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India says it will occupy Pakistani Kashmir in future

You are the one who is alleging that Lala Lajpat Rai wanted two separate countries. And all the best with using ZH terminology like Bharti analysts. The MMPs were thoroughly studied in history both by Indian and neutral historians. And the overwhelming conclusion is that partition did not find any support from these provinces until much later.

If you are alleging that Lala Lajpat Rai wanted to partition India, you better show evidence. If you don't show any and then cry hoarse that Bharti analysts then there is no point. After all who dug out those Lajpat Rai letters and Tribune? It must be some Indian historian. Lala Lajpat Rai had links with Arya Samaj and Hindu Mahasabha, but where does it ever indicate that he wanted partition?

I do not hate anyone. But I have very low tolerance for stupidity. Extremists(of all religions) have problems with everyone. And this dumb score keeping of killings in 2015 is a shining example of such stupidity.

And I appreciate the jab you took with the references of ndtv website and jnu campus. Here let me return the favor(though I did not get offended by it :p:):

1. Sure like you talk about the BS you just pasted above in Sanghi websites?
2. I think it is time for your 50ps per post duty as online Bhakt trolling comments section on ndtv.
3. :mod: I think you are needed somewhere more urgently. To pack hound some poor liberal on his blog.
4. Hey hey, why are you wasting time here with me? You could have tweeted a dozen anti-muslim tweets in the time.
5. A quote from you in year 2075: These bloody muslims!! We still have to kill two more of them to balance the score of last 1000 years.

This is India. There is no trivializing anyone's sufferings. But please understand this country has a lot of suffering. An eye for eye, especially when the eye is that of someone a generation later, makes the whole world blind.

And if you are trying to tell me muslims are genetically tuned to seek Hindu blood, then p!ss off. If you are saying there are many muslims who want to erase other religions, I agree and will point out that there are enough people who want to kick all muslims, even the peaceful ones, wholesale out of India.
You ppl are blinded by sickularism as you accuse us to be saffronists. Lol I stated a fact ,89% of Muslims voted for Muslim league during independence , how many went , hardly 50%. Why the rest left here ? They hate this country, otherwise why they voted for Pakistan ?

And about hating other religions well if you accuse saffronists have hate for other why don't you think about the hate they have in their religious books about other religions like God turned them into monkey donkey. Hindus were never violent prone , how many parsis Hindus/saffronist killed ? How many ahmedis Hindus killed? How many mass exodus happened from here . lets talk in figures , shall we? Which Hindu religious texts lets kill ppl for not believing what we believe in?
Do you know what happened to Baha'i faith where it originated ? Search about it and where it flourishing now. 50 yrs of sickular education have some serious effects on some ppl. BTW show me exodus similar to Kashmir one in Hindu majority areas. Bring me one example?

I don't believe in ganga jamuna tehzeeb shit.
Look bhai,

What came about in 1947 was the result of three parties deciding the fate of the region.

1. Brits - They had the governmental powers
2. Congress - They had all the political power and then some
3. League - the weakest of all and it only had "political" power in Sindh, Bengal (parts of W. Punjab). That's all.
League was the weakest. But it had termendous value as a spoilsport and it did not fail to realise its value.
Guess what,

It was Congress's party agenda to kick out MMPs, and thus easily consolidate their hold on HMPs and Princely states (40% area of current India).
OMG! You are now blaming Congress for 'kicking out' MMPs?!! Then why did Jinnah fight for all the time? If Congress was salivating at the prospect of partition, then why did it take so long for independence? If you look at the record of statements and actions, you will see two things
1) ML wanted to even postpone independence for division
2) Congress wanted independence so badly that they accepted partition finally

Now you come with your new history theory and claim that partition was Congress's agenda.

it was also Brits plan B to leave the subcontinent in AT MOST two states (and no more due to their fear of balkanization).
This is agreed.
League never wanted to get MMPs chopped off because in 1940s it was common knowledge, that modern day Pakistan area is very poor (education, industry, and human capital) and thus will not survive without HMPs.
Kindly read about Direct Action day. You are not even talking sense. Yes it is common knowledge that building a state out of modern day Pakistan area was a bad idea. What can we say? ML leaders were that stupid? The only plausible explanation is that they had hoped to rope in the whole of Punjab and Bengal thus making it a more than viable state, even better than India, one can claim. And they even staked claim on Delhi. But they forgot the simple logic that you should gamble with what you have in your hands.

