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India shot down its own helicopter while trying to target Pakistani jets, killing 7 – report

You know when animals find themselves in an extreme stress event like an earthquake, the think the world is ending and start killing their young ones to save them the agony of what's coming.
How long will it be before India says that its OWN SAM Site shot down an Su30MKI in the same area aswell during the incident due to not following rules and IFF issues ... :dance3:
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You can choose to close your eyes. =). So where is your 12mil US$ DRONE bhai?
So tents make a pla base...
And this image is a long time ago. New one will be an eye opener for me.. thanks..
You can spot the drone too in doklam
Initially some people here in PDF gave the claim to PAF
But when PAF claimed it didn't target any helicopter everything went calm
thats another thing but that mi-17 didnt crash due to technical error thats forsure
So tents make a pla base...
And this image is a long time ago. New one will be an eye opener for me.. thanks..
You can spot the drone too in doklam
Eh, I thought we are gone? So you do admit we are still there eh? :yahoo:So you didn't see the helipads, bunkers and a dozen construction trucks moving in and out? I doubt people build 3 storey buildings on the frontlines. Last I heard someone was begging to get their 12 MILUS$ drone back.....imagine how many slumdogs could have been fed. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Eh, I thought we are gone? So you do admit we are still there eh? :yahoo:So you didn't see the helipads, bunkers and a dozen construction trucks moving in and out? I doubt people build 3 storey buildings on the frontlines. Last I heard someone was begging to get their 12 MILUS$ drone back.....imagine how many slumdogs could have been fed. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Typical Loser attitude

thats another thing but that mi-17 didnt crash due to technical error thats forsure
Rise of planet apes may be:pop:
Russian media praising PAF. :pakistan:

Or, were made into firing her own missiles into her own assets!!! A time to panic....

Pak folks have infiltrated into the Israilli mindsets!!! Erstwhile it was the sole domain of Iblis from the Mahlukat...

Iblis cannot penetrate in the mind of Iblis.
Rise of planet apes may be:pop:
how vedic
Well, easy to understand. Indians intruded in Azad Kashmir because they thought they are super power and Pakistan is no more than Palestinians, thus they can bomb them to submissions. Wrong assumptions. As a consequences they got their arses spanked in broad daylight. They were helpless and clueless how to stop the intruders, while PAF taking complete control of the air theater. That's why your MKi's were busy in counter measures, i.e. trying to avoid missiles fired by PAF on the tails of their jets than aggressively chasing Pakistani jets.
Why you think Modi and others are mentioning that story would have been different if we had Rafales'.
Your BVRM's didn't work because PAF EM were in total control of the war theater.

The damage to the Indian's ego and capabilities is far more than what idiotic Indian media makes their audiences believe. I have never seen a media so much detached from the reality. Honesty is not their strongest suite.
Lot of heroics in your post and honestly lot of nonsense....you are not even realizing that perhaps....also clearly this question was for experts and you also know, you are not...so why bother?

you can always release satellite imagery of two different crash sites and prove us wrong
meanwhile the whole world believes and are raising questions about your narrative
Not even US govt supported your narrative
I am not sure i understood what you said...you also claimed you have downed to Indian jets..have you shown satellite imagery of this other jet you have downed?

Mistakes started from saying we have all pilots accounted for in official brief , although i know it was a shrewd choice of words , accounted for includes Prisoners and Pows , but the way it was said in response to question of downing of iaf jet was plain and simple lie.

