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India’s RAW Tries To Kill Hafiz Saeed, Bomb ISI Building ..........

Didn't you hear? The army report implicated India in the BDR mutiny. The government has kept it under close wraps but things are getting leaked to the public.

No not only I but the rest of the world also has not heard of this ( tall) one. We are after all not privy ' insider' info.

Stranger still...

The Govt keeps in under ' wraps' yet the world is expected to know.

Could it be in the same manner as the involvement of R&AW in Lahore blast is " certian' as per arm chair strategists ? or could it be a part of a wish list ?
India is as innocent as Paviter Ganga

btw thats what an american acedemic has to say

I never said that. If I killed one guy that does not mean all the murders in and around that area are done by me. I could be the suspect though but it will not be more than us suspecting ISI in Manmohan Singh's admission to AIIMS.
we have suffered due to past blunders and are sacrifiseing more than any body to correct the wrongs

but at same time we cannot allow enemy states to finance the same terrorists which we are trying to distroy

Yes, now this is the right approach. Make sure none of your enemies are able to even look into your eye. But please don't increase enmity by pointing fingers without knowing the truth.
Since Mumbai attack India also learned its lessons. I see this as the only silver lining in that hideous past. I hope its the same for you especially since PA went with full force against taliban. I sincerely wish Pakistan again become just like my grandfather used to reminiscent with pride :)
Whether the target was Col. Amir Mirza or the arrested persons inside the ISI building or Hafiz Saeed may be questioned but we all know RAW did this of which we have no doubt. We are just speculating which of the possible people were the targets of the attack not the perpetrators which we know was a RAW sponsored outfit.

We know.

We are sure.

Well, not once, of the hundreds of incidents that have occurred in the past few years, has the GOP offered even semi believable proof that RAW or India is involved.

Don't bring the evidence to India, take it to any world world body. But not once has the GOP done that.

But, no. We know. We are sure.

Paranoia and conspiracy theories masquerading as scholarship.
We know.

We are sure.

Well, not once, of the hundreds of incidents that have occurred in the past few years, has the GOP offered even semi believable proof that RAW or India is involved.

Don't bring the evidence to India, take it to any world world body. But not once has the GOP done that.

But, no. We know. We are sure.

Paranoia and conspiracy theories masquerading as scholarship.
Of course Indian made these arguments because Indian knows Pakistan is in so much pressure that it can not make any statement about raw. US is pointing fingers on Pakistan army and ISI what could be the best time for Indians to destabilize Pakistan because US is already not in favor of Pakistanis. Every Raw attempts to destabilize Pakistan are put on Taliban’s.

And do n t gave bullshit about world body.
Indians were facing energy crises and were about to solve it by Iran gas line project. What happen you Indians sell out to US.
The game played by Israel US and India we Pakistani know about it. Military equipments given to India by Israel are indirectly involving US policy to take Pakistan nukes.
Of course Indian made these arguments because Indian knows Pakistan is in so much pressure that it can not make any statement about raw. US is pointing fingers on Pakistan army and ISI what could be the best time for Indians to destabilize Pakistan because US is already not in favor of Pakistanis. Every Raw attempts to destabilize Pakistan are put on Taliban’s.

And do n t gave bullshit about world body.
Indians were facing energy crises and were about to solve it by Iran gas line project. What happen you Indians sell out to US.
The game played by Israel US and India we Pakistani know about it. Military equipments given to India by Israel are indirectly involving US policy to take Pakistan nukes.

There is a difference between hostility between our two nations, between the cloak and dagger games that antagonist nations play, everywhere in the world, and what is happening in Pakistan today.

The first is 'usual'. I accept that India probably has intelligence assets in Pakistan. Pakistan also has the same in India. This is 'normal'. Even friendly nations do it to each other. Heck, Israel, a close ally of the USA, is known to have spied on the USA.

The second is not usual. What is happening in Pakistan today is the backlash from Pakistani assets, some of whom were supported by the establishment just a few years ago.

First, the claim is made that India is responsible for terrorism in Pakistan. Then, when the individuals themselves (Mehsud and company) accept responsibility, it is said they are RAW agents. How much further can this line of logic extends before it snaps?