However all these aspects are never taught and we the Indian and Pakistanis are too busy shoveling $hit at each other instead of looking for truth.
I don't know about you. But we are taught truth in our advanced history lessons. Some bitter truths are hidden from high school textbooks. But that's about it. There are no major lies.

You ppl are blinded by sickularism as you accuse us to be saffronists. Lol I stated a fact ,89% of Muslims voted for Muslim league during independence , how many went , hardly 50%. Why the rest left here ? They hate this country, otherwise why they voted for Pakistan ?
OK. SO what? You want to punish their kids for it? Get a brain.

And about hating other religions well if you accuse saffronists have hate for other why don't you think about the hate they have in their religious books about other religions like God turned them into monkey donkey. Hindus were never violent prone , how many parsis Hindus/saffronist killed ? How many ahmedis Hindus killed? How many mass exodus happened from here . lets talk in figures , shall we? Which Hindu religious texts lets kill ppl for not believing what we believe in?
Do you know what happened to Baha'i faith where it originated ? Search about it and where it flourishing now. 50 yrs of sickular education have some serious effects on some ppl. BTW show me exodus similar to Kashmir one in Hindu majority areas. Bring me one example?

I don't believe in ganga jamuna tehzeeb shit.
Why are you telling me pointless facts? If you are talking about Islamists, yes there is a violent Islamist movement out there. But what has that got to do with you neighborly muslim who just goes about his/her job? Your logic is that their co-religionist hate us so we hate them. :crazy: Don't talk like a kid.

Heh. Sickularism! That's all you got?! When your heart is filled with hatred, your brain stops working. Probably that's why are you are not able to come up with anything better. Also probably that's why there are so few intellectuals in the saffronist bunch.

Why did you forget asking whether saffronists killed any Christians or not? :P Was that intentional? Read your own religious text books before calling out on others. The hatred there is for people within the religion is apalling. There is no excuse for first testamentish hatred. But what are you doing about it? You are not preaching peace among muslims. Instead you are shouting from the rooftops saying they should be ridden off. How is that going to solve the problem?

And Hindus were never violent prone? :lol: at the joke. How did Buddhism and Jainism vanish from India?

The point of raising these issues is not to show Hinduism in bad light. But to point out that there is no point in holding all muslims responsible for some nutjobs. And to give a reality check that Hinduism was such a saintly religion. It became moderated because people became liberal at practising Hinduism. The extreme forms of Hinduism will turn out to be a curse on majority of Hindus themselves.
As long as PML-N is in power. Their supporter will defend India & GEO Network. That why you @Imran Khan doing your job for them!
all of pakistani politicians can sit here


What else we can except by "Aaman Ki Aasha`s" lovers . . . :hitwall:

i will be more happy if all of politicians and their supporters die tonight as eid gift
Why did you forget asking whether saffronists killed any Christians or not?
Lets talk who started killing in Christian Hindu matter . Google what happened in Goa to people who did not convert to Christianity when Vasco de gama arrived in goa in 1498. All abrahmic religions are same in its pure state.

How did Buddhism and Jainism vanish from India?
Lolwa . first learn about how shankaracharya defeated teachers of Buddhism , even Ramanujan and others are instrumental in that. Did you ever wonder why Baha'i never got in fight with Hindus if Hinduism indeed preached hate and hate is its core as you describe . indeed certain ppl who belongs to Hinduism did some horrible things but they didn't bomb common ppl , did not quote verse from Vedas to enforce what they are doing. Most Hindu violence are just reactions. Ever heard where it said kil the non believers written in Vedas?

