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India’s South China Sea Warning

my dear Chinese friend, please leave this trollers thread. There is no point of furthing arguing with them all days. Wasting of times.
U guys say this in every thread still I see U cheap troll in every Indian thread..... LOL Dont get tired?
typical low IQ question.

according to your theory, india is located west of China and east of Pakistan. so both China and Pakistan can start claiming the land of india?

one day loser, always loser.
One guy always says kissing ******* and U always talking about IQ.
dude, Kashmir is close to our border, we can divide it, take it, or totally remove it from world map.

at the end of day, China will have the final say for the future of Kashmir, that is lesson 101 in world politics.

Ha ha so go ahead and remove Kashmir from World Map.. Hope it will bring Peace b/w India & Pakistan..
The journey towards a bipolar world has already commenced and some believe that the principal route of this journey will be through the waters of South China Sea. The bipolarity lost at the end of previous century will be rediscovered in a matter of less than a decade, say some assessments. If history is any guide, the polar systems of world power always come into being as a result of major international conflicts involving many nations. And the resurgence of bipolarity will be no exception.

Why is this route so important? It is believed that nearly one third of the world’s shipping transits through the waters of South China Sea. It is also believed to be home to huge quantity of fisheries and have oil and gas reserves beneath its seabed. But are these the reasons enough to trigger a global armed conflict? China, the major claimant to this sea, is all set to become the second super power in the next five years when its economy achieves the status of the strongest economy. The developments over this region are quite interesting and the analysts are not ready to discount the projections that 21st century will be naval century and, hence, any major war fought in this century will be fought at sea. Read more at: National Security: South China Sea and the dream of a bipolar world….
you still can't understand the whole issue?

indian ocean is NOT india's ocean.
South China sea is China's ocean.

Get out of occupied kashmir , if that happens , our government will most likely reciprocate by agreeing to not explore the south china sea.
SCS is not really our theater of naval warfare we are still not quite a blue water navy as we lack some of the force multipliers needed to be a blue water navy e.g several carrier battle groups, large helicopter carriers/amphibious transport docks, modern diesel electric sub fleet,) fortunately these 3 holes will be filled in the future IN is interested in Mistral class ships and if we do buy them we will most likely have them built in Indian shipyards in all the IN will have 6 aircraft carriers in the future besides the 4 in the future (Gorshkov, Vikrant, Vishal, the 3rd Vikrant class carrier,) and 2 other ones

if this is the case we can still use INS Viraat as a training aircraft carrier for crew that will serve on CBG's
my dear Chinese friend, please leave this trollers thread. There is no point of furthing arguing with them all days. Wasting of times.

silly fellow dont jump around with chinese , use ur brains u parasites. be self reliant . the day chinese will be dealt next will be u peoples turn:cheesy:

infact already u people have started paying the price.:rofl:
you still can't understand the whole issue?

indian ocean is NOT india's ocean.
South China sea is China's ocean.

You wish...plz get out of here with your BS logic. If you can claim it, the Native Americans in North and South America can claim all the land, do you see the stupidity? Why do I bother, of course you guys know, your gov't does it on purpose to confuse and slow down dialogue till you have a stronger position. But it doesn;t slow down, it just confirms what everyone has been thinking for al ong time. China does have a head start but India can close the gap thru purchases, loans, and friendship prices (free). In fact it is going that route while propping the domestic industry at the same time. Tit for Tat. China recenlty announced explorations in the INdia Ocean. Big deal, it shows the world chinese character. If you really wanted peace, you would solve border issue and get out of Kashmir but instead you issue this statement.....which shows the world true chinese intention. A big blunder from china. It was a missed opportunity to show the world leadership skills. Instead, it has awoken and garnered uncessary, unflatering publicity with the spotlight focused on china's bullying.
The problem with Indians is they NEVER understand anything else other than when they get their teeth kicked in. Its their national trait.

If push comes to shove, Chinese have the political will and the military capability to ***** slap india. I guess the time to test Genral Kapoor(a)'s mighty claims is fast approaching.

Kapoora: I can defeat China and Pakistan at once and simultaneosly

Pakistan: bring it on

Chinese: only bow and smile :lol:

my answer just :rofl::rofl:. ne amma nakodaka narukutha. ne bathukku kukka bathukku pedda theda ledu ra bhadko.

vadu digaadu kada ani rochuloki manam kuda digakudadu............ be cool
looks like U have lost Ur patience today.......
Bl[i]tZ;2120292 said:
I've never seen India take such a hardline vis-a-vis China. There is something unique about this. I think this is a tit for tat move by India because China didn't understand that Kashmir is a core issue for India and outside interferencein Pak Occupied Kashmir is unacceptable. India's request fell on deaf ears. Now when India is doing a similar thing - china is crying foul. This is bound to increase tensions but IMO China atleast today won't escalate this. They have got their hands full with too many things - Japan, South Korea and Vietnam. (Oh, don't forget to add the invisible US) :)



i am happy that India is firm on its stance.

presence in ***, stapled visas, claim on AP etc. have been answered.



i like your quote
you still can't understand the whole issue?

indian ocean is NOT india's ocean.
South China sea is China's ocean.

Oh yeah !!! But Alas no one except china and its all weather friends understands this fact..China's ocean Ha ha ha ha..Jokers u guys needed even indian soilders to liberate and live a dignified life when u guys were slaves during 2nd world war, had not the allied partners saved u then u guys would have become history and now u guys claim the world giving claims of history??
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