The way I see it, some Pakistanis are unwilling to accept that their governments created this monster and are now paying the price. They cannot believe that 'real' Muslims can kill Muslims. And so everything becomes a conspiracy, an evil plan hatched by the most obvious enemies.
:rofl::rofl: All I can do is laugh at this. Anyone who bothers reading the news would know that the target was not Hafiz Saeed, but only ISI. Infact, one colonel got killed in these attacks. And there is a perfectly good explanation for this. The ISI and Army is pushing them so they are retaliating. Its quite simple. See when you come up with such ridiculous theories the rest of the world laughs at us. Stop making a laughing stock out of yourselves.
There is a difference between hostility between our two nations, between the cloak and dagger games that antagonist nations play, everywhere in the world, and what is happening in Pakistan today.

The first is 'usual'. I accept that India probably has intelligence assets in Pakistan. Pakistan also has the same in India. This is 'normal'. Even friendly nations do it to each other. Heck, Israel, a close ally of the USA, is known to have spied on the USA.

The second is not usual. What is happening in Pakistan today is the backlash from Pakistani assets, some of whom were supported by the establishment just a few years ago.

First, the claim is made that India is responsible for terrorism in Pakistan. Then, when the individuals themselves (Mehsud and company) accept responsibility, it is said they are RAW agents. How much further can this line of logic extends before it snaps?

The way I see it, some Pakistanis are unwilling to accept that their governments created this monster and are now paying the price. They cannot believe that 'real' Muslims can kill Muslims. And so everything becomes a conspiracy, an evil plan hatched by the most obvious enemies.
You have lost it.:crazy:
So you are telling me that ISI is responsible for killing its own country men. The agency made to protract Pakistan is now fighting its own war with in .for what? :what:
I have an advice for you quit watching Bollywood movies because you are losing touch with reality.:agree:

Tell me why ISI will blow its own building?
You have lost it.:crazy:
So you are telling me that ISI is responsible for killing its own country men. The agency made to protract Pakistan is now fighting its own war with in .for what? :what:
I have an advice for you quit watching Bollywood movies because you are losing touch with reality.:agree:

Tell me why ISI will blow its own building?

For the same reason that CIA did burst it's own and RAW laid havoc on Financial Capital of India.

Oh these conspiracy theories are funny. All of them make for a amusing read:woot::woot:. But sadly nothing more than that...
India’s RAW Tries To Kill Hafiz Saeed, Bomb ISI Building, Payback For Blowing Up Indian Embassy In Kabul?

Highly credible sources within the Pakistani security community confirm that a strong lead indicates the Indians might have tried to assassinate a leader of a Kashmiri resistance group in yesterday’s Lahore attack. This was a sophisticated attack whose links go to the fake Taliban in Pakistan’s northwest who are heavily backed from inside Afghanistan. In addition to the Kashmiri resistance leader, the attack targeted the ISI regional headquarter. India is out to avenge Mumbai and the destruction of the Indian embassy in an attack in Kabul last year.


Thursday, 28 May 2009.

Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

LAHORE, Pakistan—Information coming in from security officials in Lahore suggests the actual target was the Lahore High Court building where Hafiz Saeed from Jama’at Al Da’awa [more widely known as Jama’at-ud-Dawa] was attending his court hearing at the time of the terrorist explosion, reveals an exclusive report posted by our affiliate PKKH. [PakistanKaKhudaHafiz.com]

“It appears the target was Hafiz Saeed. The attackers drove around the area but could not get close enough to the Lahore High Court building due to the barricades in place,” says one official.

The most fascinating aspect of the Lahore attack is that Baitullah Mehsud, the leader of the foreign-sponsored so-called Pakistani Taliban has claimed responsibility.

It is ironic because Mehsud threatened last year to kill Saeed because the Kashmiri group refused to heed Mehsud’s call to fight Pakistan and Pakistanis, just as these fake foreign-supported Pakistani Taliban are doing.

The question is: Why would someone who calls himself an Islamic fighter want to kill the leader of a Kashmiri resistance group who is fighting Indian occupation soldiers [aka ‘The rapists’ for using rape as a preferred tool of Kashmir occupation]?

Another question is: Why is it that everything that Mehsud and his so-called Pakistani Taliban do [terrorizing Pakistanis, abducting the Chinese, attacking the ISI, etc.] matches the objectives of the Americans and the Indians?

