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India’s nuclear submarine to trigger arms race: Pak Navy


Oct 3, 2005
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United States
India’s nuclear submarine to trigger arms race: Pak Navy

KARACHI: Pakistan has expressed concern over the induction of a nuclear submarine in the Indian Navy and said it will jeopardise the security paradigm of the entire region.

ISPR spokesperson for the Pakistan Navy Commander Salman Ali told Dawn on Monday the Indian move would have far-reaching destabilising effects on the security environment not only of Pakistan but also of all the littoral states of Indian Ocean and beyond.
He said the induction of 6,000-tonne INS Arihant in the Indian Navy had the potential to trigger a nuclear arms race in the region and all littoral states, including Pakistan, would have to take appropriate safeguards.

According to defence experts, the Indian nuclear submarine, the first of five planned, is powered by an 85-megawatt nuclear reactor and can reach 44 km an hour (24 knots) under water. It will be armed with torpedoes and ballistic missiles, and carry a crew of 95 men.

Analysts say that the nuclear-powered submarine and the satellite launch vehicles planned by India have got a boost by the Indo-US nuclear deal.

They believe that the Indian nuclear submarine capability will pose a serious threat to Pakistan’s ‘brown water’ navy and in the years ahead will add to India’s capability to lay blockade and choke the flow of trade from the Gulf and via Suez Canal in the west and Strait of Malacca in the east.

Nuclear submarine is an luxurious activity. Pakistan should finalize as soon as possible U214 deal upgrade its old agosta 70 class submarines. Buy destroyers from England and China
i am just copy pasting something which aptly sums up my response
That was a good article but slightly flawed analysis.Pakistan’s foreign,internal policies and stratergies are all India Centric but we have been crying out hoarse that Pakistan is just a part Indian policies and not the whole of it.India is looking to become a superpower so we have among others, China to take care of as well.Pakistan is only mentioned in India for two things one cricket and other terrorism export to India.If terrorism targeted against India from pakistan is taken care of by the pakistani authorities we Indians are not even intrested in what is going on in pakistan.
Please do not flatter yourself thinking that you are in competetion with India.Just focus on your strengths and solve your internal problems and let us solve ours as we both have a lot of them.

It is just like Mexico,it is not nervous about the neighbouring US and understands that every new missile is not targeted against them,Pakistan should focus on problem at hand without worrying too much about India’s giant strides.
We dont want to attack Pakistan as we already have enough internal problem to solve ourselves.

i am just copy pasting something which aptly sums up my response
That was a good article but slightly flawed analysis.Pakistan’s foreign,internal policies and stratergies are all India Centric but we have been crying out hoarse that Pakistan is just a part Indian policies and not the whole of it.India is looking to become a superpower so we have among others, China to take care of as well.Pakistan is only mentioned in India for two things one cricket and other terrorism export to India.If terrorism targeted against India from pakistan is taken care of by the pakistani authorities we Indians are not even intrested in what is going on in pakistan.
Please do not flatter yourself thinking that you are in competetion with India.Just focus on your strengths and solve your internal problems and let us solve ours as we both have a lot of them.

It is just like Mexico,it is not nervous about the neighbouring US and understands that every new missile is not targeted against them,Pakistan should focus on problem at hand without worrying too much about India’s giant strides.
We dont want to attack Pakistan as we already have enough internal problem to solve ourselves.


look at te comparison hahahahha are you out your mind comparing India with US and Mexico with pakistan
i think You cant compare with china for next 50 years and you start comaring with US look at chinese exports and their menufacturing base, standard of living,Number of student in world top Universities etc etc. India is batter then pakistan but you cant have comparison with US.
pakistan problem will be solved you dont need to worry what kind of leap india have you only have good exports thats give you money as u class system prevent govt to invest on people any body with money in current situation can buy any thing. intstead of investing on poors you are spending on weapons of mass distruction thats good for China and pakistan.

Pakistan problem is thats we only get united against india and now we will go for neuclear submarine and that will be far cheapest then the indian as we did with JF 17 and Alkhalid and our other weapons
look at te comparison hahahahha are you out your mind comparing India with US and Mexico with pakistan
i think You cant compare with china for next 50 years and you start comaring with US look at chinese exports and their menufacturing base, standard of living,Number of student in world top Universities etc etc. India is batter then pakistan but you cant have comparison with US.
pakistan problem will be solved you dont need to worry what kind of leap india have you only have good exports thats give you money as u class system prevent govt to invest on people any body with money in current situation can buy any thing. intstead of investing on poors you are spending on weapons of mass distruction thats good for China and pakistan.

Pakistan problem is thats we only get united against india and now we will go for neuclear submarine and that will be far cheapest then the indian as we did with JF 17 and Alkhalid and our other weapons

An excellent effort to create a meaning less post......

Its called benchmarking and not comparison....you benchmark against the best and set your goals and achieve them......and if you want to look at India as a poor country that can't feed its own.....try looking inwards for few minutes ......and tell me where is your economy going....we are spending our own money to do whatever we want....and we are not looking forward to foreign aid to meet our foreign debt liabilities....

So...to cut the crap...all I have to say is ...Its India's money and we can spend it wherever we want.....
An excellent effort to create a meaning less post......

