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India’s Military Comes of Age: The BrahMos Missile

And yet not a single article states that BrahMos has been deployed with Russian Forces. :D

Post that article when that fantasy happens.

The fact of the matter is BrahMos is a 2nd rate Missile that Russians don't even want. They just made India think that they developed it to boost their morale after the failure of Arjun and many other military projects undertaken by India.

Like i mentioned earlier, but the same logic since PLAF has not inducted a single J-17 , so should we consider 2nd rate junk?

Also Arjun is already in service.
Mate don'nt get in iLLUSION:lol:

Firsty,SAMs which u talking about can only intercept Jets,helis & UAVs.:lol:

It can not intercept any supersonic Missiles........and also not in dreams.:P

Brahmos is BAAP of all supersonic missiles.......& Brahmos 2 hypersonic is DADA of all supersonic missiles.......So plz keep ur Troops away from this deadly weapons,,it can make a large Cemetery in just few seconds :D
Hyper delusion !!!
How do you launch Brahmos ? By the time your ship/mki comes near our place our awacs would have detected them and shoot your launching platform . Brahmos is not Baap , it is kid of Yakhont missile . Our troops will handle your toy weapons very easily .

before your SAM radar detect and try to identify its path and take action , long before that it already hit the target.

For you writing garbage is better then one line....... Keep it Short and Simple (KISS).
Typical Indian Delusion . You Indians are taught like that . It doesnt matter if it is subsonic or supersonic in head on mode , after all your missile is not going to deviate from the target . So it wll be an easy kill by our SAMs . It might not be as effective .
what i said about soviet supersonic missile was some circumstances in cold war.besides,their cruise range was beyond 400km(brahmos is far shorter).and that was under circumstance of saturation attack.i also said USN's harpoon and tommahawk and china's c803 are subsonic missile.honestly,do u really think they r junk?i also explained the advantages of subsonic missile.why didnt you see that....man antimissile technology has improved a lot.i dont understand where you get the idea that subsonic missile can be easily killed.did u read what i said?for example,in the terminal flying,C803 can reach a speed about 2M.when radar detect it,it would be late as it is already close to the target.
supersonic cruise missile is not better than sub ones ,unless it can cruise close to the surface without lower much of its range.can brahmos do that?

and this why we are developing Brahmos II and LRCM

Brahmos II will be developed without Russian help and input, by using expertise gained in brahmos JV

thus it will not be suffer 300 KM restriction

Range of Brahmos II will be nearly 400 KM (my guess) and it will be hyper sonic

LRCM will have speed of 3.2 mach and range of 600 KM

and as far as i know,
brahmos does not fly ALWAYS at 2.8 or 3 mach,

it needs to climb up to a certain height before it approaches maximum speed,hence it makes itself easier target to be detected and intercepted,

sub sonic can fly very close to surface,hence they are difficult to detect,

that's why we are also developing Nirbhay Cruise Missile
BhraMos is a kick a$$ missile, has already made enemies tremble without being fired at them.

Indian army who is most fussy when it comes to inducting systems it operates, and we are updating, testing newer on board systems, working on Mark II versions and versions for land and air, explains how much confidence everyone has in it.

Those who think it can be defeated they are right but once it leaves the launcher the enemy becomes its victim, they must give some good scientific explanation how they will stop it and not to mention since we produce this beast at home we have option to overwhelm the target without hesitation.

Technology helps.
1st It was Agni and now Brahmos.... how pathetic one can get.
Till now Brahmos which failed only once in numerous test and have achieved pinpoint accuracy on all occasions except one... and no one had any problem whatsoever... suddenly its being deployed on Indo-China Border and it becomes a fail missiles... certainly a chicom logic which applies only for chins in chin.


No one's asking you to put that head out.
and as far as i know,
brahmos does not fly ALWAYS at 2.8 or 3 mach,

right, it flies at top speed only when its required, which is most of the time.

it needs to climb up to a certain height before it approaches maximum speed,hence it makes itself easier target to be detected and intercepted,

Theres a wide misunderstanding that BrahMos cannot terrain-hug, which is false. it can terrainhug as
well as tomahawk and thats why it can sneak up to targets behind hills without exposing to lines of
fire and take out the target. (especially the block-III)

BrahMos' speed is judged by the terrain its flying though, in plains & desert consitions (and most
other terrain in Indo-pak border) envisages lesser maneuverability required to stay agile and steer
off obsticles, therefore its possible for BrahMos to reach upto 2.5 mach or above in terrain hugging mode.

in hilly terrain (like in Indo-china border) it requires to be agile enough to skim though hills, valleys
and other such terrain obsticles and formations to reach the target, speed needs to be lessened if to
stay agile enough, but for advanced block-3, it can terrain hug even in such terrain at upto 2.5-2.6 mach
without much trouble.

secondly, its not a matter of detection but how quickly you can react to the incoming missile to prepare
countermeasures or defense systems, the faster the missile, the lesser time you have to do that, and
therefore higher kill probability for the missile is achieved.

sub sonic can fly very close to surface,hence they are difficult to detect,

This was relevent in 80s but not much now. AWACS can see them, Aerostats can see them, even
powerful fighter radars in look-down mode can see them, they dont remain stealthy anymore.
Due to their speed of 0.8 mach (the speed of a commercial airliner), it gives the opponent a lot
of time to decide what to do and how to do it. thats what matters, unless your employing something
like a SCALP/Storm Shadow missile that has very low RCS and is really difficult to detect with radar
Russia isnt taking it because there enenemies are far awaaaaay
but dont be tensed indian enemies are very close
To people who are responding to the flames, pls stop. They are BSing and u are being messed by them.

I read an elaborate discussion between a foreign and an Indian member regarding Aegis system. I think the foreign author has got the premise wrong for his/her first post. The OP clearly states that BrahMos can get past the Aegis system, so the lengthy discussion by both the members is almost a waste time and resources. Though I may want to add what has been said b4, Supersonic speed guarantees a probability intercept. Add to it a sea skimming mode, its purely menacing.

I am not advocating "BrahMos THE BEST, rest take-a-rest !!" motion. Others are also respectable platforms and devices but at no time one can negate BrahMos. It too commands the same respect.
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