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India seeks transit from Pakistan to supply wheat to Afghanistan

As per Afghan-Pak Transit Trade, We don't charge anything other regular tolls & taxes which are applicable on Pakistanis. So, I don't think transit fee factor is that much important.

Wheat reach Afghanistan via Pakistan or Iran, it will reduce the demand in Afghanistan which will result in reduction in smuggling, so domestic Price issue will be resolved but still prices can't be controlled unless GoP enforce the controls as mafias will find other ways to continue their businesses. In long run more cheaper Indian wheat (in case of transiting via Pakistan) will start smuggling back into Pakistan from Afghanistan which will directly effect our farmers as they don't enjoy govt. subsidies like their Indian counter part. And like mentioned in OP their are also risk of disease spreading in Pakistan. On top of that shipments from India are security risk as well.

So, imho negatives outweigh the positive.

The Convention on Transit Trade of Land-locked States is a multilateral treaty that addresses international rules allowing forland-locked countries to transport goods to and from seaports. The convention imposes obligations on both land-locked states and on coastal states that ratify the treaty.

The convention was concluded at the United Nations Conference on Transit Trade of Land-locked Countries, which had been established by the United Nations General Assembly. It was concluded and signed on 8 July 1965. The treaty came into force on 9 June 1967.

Coastal states that ratify the convention (known as "transit states") agree to make arrangements with land-locked states that are party to the treaty that wish to transit goods across the territory of the transit state to or from a coastal port in the transit state. The transit states agree that they will not discriminate based on place of origin or destination of the goods being transported. The land-locked states agree to be responsible for any expenses that the transit states incur in supervising or protecting the transit of the land-locked state's goods.

The convention has been noted as the first international agreement to recognize the special disadvantaged position of land-locked states.

As of June 2014, the treaty has been ratified by 43 states, made up of an approximately even split of land-locked and coastal states. The convention has essentially been superseded by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which contains similar provisions for transit arrangements to be made between coastal and land-locked states.

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea now gives a landlocked country a right of access to and from the sea without taxation of traffic through transit states. The United Nations has a programme of action to assist landlocked developing countries

Landlocked states are given a right of access to and from the sea, without taxation of traffic through transit states by UN to which pakistan is a signatory.... So maybe elect a leader who will remove pakistani participation from UNCLOS... and then you can dominate afghanistan's trade the way you want to.

I am still struggling to understand that why are pakistanis so adamant on pushing afghans to the iranian ports?

Afghanistan's current problems stem from Commie invasion

When Indians used to sit in Commie Soviet lap and suck its ungals.
yuppp that is pakistani defense... commies and then jump straight to UN invasion, forget the Mullah omar, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam madarsas, 1993-98 support to taliban....

And even if there were commies, what was it to you guys..... your brotherly country has always been commie...
The Convention on Transit Trade of Land-locked States is a multilateral treaty that addresses international rules allowing forland-locked countries to transport goods to and from seaports. The convention imposes obligations on both land-locked states and on coastal states that ratify the treaty.

The convention was concluded at the United Nations Conference on Transit Trade of Land-locked Countries, which had been established by the United Nations General Assembly. It was concluded and signed on 8 July 1965. The treaty came into force on 9 June 1967.

Coastal states that ratify the convention (known as "transit states") agree to make arrangements with land-locked states that are party to the treaty that wish to transit goods across the territory of the transit state to or from a coastal port in the transit state. The transit states agree that they will not discriminate based on place of origin or destination of the goods being transported. The land-locked states agree to be responsible for any expenses that the transit states incur in supervising or protecting the transit of the land-locked state's goods.

The convention has been noted as the first international agreement to recognize the special disadvantaged position of land-locked states.

As of June 2014, the treaty has been ratified by 43 states, made up of an approximately even split of land-locked and coastal states. The convention has essentially been superseded by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which contains similar provisions for transit arrangements to be made between coastal and land-locked states.

