.
Well, as long as we're being honest with each other. Pakistan feels exactly the same way about India. In fact, we were not the ones who wanted India to be divided in two when the British left. Jinnah tried his best to convice Gandhi to see the British plot to divide India for what it was, but Gandhi was very much a part of it.

No comments...Apart from one i.e. In indian schools exactly opposite story is being taught....heck Gandhi was killed because he was considered pro-muslim...Anyways who was responsible for division we will never know...Thanks to our respective governments...

I don't think Pakistan 'lost' any war with India. After partition, the plan, atleast as far as the British and Indians were concerned, was that Pakistan would last less than a year. That never happened, and I don't see it happening.
If you think that way then you are more than welcome...After all there is nothing in Past...Pakistan is an entity which no one can deny and strong enough to fight these turbulent times....So Good luck there...

India has been a sponsoring terrorism not only in Pakistan, but in Sri Lanka as well. It's a well known fact that cannot be refuted.
Ummm lets not talk about Pakistan...We are yet to see any proof so nothing like well known fact...As far as Sri Lanka is concerned then remember LTTE was created to give voice to Tamils in Sri Lanka who were treated as second class citizens...Also please don't forget the role of IPKF and the number of casualities our forces suffered helping Sri Lanka to gain control over LTTE...so not sure if sponsoring would be the right word...

As far as talks go, Pakistan has taken the initiative countless times and we've been snubbed. After the Samjhauta Express attacks in 2007, this is how Pakistan responded:

The government of Pakistan reacted in the same vein, through its Foreign Minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri, proclaiming that this was an act of terrorism that should be investigated by Indian authorities. Kasuri said that the terrorist attack would not halt his trip to India, as he "will be leaving tomorrow for Delhi to further the peace process." He went on to say that "we should hasten the peace process." In response to the terrorist attack, President Pervez Musharraf stated "such wanton acts of terrorism will only serve to further strengthen our resolve to attain the mutually desired objective of sustainable peace between the two countries."

Please see the difference between Samjhauta Express and Mumbai attacks..It was a crime comitted in India where initial investigation revealed an Indian Hand later on the investigation took us to LET hand....Mumbai attack executed in India which was planned and handled in Pakistan...so a huge difference between two...Had indias been involved and the place of attack Pakistan you would have seen much different response from your establishment....

On the other hand, we all know what happened after the Mumbai attacks. Even before a full investigation had been carried out, the Indian government was abusing, blaming, threatening Pakistan.

Nothing like that happened...Abusing??? Threatning??? are you kidding me?? As far as blaming is concerend then our security forces were recording those pigs talking to their handlers in Pakistan leaving any doubt that the attack has been planned in Pakistan...so not sure what are you cribbing about...

Get some perspective my friend. We have no wish to fight a war with you. However, we are fully capable of doing so.

We very well know that Sir...
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