Even quite new faith ppl didn't get killed , search mahima dharma in odisha and search Baha'i faith in its origin country , both claim to be separate religion, see where the persecution happened. The later one was a few decade old religion .

Even I do not believe in God , but belittling the faith that is so grand will not go down well with me.

India exists because of dharmic faiths. Otherwise there would have been none.
its not not "occupy".. its "retake".

cant "take" what was never yours.....but sure come try it, we have plenty of specialists who wouldnt mind a little extra target practice. I think some of them would be honoured to assist the indian cowards with their ritualistic cremation services
Lets talk who started killing in Christian Hindu matter . Google what happened in Goa to people who did not convert to Christianity when Vasco de gama arrived in goa in 1498. All abrahmic religions are same in its pure state.
Somebody always starts it. And nobody will want to admit it is his/her side.
Lolwa . first learn about how shankaracharya defeated teachers of Buddhism , even Ramanujan and others are instrumental in that. Did you ever wonder why Baha'i never got in fight with Hindus if Hinduism indeed preached hate and hate is its core as you describe . indeed certain ppl who belongs to Hinduism did some horrible things but they didn't bomb common ppl , did not quote verse from Vedas to enforce what they are doing.
No religion teaches hate at its core. All religion demean, vilify and encourage hatred for someone or other.

Most Hindu violence are just reactions.
Says the expert who saw it all.
Ever heard where it said kil the non believers written in Vedas?
Punishment for non-believer is not mentioned in Vedas. But they also promoted caste system.
Even quite new faith ppl didn't get killed , search mahima dharma in odisha and search Baha'i faith in its origin country , both claim to be separate religion, see where the persecution happened. The later one was a few decade old religion .

Even I do not believe in God , but belittling the faith that is so grand will not go down well with me.

India exists because of dharmic faiths. Otherwise there would have been none.
If you are trying to convince me that Hinduism is not capable of violence or persecution, then nice try. Even intra Hindu conflicts like Saivism vs Vaishnavism caused so much bloodshed. This is not accounting for religious wars faced by Buddhists and Jains from Hinduism. If you do not believe in God, that does not make you irreligious. And you are blind to the fact that every religion or blind faith is capable of hurting others.
Somebody always starts it. And nobody will want to admit it is his/her side.

No religion teaches hate at its core. All religion demean, vilify and encourage hatred for someone or other.

Says the expert who saw it all.

Punishment for non-believer is not mentioned in Vedas. But they also promoted caste system.

If you are trying to convince me that Hinduism is not capable of violence or persecution, then nice try. Even intra Hindu conflicts like Saivism vs Vaishnavism caused so much bloodshed. This is not accounting for religious wars faced by Buddhists and Jains from Hinduism. If you do not believe in God, that does not make you irreligious. And you are blind to the fact that every religion or blind faith is capable of hurting others.
You will never debate stats. Bcoz stats are something which cannot be denied.

The second point is yes abrahmic faiths are quite hateful to non adherants. Do you know carvaca . Google if you don't know . he practiced atheism in ancient India no body killed him , can you imagine doing the same in mideval papal states and middle East now a days . Gautam Buddha ridiculed Vedas , did someone kill him ? Try doing the same in some abrahmic faith states . yes there are a few bad apple but the difference in number is too large in both in old days and now .

About the third point , where did Vedas say caste system , lol manusmriti propagated caste system , even it got corrupted due to certain zelous brahmins . do you know manusmriti advocated more punishment for brahmins for drinking alcohol than others. So not all was hunky dory for brahmins in manusmriti.BTW nice try jumping from religion to caste.

Says the expert who saw it all.
Oh really , are you the expert who saw Hindus started killing first in all communal violence? I said most not all , genius.
You ppl are blinded by sickularism as you accuse us to be saffronists. Lol I stated a fact ,89% of Muslims voted for Muslim league during independence , how many went , hardly 50%. Why the rest left here ? They hate this country, otherwise why they voted for Pakistan ?

