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India serves 90 day notice to Pakistan on Indus Water Treaty!

We still don't get you. How is Pakistan's structural reforms related to BJP or Congress?


Indian economy between 1996-1998 was in the state of instability, hard work of many people like PVN, MMS & team of 1991-1995 were derailed by petty power politics (which is right now going on in Pakistan).

Since 1999 India was blessed with stable and an full term successive governments. 1998-2003 under NDA led by ABV had struggled under US Sanctions but continued reforms which PVN left in 1995 later 2004-2013 UPA I & UPA II under MMS with all those obstacles of left & coalition partners and pressure of corruption, he made a remarkable job of guiding govt with much needed push and since 2014-2023 BJP under NM continuing those structural reforms.

It was pity that MMS was never allowed to do what he intended but still the old economist did his part and made sure that if in future any single majority govt comes then it can implement some reforms which he couldn’t do. Now NM is implementing those and in reality BJP is riding the train the Congress started and got on track.

but sad part is when alive PVN never got the credit he was entitled to
You are wrong on two fronts. India doesn't want to destabilize Pakistan. If it wants to destabilize Pakistan then IWT would not have had any success. Second, India has given 3 western river systems to Pakistan! and kept three eastern rivers to itself. It is unprecedented for any upper riparian river countries. It is more than equitable allocation in my regard. Trust me that India will never use water card to punish Pakistan. It will change IWT only with discussion and agreement with Pakistan. Pakistan should keep its nuclear assets as a deterrent rather than wave it against India because we can play the same card against you, and you will cry victim.
India didn't give anything, it didn't have much of a choice, and no it is not unprecedented. India still utilizes the rivers that flow into Pakistan. It is not an act of charity, so stop pretending it is.

India very much wants to destabilize Pakistan. An unstable Pakistan is one that India can break apart, and you'd be foolish to believe otherwise. The reason. Why India doesn't use water to do so is due to international law.
No one. But that does not prevent the mass hynosis of a large part of our population for the better part of the last decade. Where the Congress os bad and evil and all ills of India are at its doorstep, and conversely India only ptogressed and made the very China like great leap forward under Modi.

Ask @-=virus=- he will educate uou further on this. Very few left otherwise who could and would.

Congress has to blame itself for such situation. Though UPA-I was hindered by Left ideology, but MMS was able to lead them to second term. But during UPA-II tenure it was scams of coalition partners like RJD, DMK destroyed INC image completely.

It was INC decision to stay/continue on power and never allowed MMS to remove tainted ministers due to pressure from coalition partners which was eventually reason for downfall of INC.
Congress has to blame itself for such situation. Though UPA-I was hindered by Left ideology, but MMS was able to lead them to second term. But during UPA-II tenure it was scams of coalition partners like RJD, DMK destroyed INC image completely.

It was INC decision to stay/continue on power and never allowed MMS to remove tainted ministers due to pressure from coalition partners which was eventually reason for downfall of INC.

I see. So 5 years of UPA-II washes away the legacy of a century old party.

I see. So 5 years of UPA-II washes away the legacy of a century old party.


What legacy you are speaking about ? If anyone ask about achievement of UPA-II what will comes to mind first, scams. scams like 2G Spectrum, Coalgate is that legacy you are speaking about ? UPA-IIs 5 years wiped INCs popularity and legacy of 100 years. Without a proper leadership for past 10 years INC is struggling. Unless until leaders take decisions right INC will never be able to reach not even to the level of UPA-I.
What legacy you are speaking about ? If anyone ask about achievement of UPA-II what will comes to mind first, scams. scams like 2G Spectrum, Coalgate is that legacy you are speaking about ? UPA-IIs 5 years wiped INCs popularity and legacy of 100 years. Without a proper leadership for past 10 years INC is struggling. Unless until leaders take decisions right INC will never be able to reach not even to the level of UPA-I.

India didn't give anything, it didn't have much of a choice, and no it is not unprecedented. India still utilizes the rivers that flow into Pakistan. It is not an act of charity, so stop pretending it is.

India very much wants to destabilize Pakistan. An unstable Pakistan is one that India can break apart, and you'd be foolish to believe otherwise. The reason. Why India doesn't use water to do so is due to international law.
I knew you would still say that. That is natural for lower riparian country to feel.
The way the economy of Pakistan is, India doesn't need to do-nothing, it is breaking from within. Let go of your obsession with Kashmir, you will see a prosperous Pakistan. It is being used to mold public sentiments and precious resources are being diverted for your defence. Out of your total budget of $30 billion one third $10 billion goes to military spending. And your awam is uneducated about it.
I knew you would still say that. That is natural for lower riparian country to feel.
The way the economy of Pakistan is, India doesn't need to do-nothing, it is breaking from within. Let go of your obsession with Kashmir, you will see a prosperous Pakistan. It is being used to mold public sentiments and precious resources are being diverted for your defence. Out of your total budget of $30 billion one third $10 billion goes to military spending. And your awam is uneducated about it.
I said it because it's literally international law, not merely feelings.