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea now gives a landlocked country a right of access to and from the sea without taxation of traffic through transit states. The United Nations has a programme of action to assist landlocked developing countries

Landlocked states are given a right of access to and from the sea, without taxation of traffic through transit states by UN to which pakistan is a signatory.... So maybe elect a leader who will remove pakistani participation from UNCLOS... and then you can dominate afghanistan's trade the way you want to.

I am still struggling to understand that why are pakistanis so adamant on pushing afghans to the iranian ports?

That is irrelevant this is not about access to the sea rather access to India through land routes. :rolleyes:
Landlocked states are given a right of access to and from the sea, without taxation of traffic through transit states by UN to which pakistan is a signatory.... So maybe elect a leader who will remove pakistani participation from UNCLOS... and then you can dominate afghanistan's trade the way you want to.
I am still struggling to understand that why are pakistanis so adamant on pushing afghans to the iranian ports?

Genius the law is to give land lock country access to sea port which Afghanistan already have (Karachi) and as far as i know wahga border is not a sea port. So, the law is irrelevant and we don't need to remove Pakistan from UNCLOS but still Pakistan have given Afghanistan on way transit to India via wahga border as well (without any extra charges).

And if you look at reasons already given without saffron glasses than you will understand that it's not about dominating Afghanistan but about level playing field and security.
The Convention on Transit Trade of Land-locked States is a multilateral treaty that addresses international rules allowing forland-locked countries to transport goods to and from seaports. The convention imposes obligations on both land-locked states and on coastal states that ratify the treaty.

The convention was concluded at the United Nations Conference on Transit Trade of Land-locked Countries, which had been established by the United Nations General Assembly. It was concluded and signed on 8 July 1965. The treaty came into force on 9 June 1967.

Coastal states that ratify the convention (known as "transit states") agree to make arrangements with land-locked states that are party to the treaty that wish to transit goods across the territory of the transit state to or from a coastal port in the transit state. The transit states agree that they will not discriminate based on place of origin or destination of the goods being transported. The land-locked states agree to be responsible for any expenses that the transit states incur in supervising or protecting the transit of the land-locked state's goods.

The convention has been noted as the first international agreement to recognize the special disadvantaged position of land-locked states.

As of June 2014, the treaty has been ratified by 43 states, made up of an approximately even split of land-locked and coastal states. The convention has essentially been superseded by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which contains similar provisions for transit arrangements to be made between coastal and land-locked states.

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea now gives a landlocked country a right of access to and from the sea without taxation of traffic through transit states. The United Nations has a programme of action to assist landlocked developing countries

Landlocked states are given a right of access to and from the sea, without taxation of traffic through transit states by UN to which pakistan is a signatory.... So maybe elect a leader who will remove pakistani participation from UNCLOS... and then you can dominate afghanistan's trade the way you want to.

I am still struggling to understand that why are pakistanis so adamant on pushing afghans to the iranian ports?

yuppp that is pakistani defense... commies and then jump straight to UN invasion, forget the Mullah omar, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam madarsas, 1993-98 support to taliban....

And even if there were commies, what was it to you guys..... your brotherly country has always been commie...

Funny to see Indian posters jump through hoops backwards to justify why India was a commie/marxist supporter in Afghanistan all along


just out of sheer ignorance if not downright prejudice.
Funny to see Indian posters jump through hoops backwards to justify why India was a commie/marxist supporter in Afghanistan all along


just out of sheer ignorance if not downright prejudice.
What's wrong with communism? Isn't china commie? Isn't that your higher than mountains, deeper than sea brethren? We supported Soviet? if commie's are that bad, why are you with china?
What's wrong with communism? Isn't china commie? Isn't that your higher than mountains, deeper than sea brethren? We supported Soviet? if commie's are that bad, why are you with china?

you can eat drink lap up, communism. No problemo.

But India sat in Commie lap while commie bear forked Afghanistan, and hence this thread.

Hope you get it this time.

Thank you
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