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India’s shopping spree & appalling poverty

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2.6% of our GDP is our defence spending.

Funny isn't it that some newbie comes and opens a thread and the usual supporters of such mud slinging appear immediately out there and they are getting more open too of their feelings which is good. I request u and all others who get apologetic regarding poverty and defence spending to stop explaining ourselves to somebody who has no locus standi on our country's matters. The Americans aren't the Chinese aren't then why should we be?? Chinese started their economic reforms in 70's but did they stop from spending on their defence by saying oh we are poor so first let us spend on them and when we are very very rich only then we will induct weapons. I don't think so.

He doesn't pay our taxes nor does he provide aid or any other thing. To such fools and i repeat to such fools ignore option is best. If u have ever opened a thread about Chinese problems and laughed at them then it is ok but have u?? However just as they generalize and refuse to differentiate we too could do the same but i guess its difficult because we are not like that.
Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana
Providing Health Insurance Cover to the Poor

RSBY has been launched by Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India to provide health insurance coverage for Below Poverty Line (BPL) families. The objective of RSBY is to provide protection to BPL households from financial liabilities arising out of health shocks that involve hospitalization. Beneficiaries under RSBY are entitled to hospitalization coverage up to Rs. 30,000/- for most of the diseases that require hospitalization. Government has even fixed the package rates for the hospitals for a large number of interventions. Pre-existing conditions are covered from day one and there is no age limit. Beneficiaries need to pay only Rs. 30/- as registration fee while Central and State Government pays the premium to the insurer selected by the State Government on the basis of a competitive bidding.


The beneficiary, under RSBY, is eligible for the following minimum benefits:

(a) Total sum insured of Rs 30,000 per BPL family per annum on a family floater basis.

(b) Pre-existing conditions to be covered.

(c) Cashless coverage of all health services related to hospitalization, including maternity benefit and such services of a surgical nature which can be provided on a daycare basis. (Though OPD facilities are not covered under the scheme, OPD consultation is free)

(d) Provision for pre and post-hospitalization expenses for one day prior and 5 days after hospitalization.

(e) Provision for transport allowance.


1) IT tools for poorest of the poor:

In all 60 million cards will be issued under RSBY to the BPL families. (60 million X 6 person per family = 360 million poor will be benefiting under this scheme.) This will be the biggest ever exercise involving IT applications in India or anywhere else in the world. So far, IT applications had been used primarily in the urban areas. The smart card is now traveling to rural areas on such a large scale.

2) Empowering Below Poverty Line families:

Unlike the previous Government sponsored schemes, where the beneficiaries did not have option to select the service delivery point, under RSBY, the beneficiary can choose the hospitals from a list of network hospitals, including private hospitals, for seeking treatment.

Security of Cards:

A key management system has been evolved by National Informatics Centre to ensure that the smart cards are fully secure. There would be no scope of cards being duplicated or being misused. The smart card also envisages use of biometrics (finger print verification).
I request u and all others who get apologetic regarding poverty and defence spending to stop explaining ourselves to somebody who has no locus standi on our country's matters. The Americans aren't the Chinese aren't then why should we be?? Chinese started their economic reforms in 70's but did they stop from spending on their defence by saying oh we are poor so first let us spend on them and when we are very very rich only then we will induct weapons. I don't think so.

You"ve made good points,but my interactions with Cardsharp has always been informative,since i get to know something new.

Also since my responses are backed with sources,it is informative for fellow Indians too.

He doesn't pay our taxes nor does he provide aid or any other thing.
Same goes for Indians commenting about Pakistan or China.

To such fools and i repeat to such fools ignore option is best.

For people like Hongwu ,yes!

All this is result of trolling,so i have my solution
If its an Indian troll,attempt to educate him.
If its non-Indian troll,report the post.
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act aims at enhancing the livelihood security of people in rural areas by guaranteeing wage-employment to a rural poor.

Bugdet for this scheme for Rural Poor have around US$ 10 billion or Rs 40,000 crore for 2010-11.

The statistics available with the ministry of rural development, MGNREGA is the largest programme for providing employment in rural areas.