And about hating other religions well if you accuse saffronists have hate for other why don't you think about the hate they have in their religious books about other religions like God turned them into monkey donkey. Hindus were never violent prone , how many parsis Hindus/saffronist killed ? How many ahmedis Hindus killed? How many mass exodus happened from here . lets talk in figures , shall we? Which Hindu religious texts lets kill ppl for not believing what we believe in?
Do you know what happened to Baha'i faith where it originated ? Search about it and where it flourishing now. 50 yrs of sickular education have some serious effects on some ppl. BTW show me exodus similar to Kashmir one in Hindu majority areas. Bring me one example?

I don't believe in ganga jamuna tehzeeb shit.
Anything to say abt sudras?
League was the weakest. But it had termendous value as a spoilsport and it did not fail to realise its value.

OMG! You are now blaming Congress for 'kicking out' MMPs?!! Then why did Jinnah fight for all the time? If Congress was salivating at the prospect of partition, then why did it take so long for independence? If you look at the record of statements and actions, you will see two things
1) ML wanted to even postpone independence for division
2) Congress wanted independence so badly that they accepted partition finally

Now you come with your new history theory and claim that partition was Congress's agenda..

Look bhai

Both Pakistanis and Bharatis are pagan worshipers of their version of WRONG history.

Anytime someone provides a counter-narrative, the reaction is the same as yours.


League never asked by chopping off MMPs.
They wanted special status of MMPs within the federation.

Heck just read the mission plan clauses that were agreed by Jinnah. Who thwarted Jinnah and Mission plan?


And Congress was successful in kicking out MMPs by chopping kaaatu Peetu politics

Congress was the most powerful entity among the three I mentioned.

So please sit down, sip some cold water, and you will come to grips with the reality.


abrahmic faiths are quite hateful to non adherants.

Here comes the use abuse of religious mumbo jumbo from so called Secularists.


League was the weakest. But it had termendous value as a spoilsport and it did not fail to realise its value. .

What the heck is the street value. It did not work in MMPs.

The only time in 50 years League tried to use direction action that showed up ONLY in muslim minority city of Calcutta.

why? It was the handy work of local gangs who used that opportunity to score hits on their opponents.

While Gandhi the clown mourned so called killings in Calcutta, 10s of 1000s of Biharis were raped and killed.

And people asked Gandhi

why the heck are you sitting in Calcutta while so many people are being hacked to death in Bihar

And guess what did he say

You know?

(lets see if you know your history)

Had League any street power, then direction action day would have shown up in MMP areas and cities like Lahore, Karachi Peshawar.

But it never did. So League failed miserably and the real winner were the Hindu mobs who went on killing spree in W Bengal and Bihar.

Hope you learn something now.

Thank you.
Anything to say abt sudras?
what about shudras , my current GF is a so called shudra and one of my cousins is married to a scheduled class man , so no i have no problem , given a chance i will eliminate this caste bullshit . i do not believe in it , as simple as that . thats my view. Those ppl who view other castes as less than them do not deserve to be called humans . i have no problem even if many ppl convert to Buddhism , Sikhism and Jainism , i am all for that . i am all for equality and will not tolerate that says idolaters are less than them. i am against 2faced people that voted for pakistan and stayed in india .

Here comes the use abuse of religious mumbo jumbo from so called Secularists.

well it all started when he blamed saffronist for every kind of problem india is facing and Hindus killing muslims everywhere and we are blood thirsty for muslim blood , i just replied in the same sense.

well i just stated facts , i asked him why many muslim stayed when 90% of them believed in pakistan . i have no problem against you guys , i am all for amicable separation . no need to live with ppl who have no common point to agree upon , we are idolaters to them .i have problem with those ppl who voted muslim league but stayed in India , i am against this hypocrisy . you ppl are good , you voted for pakistan and went to pakistan.
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what about shudras , my current GF is a so called shudra and one of my cousins is married to a scheduled class man , so no i have no problem , given a chance i will eliminate this caste bullshit . i do not believe in it , as simple as that . thats my view. Those ppl who view other castes as less than them do not deserve to be called humans . i have no problem even if many ppl convert to Buddhism , Sikhism and Jainism , i am all for that . i am all for equality and will not tolerate that says idolaters are less than them. i am against 2faced people that voted for pakistan and stayed in india .