Pakistani officials have piles of circumstantial evidence that shows the Pakistani Taliban, or TTP, being provided sophisticated support from someone in Afghanistan. CIA spy planes and drones are known to avoid killing leaders of the so-called Pakistani Taliban that attack Pakistani targets and avoid fighting the American occupation forces in Afghanistan.

The real Taliban, the Afghan Taliban, restrict their activities to their country as part of a legitimate armed resistance to an illegitimate U.S. occupation of their country. The Afghan Taliban do not support the so-called Pakistani Taliban because of the latter’s suspected links to Indian intelligence operatives inside Afghanistan who are facilitated by Karzai’s security setup.

Mehsud’s involvement confirms again that the mess inside Pakistan is not isolated from the larger agenda of weakening Pakistani military that Washington, or at least some influential players in Washington, is pursuing as part of its Afghan strategy.

Unfortunately, neither the Pakistani government or the Pakistani military are willing to pull back the concession given to CIA to establish outposts and networks inside Pakistan.

Mehsud’s threat to the Kashmiri leader overlaps with India’s failed attempts in the past to attack the offices of the Al Da’awa inside Pakistan. The Indians were ready to do it and the pro-U.S. elected government in Islamabad was ready to go along by refusing to put the Pakistani Air Force on high alert. The plan didn’t work when the Pakistani military sent clear signals to the Americans that India will get a bloody nose if it tried to cross the international border. PAF was quietly put on war alert despite the elected government’s inaction.

According to the PKKH, on December 14th last year, Indian Air Force jets voilated Pakistani airspace in Kashmir and Lahore in a failed attempt to attack Jama’at Dawa offices in Azad Kashmir and in Muridke, a small town near Lahore.

The Indian jets were promptly ensnared by Pakistani fighter jets and were pushed back into Indian airspace. Pakistani military officials presented to Admiral Mike Mullen a photograph of one of the Indian jets locked within the firing range by a PAF F-16 as a warning.

The following is a report written by Tabish Qayyum and Hammad Qureshi and is posted at PKKH:

Once again Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) of India has failed to fulfill its agenda of avenging the self created Mumbai wounds by eliminating leadership of Jamat-ud-dawa (JuD). They are working on two primary objectives:

1. To eliminate JuD leadership,

2. To damage trust between JuD, Pakistani Government and Law Enforcement agencies, that has naturally built over the years due to the pro-Pakistan policies and defense of Pakistan that JUD has carried out over the years.

Third consecutive incident of Police under attack but failure to achieve objectives is a continuation of RAW’s agenda to create a hostage situation where Indian terrorists posing themselves as Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT) will demand for the release of LeT leadership – that drama failed in the initial attack on Sri Lankan team, then in Police training center, where the Indian indoctrinated terrorists failed to consolidate and hold ground to show heart in fight and eventually were not able to produce desired results.

In this third attempt which was an act of desperation, showed a change in RAW’s strategy which could be described as direct approach by trying to eliminate JUD leader Hafiz Saeed under police custody to create an impression to JUD supporters that Pakistan could not protect their leader and Pakistan has staged a drama to murder Hafiz Saeed in an attempt to rectify relations with Indians.

Had these attacks were successful, JUD would have broken into factions of people who would consider Pakistani government and army as their enemy and then a new series of attacks would start by planting another enemy in Pakistan right at its heart.

A dirty political game is being played in Sindh, North West Frontier Province (NWFP) is already burning and Baluchistan’s insurgency is not new – thanks to our admirers in shape of our enemies – given in circumstances, Punjab and Azad Kashmir are the only areas where the RAW has failed to spread its virus of terrorism only because of the JUD’s influence which is in absolute support of Pakistan.

JUD’s ideology paves way for curing the misguided jihadist elements that are being reigned by RAW and being continuously funded by enemies of Pakistan.

Hafiz Saeed also survived a assassination from bomb blast in 2000 at Urdu Science College in Karachi where he was about to deliver a speech – the blast left many injured and three dead. Blasts not deterring Hafiz Saeed delivered his speech on the same spot right after half our and people remained in the congregation chanting slogans of takbeer “Allah-o-Akbar”. During his speech, Hafiz Saeed, neither blamed government nor asked his followers to block University Road to call an strike instead he said, “we will avenge the blood spilled here in the mountains of Kashmir”.

