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India’s Subversive Role in Afghanistan

For some reason all of Pakistan's woes from floods to power outages to corruption to terrorism is because of some global CIA-MOSSAD-RAW nexus. Do you guys here your selves sometimes??!!
10-12 years of american occupation of afghanistan was enough to de-stabalise pakistan but all the CIA,Mossad and raw have fail miserably and after 2014 iSI will concentrate only on india and we will see very strong naxal force with lastest weapons and offcourse kashmir will be on fore front with hundreds of fighter coming from afghanistan.
ISI was able to attack india so many times with in last decade even when it was busy on western front and home front fighting WoT.now when NaTO withraws it will be free from two front and would be able to concentrate fully on india with unlimited supply of fighter at it hands.it will drag india by its nose .
India troubling pakistan from west is just indian fantasy.Afghanistan is like back of pakistan's palm(who said this..Hamid gul or col.Imam...not sure).So when americans withraw from afghanistan it will be back to 1990s for india.but this time it wont be limited only to kashmir like 1990 but whole of india will fare game.

Pakistan too can neutralize with same moral and diplomatic support....:)

Back of the palm and could not stop the USSR taking over Afghanistan, could not stop the US/NATO takeover of Afghanistan. And, Indian security apparatus do estimate the spillage of terrorists from Pakistan into India just like the 1990's but there are a few contradictions here.

1)The US left the area and did not bother about the spillage secondly there was no BLA,TTP, sectarian violence, seperatist movements in Pakistan in the 90's and there was active support for Pakistan from fringe Muslim elements in J&K which has been neutralised by India to a large extent apart from one old f@rt Geelani who will die soon. Pakistan was in much better shape economically then, it's in ruins now with a number of sectarian violence and terrorism inside Pakistan.

2) Global image of Pakistan as an active sponsor of terrorism has been achieved with NATO/US and even China acknowledging it so India has a much more receptive audience in the globe and Pakistan needs these countries to try and rebuild and if better sense prevails Pakistan will not indulge in the activities that they did in the 1990's at least for 5 years and India can utilize this time to wall up in addition to the 12 years that was given during WOT.

3) A number of countries will be active in Afghanistan and that includes India after the withdrawal as well to foresee that Afghanistan does not go back to your proxies and if it does it will be a long drawn out battle with the weight of the world behind the anti Taliban forces.

4) Economy of Pakistan is in the doldrums while the same of India has increased, Global political strength of Pakistan has come to nil while India's become a powerhouse. Effectively we need another decade of the scenario in the west of Pakistan to continue for India to be unreachable for Pakistan which I fear it already is to a major extent..but by 2020 there will be a lot of changes in the status quo. India should utilize it's time spent in Afghanistan to maintain its momentum there.
Already explained it in other post of mine you cant have goodwill in afghanistan without pakistan giving it its approval.ie you have to work in afghanistan by taking permission letter from GHQ rwp first.

We are present in afghanistan and many projects are going in full swing..:smokin:
2 or 3 terror attacks by your proxies didn't stop us..All you can do is whine about how unacceptable indian presence is to pakistan,and have wet dreams about 2014 taliban takeover..
India has no subversive role in Afghanistan in fact India joined the list of best and old friends of Afghanistan along Japan, Germany, Turkey and France the rest is all BS by the author.

It's all propaganda and expect more such pieces, no one believes such tripe.
India has no subversive role in Afghanistan in fact India joined the list of best and old friends of Afghanistan along Japan, Germany, Turkey and France the rest is all BS by the author.
Well taliban will decide that not the NA sitting in kabul.
India has been able to generate a limited scaled diversionary effort from Afghanistan against Pakistan by supporting the terrorists. However, their effort beyond a certain level may intrusively confront the American interests.

Though Americans have also utilized such Indian sponsoring to achieve some of their objectives as well, such Indians actions and efforts would tend to lose support in the long run whence the Americans may initiate stability enhancing measures in Afghanistan.

Therefore, Indian efforts by default are restricted due to time and space limitations. Beyond these time and space limitations, Indian sponsoring would hurt the American efforts and would then become counter productive.

The Americans will retain 4-6 bases in Afghanistan as their next objective, before or after Iran, is full spectrum domination of Eurasian Hinterland and is therefore beyond Afghanistan. For such objective attainment, it is important for Afghanistan to attain a measure of stability. Indians will have to stop at a particular stage.

And if one goes by the happenings in Libya and Syria etc, the same body of trouble makers would be moving in to Central Asia in not too distant a future. This would leave Pakistan relatively free from such activities.

The Indians therefore can smile for the time.
We are present in afghanistan and many projects are going in full swing..:smokin:
2 or 3 terror attacks by your proxies didn't stop us..All you can do is whine about how unacceptable indian presence is to pakistan,and have wet dreams about 2014 taliban takeover..
It wont take long for indians to close shop and run home after 2014.
ISI was able to attack india so many times with in last decade even when it was busy on western front and home front fighting WoT.now when NaTO withraws it will be free from two front and would be able to concentrate fully on india with unlimited supply of fighter at it hands.it will drag india by its nose .

ISI attacks into India ... care to give some actual examples of ISI attacks in India!! and who are these fighters you are mentioning.
India has no subversive role in Afghanistan in fact India joined the list of best and old friends of Afghanistan along Japan, Germany, Turkey and France the rest is all BS by the author.

andhay ko andheray mein bahot door ki soojhi
It wont take much time and efforts from pakistan to bring it on forefront again with a bang ala kargil style.Kargil did bing kashmir into international scene again.

Another Kargil incursion from Pakistan!! are you sure?? and please elaborate on ISI attacks in India.
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