Its called benchmarking and not comparison....you benchmark against the best and set your goals and achieve them......and if you want to look at India as a poor country that can't feed its own.....try looking inwards for few minutes ......and tell me where is your economy going....we are spending our own money to do whatever we want....and we are not looking forward to foreign aid to meet our foreign debt liabilities....

So...to cut the crap...all I have to say is ...Its India's money and we can spend it wherever we want.....
I did not say whare the economy is going and regarding the money i said its good for China and pakistan that india spend on WMDS i gave my point of view You did not mention any thing on comparision US = india after two year You will say US+UK+china < india hahahhahahahha
look at te comparison hahahahha are you out your mind comparing India with US and Mexico with pakistan
i think You cant compare with china for next 50 years and you start comaring with US look at chinese exports and their menufacturing base, standard of living,Number of student in world top Universities etc etc. India is batter then pakistan but you cant have comparison with US.
pakistan problem will be solved you dont need to worry what kind of leap india have you only have good exports thats give you money as u class system prevent govt to invest on people any body with money in current situation can buy any thing. intstead of investing on poors you are spending on weapons of mass distruction thats good for China and pakistan.

Pakistan problem is thats we only get united against india and now we will go for neuclear submarine and that will be far cheapest then the indian as we did with JF 17 and Alkhalid and our other weapons

well after reading your para
i can only sum up to recall an old saying for you::
sometimes its nicer to live in fools paradise:taz:
I did not say whare the economy is going and regarding the money i said its good for China and pakistan that india spend on WMDS i gave my point of view You did not mention any thing on comparision US = india after two year You will say US+UK+china < india hahahhahahahha

Well well well what do we have in here...... India has all the human and material resources that are required to become a superpower; it is only a question of management. The natural ingredients necessary to become a superpower are: 1. Adequate geographical size, 2. Adequate population, having a good level of natural intelligence, 3. Reasonable level of natural resources, 4. Will of the population to be superior.... We do not say That We will be a superpower In 2yrs, But The race has begun And India Is In the race Along with USA,China,Japan,Russia..
India’s nuclear submarine to trigger arms race: Pak Navy

KARACHI: Pakistan has expressed concern over the induction of a nuclear submarine in the Indian Navy and said it will jeopardise the security paradigm of the entire region.

ISPR spokesperson for the Pakistan Navy Commander Salman Ali told Dawn on Monday the Indian move would have far-reaching destabilising effects on the security environment not only of Pakistan but also of all the littoral states of Indian Ocean and beyond.
He said the induction of 6,000-tonne INS Arihant in the Indian Navy had the potential to trigger a nuclear arms race in the region and all littoral states, including Pakistan, would have to take appropriate safeguards.

According to defence experts, the Indian nuclear submarine, the first of five planned, is powered by an 85-megawatt nuclear reactor and can reach 44 km an hour (24 knots) under water. It will be armed with torpedoes and ballistic missiles, and carry a crew of 95 men.

Analysts say that the nuclear-powered submarine and the satellite launch vehicles planned by India have got a boost by the Indo-US nuclear deal.

They believe that the Indian nuclear submarine capability will pose a serious threat to Pakistan’s ‘brown water’ navy and in the years ahead will add to India’s capability to lay blockade and choke the flow of trade from the Gulf and via Suez Canal in the west and Strait of Malacca in the east.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | India?s nuclear submarine to trigger arms race: Pak Navy

strange , our post on the same topic were moved/merged in an older post ( that is why i say , a usa is always is in one's heart/mind )

where should i begin with? i mean BR produces so many brain washed junkies army and after graduating from that funny forum they all flood in here like mosquitoes in a tent.. lol...
btw... you should feel lucky that you are enjoying the freedom of speech which lacks very badly in your forums.. their ego wont be satisfied when they dont bash islam or pakistan in every other posts of theirs.. i can tackle your immature posts, and this being the prime example.
Pakistan is only mentioned in India for two things one cricket and other terrorism export to India
i can go on and say... in pakistan india is only known for... hindus are known for worshiping idols and rats while indian muslims and nothing more. i feel sorry for you type of misinformed individuals.. why? because once their bobble is burst they cry very hard..

coming back to the topic...

just how arms race are triggered between rivals? well... when one side is introducing new type or arms the other side is forced to counter it and it goes on and on...
I think we should stay quiet and not ***** like which india who bitches whenever we get anything ranging from a missile to an aircraft.
What has pakistan been able to contribute to the world other than terrorism? So before you speak,Learn to face reality first.

Talk when you know anything about terrorism. The so called terrorists in Afghanistan are the creation of American to repel your formal friend Russia.
People fighting occupation of US in Afghanistan, if are terrorist then during sub continent independence movement all Indian are terrorist too.
The reality is that India is putting south Asia in an arms race which will create instability in the region.

If i am not wrong, India is the only country which has Nuke Sub in the Indian Ocean now. So by looking at the scenario I think US and China should be more concerned over the development. After all US and India had been competing in the Indian Ocean since decades and now Chinese influence there have worried India alot.
Talk when you know anything about terrorism. The so called terrorists in Afghanistan are the creation of American to repel your formal friend Russia.
People fighting occupation of US in Afghanistan, if are terrorist then during sub continent independence movement all Indian are terrorist too.
The reality is that India is putting south Asia in an arms race which will create instability in the region.

Well yes.. But Its not India which is putting Asia into an arms race, its china... U cannot leave your country defence less, might be possible for pakistan, but India cannot... we are concerned
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