Who started massacrres at the time of partition? Who did sikh massacres,who did christian massacres, who did gujrat massacres?

Tell me where a single investigation report CLEARLY STATES that train fire was started by the muslim mob. Just go and dig out information online. U will find nowhere.

U have on this entire page taken enough passive agressive jibes at islam.

"i am all for equality and will not tolerate that says idolaters are less than them. "

What religion n this statement were u exactly referring to?

If islam then islam says there is difference between belever and non believer's ranks near his God , but NOT in their RIGHTS AND SOCIAL STATUS. Tell me where in Islam exists a caste system??

Islam teaches feed a muslim and non muslim same and also tells never kill a muslim of lesser social status or a non muslim if his shadow falls upon a rich muslim. Also islam doesnt teach that fill the ears of a low status muslim or non muslim with molten iron if he hears the voice of a hi status muslim .i can go on and on. Islam tells that everyone shud be clothed ,fed and sheltered on the basis of equalitu. Dont know what u were insinuating by idolaters comment? What jibe were u making.

And just cuz u oppose discrimintion against shudras and u have a shudras wife does that mean... ur entire society has changed?? My point being before fingerpointing at others look at the issues sticking out their heads on ur side,in ur country.

Whats the point in criticizing all abrahmic religions?
I must tell u, ur conversations always reek of strong hate for islam.

Jaidi says "When East India Company entered the Sub Continent, mughals were ruling the country. When British left, it was their moral obligation and logical to return the rule back to progeny of Mughals. So partition plan was null and void, original rulers were to be brought back".
If islam then islam says there is difference between belever and non believer's ranks near his God , but NOT in their RIGHTS AND SOCIAL STATUS. Tell me where in Islam exists a caste system??
ooh really , if no social status difference , why no non muslims will be allow to be prime minister in your country . btw i have nothing against you pakistanis , we ppl hated each other and many went to pakistan and many to india , i hate those ppl who voted for pakistan and stayed in India.
What religion n this statement were u exactly referring to?
any religion which says idolatry is the biggest sin.
Who did sikh massacres,who did christian massacres, who did gujrat massacres?
about sikh massacre , its was a blot on india , i agree but RSS and bjp were mostly helping sikhs , the congressi scums were responsible for massacre.
Tell me where a single investigation report CLEARLY STATES that train fire was started by the muslim mob. Just go and dig out information online. U will find nowhere.
then how did this happen??
31 convicted in deadly Godhra train fire that sparked fatal anti-Muslim riots in India
Billi kay jhwab mein chichray

Azad Kashmiris fought hard for their freedom and we know how to protect it
ooh really , if no social status difference , why no non muslims will be allow to be prime minister in your country .
Does becoming a Pm define social status? Denying only PM's position means u will have low social status?
any religion which says idolatry is the biggest sin.
Every religion has a code to follow ,u cant pick and choose things while following it. I dont get why any religion forbidding idolatory shud bother you? And why shud u view that as a flaw in that faith? Should others also start pointing out flaws in pro idolatory faiths? U will be fine?
about sikh massacre , its was a blot on india , i agree but RSS and bjp were mostly helping sikhs , the congressi scums were responsible for massacre.
As far as i knowbjp etc are also hindu extremists and sikhs are also fearful of them.
How Afzal guru execution happened?

And this para from ur given newslink

"However, human rights activists and lawyers defending the accused have argued that it was an accident and not an act of sabotage.""
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