This is a well known fact in that that JUD is an asset to Pakistan, whether be it charity and aid work to help people in natural disasters or to defend ideological borders of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan because if India comes up with any adventurism it is going to be very sorry in days coming ahead.

© 2007-2009. All rights reserved. AhmedQuraishi.com & PakNationalists

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium without royalty provided this notice is preserved.

makes sense
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India is as innocent as Paviter Ganga

btw thats what an american acedemic has to say

Even if the article is 100% true (which I don't think it is), it still won't mean that India backs TTP or that India is responsible for ISI bombing. All that would show is that India might have a motive to back TTP. But so does Afghanistan, Israel, Iran and many others.

Imagine this, you hate your neighbour. You suspect him of stealing your chickens in the night and so you wait at the fence staring into the neighbours yard. Suddenly you feel something slithering at your feet. You are startled.

In this moment, It does not help to direct your anger at your neighbour or fire your gun at him. Most likely, there is a snake at your feet -killing the snake should be the first thing to do. Now it might be likely that the neighbour let the snake loose to get you, but any sensible neighbour knows that the snake can just as well slither across the fence into his plot. Either way that should be investigated after you have killed the snake, not while it is about to strike.

(In case it was not clear, the person in question is Pakistan, the snake is BM/TTP and the neighbour is India).
Perhaps Mr. Quraishi might also pursue the following question:

If as he contends, Baitullah is a U.S and RAW asset, why has the Pakistani government, both the present and Mr. Gen. Musharraf's, have not acted against Baitullah?

How is it that journalists know exactly where to find Baitullah and the Pakistani security services do not?

Perhaps we may arrive at answers for the questions Mr. Quraishi poses, were we to first act in our on behalf instead of blaming ghosts.

If Mr. Saeed was the target, how did enemies get information about where he would be? Obviously from the inside, isn't that so? Or does the enemy have a homing beacon on Mr. Saeed? Does that now mean that people very close to The JUD leader are now suspects? or should it mean that some one or persons in the ISI or IB has been compromised?
You have lost it.:crazy:

You may be right; that is what my wife keeps telling me, 30 seconds after we got married.

So you are telling me that ISI is responsible for killing its own country men. The agency made to protract Pakistan is now fighting its own war with in .for what? :what:

No, what I am telling you is that Pakistani agencies, including the ISI, have lost control of the tiger they thought they controlled. That's all.

I have an advice for you quit watching Bollywood movies because you are losing touch with reality.:agree:

I freaking hate 90% of all Bollywood movies, and 95% of Bollywood movies I have seen. I dunno what that means; but one really good Bollywood movie I liked was Ardh Satya. And I see Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron, every chance I get.

Seen either of those?

Tell me why ISI will blow its own building?

The ISI wouldn't. Terrorists out of control looking to take revenge will. And these guys are neither Indian, nor supported by India.
You may be right; that is what my wife keeps telling me, 30 seconds after we got married.

No, what I am telling you is that Pakistani agencies, including the ISI, have lost control of the tiger they thought they controlled. That's all.

I freaking hate 90% of all Bollywood movies, and 95% of Bollywood movies I have seen. I dunno what that means; but one really good Bollywood movie I liked was Ardh Satya. And I see Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron, every chance I get.

Seen either of those?

The ISI wouldn't. Terrorists out of control looking to take revenge will. And these guys are neither Indian, nor supported by India.

See that my point.
Raw do its dirty work and blames the terrorists.
For sake of argument I believe you that ISI lost control. So now the ISI stop providing weapons money etc but still new weapons are discovered by the Pakistan army in Pakistan tribal belt.
Now who is providing these weapons and finical aid?

I tell you its Russian Indians Israelis and Americans. How many dead bodies found in swat are non Muslims. What are they doing there?

It’s useless to tell the world that many intelligent agencies of India Israel Russians and Americans are operating in Pakistan tribal belt because US already accuses Pakistan ISI and army. Every ones know if US made a point nothing can challenge it.

Stop Feeding the troll's. People are going to belive what they want to, no matter how obvious facts are. Truth hurts.

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