Pakistan on same day officially said 2 jets down and another report of aircraft down but they have nothing to do with the 3 one. IKs agenda was to showcase fire power but with responsibility, he could not claim downing a transport Heli away from air battle and maintain " do not want war" tag
You are clearly mistaken then...in the very first official brief, MEA clearly stated, one pilot missing in action. This too was playing by the book...Pakistan had not officially informed India and that's why they had to say missing in action...Indian official channel was slow like a snail(very bad in these days) however didn't make comical mistakes like their counterparts...Indian version from day 1 is standard and consistent...now compare this with Pakistan side. From no f-16 to using it in defensive mode..from 3 pilots, to two pilots and then only 1...this is mistake...official version is we shot one F-16...this is not a mistake...we are saying we have shot down one...similarly pakistan is stuck with downing 2 jets and they are consistent with this aspect...this is not a mistake as well...one side is lying...for sure...but not a mistake...hope you get the drift...
Lot of heroics in your post and honestly lot of nonsense....you are not even realizing that perhaps....also clearly this question was for experts and you also know, you are not...so why bother?

Excuse me!!! What is this nonsense!!! So you are an expert!!! Based on what!!! A fanciful title earned because you able to produce lots of non-sense posts on this site!!
Grow up dude, your fanciful titles means nothing to me. Now on your bike.
Lot of heroics in your post and honestly lot of nonsense....you are not even realizing that perhaps....also clearly this question was for experts and you also know, you are not...so why bother?

I am not sure i understood what you said...you also claimed you have downed to Indian jets..have you shown satellite imagery of this other jet you have downed?

You are clearly mistaken then...in the very first official brief, MEA clearly stated, one pilot missing in action. This too was playing by the book...Pakistan had not officially informed India and that's why they had to say missing in action...Indian official channel was slow like a snail(very bad in these days) however didn't make comical mistakes like their counterparts...Indian version from day 1 is standard and consistent...now compare this with Pakistan side. From no f-16 to using it in defensive mode..from 3 pilots, to two pilots and then only 1...this is mistake...official version is we shot one F-16...this is not a mistake...we are saying we have shot down one...similarly pakistan is stuck with downing 2 jets and they are consistent with this aspect...this is not a mistake as well...one side is lying...for sure...but not a mistake...hope you get the drift...
Your MEA also said the Chinese left Doklam and IAF shotdown a Pak fighter. Until today we haven't seen any evidence while the PLA is still picnicking in Doklam as we speak. MEA also is silent on that 12mil$ drone shot down by China. They claimed it was a technical glitch just like everything else which crashed during conflicts. Lol
Excuse me!!! What is this nonsense!!! So you are an expert!!! Based on what!!! A fanciful title earned because you able to produce lots of non-sense posts on this site!!
Grow up dude, your fanciful titles means nothing to me. Now on your bike.
Please use some logic, had i myself been an expert, then why the hell would i have asked experts to answer my queries?? I don't know what fanciful titles you are referring to, however i believe in keeping my mouth shut, for topics i don't know much about and research or simply ask experts. Tom-toming about something you don't know, wont take you far..no??

My findings about IAF not firing BVRMs is that they were outranged by PAF F16's and in fact IAF is mulling over arming Mirages with Meteors, given that wont happen for MKI's(being Russian or for that matter Tejas with Israeli radars)...however i am looking for second opinion..so asked...now thanks for not dragging this further..

@Experts - does anyone have a view, as to why BVRMs were not fired by IAF? I mean, we knew PAF would respond, which they did. We have heard a lot about MKI's successful countermeasures against multiple AMRAAM missiles...but not the other way around..thoughts please!!

wreckage fell in IOK
burden of proof is on you guys
well with that logic, we are saying wreckage of F-16 fell on your side, which is where the dog fight occurred as well..so then may i say burden of proof is on you?? So please don't ask things that you, yourself can't provide...

Your MEA also said the Chinese left Doklam and IAF shotdown a Pak fighter. Until today we haven't seen any evidence while the PLA is still picnicking in Doklam as we speak. MEA also is silent on that 12mil$ drone shot down by China. They claimed it was a technical glitch just like everything else which crashed during conflicts. Lol
I simply stopped at that line...if you can't even interpret such a basic statement from MEA then it is gigantic waste of time to explain anything else...if it helps, please try to use google translator

Also for god sake, transparency especially related to defense, is last thing we want to learn from Chinese and for that matter Pakistani friends. We have much much better record on that front, so spare me on that!!
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