India has for literally since the beginning tried to break Pakistan. This isn't paranoia, this happened once already. Kashmir isn't the only land India stole from Pakistan.

The war on terror destroyed Pakistan's economy, with India sabotaging it as well by funding terrorists along Pakistan's border with Afghanistan.

Once again, all of this is well documented, which is why I keep seeing that you refuse to refute the claims made.

It is not Pakistan who is obsessed with Kashmir, it is India. Your nation has a million soldiers in the region, not to combat Pakistan but rather to suppress the natives. India talks more about Kashmir than Pakistan does.
I knew you would still say that. That is natural for lower riparian country to feel.

Wait until China blocks all your water flowing from Tibet.

The way the economy of Pakistan is, India doesn't need to do-nothing, it is breaking from within. Let go of your obsession with Kashmir, you will see a prosperous Pakistan.

Kashmir is the jugular vein of Pakistan.

Kashmir banega Pakistan.

It is being used to mold public sentiments and precious resources are being diverted for your defence. Out of your total budget of $30 billion one third $10 billion goes to military spending. And your awam is uneducated about it.

It is our money.

We will use it whatever way we want.
Lie #1

Lie #2
In the past 10 years India has talked more about Kashmir than Pakistan, mostly due to Pakistan being distracted by other issues such as Afghanistan and more recently the deteriorating economy.

It's India who keeps obsessing over Kashmir, constantly threatening Pakistan with a war of conquest.
In the past 10 years India has talked more about Kashmir than Pakistan, mostly due to Pakistan being distracted by other issues such as Afghanistan and more recently the deteriorating economy.

It's India who keeps obsessing over Kashmir, constantly threatening Pakistan with a war of conquest.
And now plenty of Indians getting fantasy of Pak breaking up so they can come in and occupy AK and other parts of Pak. The Butcher has made his followers more delusional with designs of grandeur.
In the past 10 years India has talked more about Kashmir than Pakistan, mostly due to Pakistan being distracted by other issues such as Afghanistan and more recently the deteriorating economy.

It's India who keeps obsessing over Kashmir, constantly threatening Pakistan with a war of conquest.
I don't know if you are pretending or really ignorant.
While Pakistan State and Military Estate attacking Pakistani awam, India has served Pakistan 90 day notice to talk about modifying Indus Water Treaty

"An Indian government source said on Friday New Delhi had served Pakistan a notice to modify the treaty and wanted to meet to start resolving the long-running dispute within 90 days."

It is opportunate time for India to dictate its terms on Indus Water, Kashmir, Jammu, Laddakh, Siachen Glacier, and Trade.

And thats not it. India has constructed/under construction several strategic level tunnels throughout J&K to link with rest of India. Of course, all of that to move logistics at pace during war with Pakistan.

All this is going on, while Lord Clive's Military Inc Army attacking Pakistani Awam to perpetuate its economic and political interests.

As admins are quick to delete threads that directly or indirectly blame military establishment citing invalid source, for the state of malaise in Pakistan, here is the Reuters link and full article about Indus Water Treaty.


Is there anyone to defend Pakistan?

India wants to keep third parties out of water treaty with Pakistan - sources
By Krishn Kaushik

NEW DELHI, Jan 27 ( Reuters) - India has asked Pakistan to change a decades-old water-sharing agreement by barring third parties from intervening in disputes, an Indian government source said, a suggestion likely to rile Islamabad.

The nuclear-armed neighbours and foes have been arguing over hydroelectric projects on the shared Indus river and its tributaries for many years - a dispute exacerbated by their standoff over disputed Kashmir.

Pakistan is concerned that India's planned hydropower dams will cut flows on the river, which feeds 80% of its irrigated agriculture. Over the years it has asked for a neutral expert and then an arbitration court to intervene.

India has accused Pakistan of dragging out the complaints process, and says the construction of its Kishanganga and Ratle Hydro Electric projects is allowed by the six-decade-old Indus Water Treaty.
Thank you,
@The Accountant
🙏 🙏 🙏

@The Accountant
🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
Seeing all these Indians trying to lecture us about poverty and impoverish Muslims, while in their country, there’s about 800mn Hindus living in filth. I came across a tik tok of a Pakistani women and her toddler dancing. I go into the comments and the what do you see? Bunch of Indians just like the ones on this post harassing the other Pakistani commenters - who happened to be all women. I saw a few were in the US attending colleges here. I’m in the process of introducing them to our cancel culture. Tomorrow morning, their schools will screenshots of the harassment and bullying these Indians were doing to our women. It jus boils my blood to watch this. I don’t understand why the MODs take care of the filth on this forum. Let the sane Indians stay, but these Hindutva rats are flooding here
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