Official statistics say that with 2.83 billion person days generated, 52.5 million households benefited from it in 2009-10, out of the 113.2 million households that had been issued job cards. Scheduled caste/scheduled tribe (SC/ST) households accounted for 51.2% of total person days, and women for 49%.
Can it also be said that since you are in a mud slinging mode we should let you since it lets you feel better??

Hey pal, thats some damn serious accusation, oh come on, just couple of posts only:P :D
Programs for Poverty removal

* Rs 3937cr for improvement of urban poor
* Allocation for Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission raised by 87% to Rs.12,887 crore
* Allocation for urban poor schemes to be raised to Rs.39,730 crore in 2009-10
* Allocation for flagship Bharat Nirman progamme is being raised by 45 per cent.

Housing for Poor

* Rs 2,000 crore for rural housing fund under National Housing Bank
* For Indira Awas Yojana, allocation to be increased by 63 per cent in 2009-10 to touch Rs 8,800 crore.
NREGA employed 4 crore people in 2010 - Rediff.com Business

NREGA employed 4 crore people in 2010

Nearing the four crore (40 million) mark in providing jobs under MGNREGA, re-launching the Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas scheme and reinforcing social audit in programmes on complaints of irregularities were the foremost tasks of the rural development ministry in 2010.

While 3.9 crore (39 million) households were provided employment, the share of women beneficiaries under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act went up to 51 per cent, with over 69.14 crore (691.4 million) beneficiaries.

The MoRD's functioning witnessed a revived zest in February after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh admitted there were some "lapses" in the flagship job guarantee scheme's implementation, including the problem of payment of wages to workers.
Even though there were reports that states like Rajasthan failed to check distress migration as minimum 100 days of employment assured under the Act was not provided to all workers, the scheme did manage to add 51 crore (510 million) beneficiaries from Scheduled Castes and 23.36 crore from Scheduled Tribes.

In its maiden attempt to deliver amenities in rural areas, the MoRD re-launched the PURA scheme under a public-private partnership model with support from Department of Economic Affairs and technical assistance from Asian Development Bank.
Corporates that take up works under PURA are tasked with improving infrastructure for water and sewerage, maintenance of village streets, skill development apart from adding people-centric initiatives such as village linked tourism, integrated rural hub (market), agri-common centres and warehousing.

Instances of alleged irregularities from certain states prompted the ministry to strengthen social audit in the programmes and consider appointment of an Ombudsman for effective grievance redressal in each district.
Apart from the ministry's internal mechanism to check graft there were instances in which the judiciary, including the Supreme Court, intervened and told authorities to probe allegations ranging from alleged embezzlement of funds to diversion of money from the target population.

Putting the Orissa government in the dock, the Supreme Court on December 16 asked for a thorough investigation into utilisation of NREGA funds by the state and asked why the probe into it be not entrusted to CBI.
Livid at the allegation of diversion of funds sent by the Centre to states for NREGA-mandated schemes, the apex court had warned to make an example out of Orissa to force other defaulting states to fall in line.

Certain deputy commissioners and panchayat members in Himachal Pradesh are under scrutiny following allegations of alleged embezzlement committed by the office bearers of panchayats in the state under MNREGA funds.
Thirty seven national level monitors were deputed to as many districts in 15 states for special monitoring of the social audit campaign.

Inching closer to realising the 2012 target of connecting by all weather roads most of the habitations in hilly and tribal areas, about 6,467.08 km of road length was constructed in 2010 out of the targeted 14,320 km.
With lack of infrastructure, basic amenities and neglect emerging as one of the main reasons behind the rise of Naxalism in certain states, the ministry made 35 Left-wing extremism affected districts eligible for a higher rate of unit assistance of Rs 48,500 from 2011.

As part of the UPA's poverty alleviation target set for 2014, the ministry is re-christening the Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana as National Rural Livelihood Mission.
Accordingly, a target has been fixed to enrol 50 per cent of rural women in self-help groups over the next five years.
1.) A fool and troll must try to understand that a defense deal is spread over years, for example a defense deal of US$ 1 billion will take many years and we are not going to pay in single installment.

2.) Apart from keeping country safe every defense deal provides hundreds of employments and economic opportunities.

3.) But the expenditure for poor people we spend whole amount in the same year like about US$ 10 billion or Rs. 40,000 crores for providing jobs to rural poor will be spend in this year and on next year we will increase the budget further for the benefit of the poor people. :cheers:
Funny isn't it that some newbie comes and opens a thread and the usual supporters of such mud slinging appear immediately out there and they are getting more open too of their feelings which is good. I request u and all others who get apologetic regarding poverty and defence spending to stop explaining ourselves to somebody who has no locus standi on our country's matters. The Americans aren't the Chinese aren't then why should we be?? Chinese started their economic reforms in 70's but did they stop from spending on their defence by saying oh we are poor so first let us spend on them and when we are very very rich only then we will induct weapons. I don't think so.

He doesn't pay our taxes nor does he provide aid or any other thing. To such fools and i repeat to such fools ignore option is best. If u have ever opened a thread about Chinese problems and laughed at them then it is ok but have u?? However just as they generalize and refuse to differentiate we too could do the same but i guess its difficult because we are not like that.

In fact, that is what China was doing back in 1970s and 1980s.

Look at the chart, Chinese defence budget was almost the same from 1970-1990, and didn't start to take off until 1990.
In fact, that is what China was doing back in 1970s and 1980s.

Look at the chart, Chinese defence budget was almost the same from 1970-1990, and didn't start to take off until 1990.
no really belives in chinese defence spending nos. It's the chinese who have been asked to be more transparent on defennce spending and not India...why? Use some intelliigence.
Stop sending terrorists over, help Indian poor by helping us reduce our defence budget.

Otherwise, bugger off. The only thing you are pissed about is that you can not keep up.
its appalling that india spends billions on military equipment yet half of the country that is half a billion live on 1 USD per day. india claims to be champions of human rights and bash pakistan for "mumbai massacre" when it doesn't give a damn who died that day, because if it did it would take better care of its own people.

Most people are joining the forum just to troll
A lot of things in yr article are true but a lot of things are wrong as well , frankly i would classify the author of the article as a protegy of Riaz Haq of Haqs Musing
It is true in 2010 that 376 Million People Live below Poverty line In India but what your article fails to mention that the number has come down from 430 Million in 2007 ie a decline of 54 Million people which u forgot to mentionAccording to UN report which u can google India Alleivated 205 Million People out of Poverty Between yr 2000-2010Our annual defence expenditure stood at 32 Billion USD in 2010 which translate to 2.35% of GDP compare to that our investment in Infrastructure(Both public and private) stood at 127 Billion USD ie Roughly 9.5 % of GDPGovernment of India's Subsidy Budget for poor and low income group Stood at 70 Billion USD while While National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme to provide wage employment to rural poor had a budget of 14 Billion USD
Hence our total Expenditure on Poor and low income People stood at 84 Billion USD during the Year in 2010 or 6.2% of GDP

The reason i wanted to tell u these facts was to explain to u that we spend far more money on economic development and Poverty alleivation than we do on defence but this is something that Dawn and Observer Collumnist Do not understand and we simply cannot explain this to the chief Troll Collumnist Riaz Haq who by the way believes that indian economy is in for crash landing in 2011 ,
Even IMF and World Bank said that Economy will Slowdown in 2011 as the GOI withdraws the stimulus But they expect economy to slow to 8.1% annual growth rate as as compared 8.9% at present
Seems some people are really pissed off that they can't keep up.
@Indian members

I was merely refuting the following point by indushek, because what indushek said about China is not true.

Chinese started their economic reforms in 70's but did they stop from spending on their defence by saying oh we are poor so first let us spend on them and when we are very very rich only then we will induct weapons.

If you think India should keep up with China's increasement in defence budget, go ahead, no comment on that.
@Indian members

I was merely refuting the following point by indushek, because what indushek said about China is not true.
I believe the point Indushek is making is ,even when Chinese economy was in bad shape ,the defence expenditure still continued(how much,is insignificant),it wasn't brought to halt.

The graph you posted shows the fact Chinese defence expenditure growth is a directly proportional to its economic growth.

GDP % of spending on defence was stable in China's case.
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