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India’s Mars exploration mission by Oct

Spot on! But the issue here is as to why NASA/JPL are publishing images on the surface of Mars with the red L2 filter turned up? For example here's an image fro the NASA/JPL website:


Now with the L2 filter at normal range, this is what you get:


The second image looks more natural and most likely the REAL color of Mars from the surface. So why NASA is fudging the colors is the question!

Now as far as NASA's mischievous activities are concerned... well, I don't vouch for those guys :lol:

Seriously speaking, I do not know why NASA would do that.

Mars has always looked red to me even with a reflective 20 inch telescope, so I don't know why you think the second photograph gives us the honest colors.

Even in these latest pictures... the surface looks pretty rusty to me:



Doesn't look like the second picture you posted...

So please tell us, why do you think NASA is making Mars look like Hollywood? :P

P.S. Could it be that the usage of L2 filter removes the noise of ions or the dust in question?

Edit: The first image was originally black & white, the colors were filled later on.
Dude, I think India will succeed. Other nations may have good boosters, good infrastructure, however, I feel as if India has got better mathematicians and scientists.

Fully disagree with you on the bolded part.

Maths is badly ignored in this country.
Failures are part of the game. Remember Indian moon orbiter didn't complete its 2 years, just 10 months but it did completed 95% of work.

I think every nation have different priorities. I like ISRO and CNSA work plan quite impressive as they are highly effective organizations.

I wish we succeed. Even if we fail, it will help us technologically.

Krait, pls i request u not to talk the way our ignorant media does, Mission life of Chandrayaan was ESTIMATED to be 2 years, it was not guaranteed that in ideal conditions, it will last for 2 years, ISRO just OVER-ESTIMATED the life of Chandrayaan to be 2 years, even NASA's rovers to moon din't have 2 years of life. I think the MAX. the chandrayaan could have lasted in ideal conditions is 1 year, but space is anything but IDEAL, right?

For me, Chandrayaan was a 200% success:

1. We proved to world that we are capable of deep space mission in the very first mission.
2. Our orbiter completed 10 months circling moon.
3. We planted our Flag on moon with the MIP.
4. We demonstrated the capability of crash landing by MIP.
5. We now have nearly the complete map of Moon.
6. Found water on Moon.
7. Established communication infrastructure for deep space communication.

This & many other things at a cost of just $100 million. SALUTE to ISRO.
Congratulations! If India succeeds, it will be the second nation after US to accomplish it. Everyone else has failed till date to even do the maths necessary for such a mission.

No buddy, not second but third, both Russia & US have accomplished this feet. The important thing is that both there first missions were a failure, but than that was in 1960s & 70s & now we are in 21st century where we don't have to re-invent the wheel. I think India has demonstrated all the technologies needed for such a mission by success of chandrayaan-1, the only difference i see b/w the two is the DISTANCE FACTOR as it will take more time for the orbiter to reach mars than it took it to reach moon + we need more stronger communication infrastructure for such a mission, i think ISRO will have it's heart in it's mouth for those 300 days that will take the orbiter to reach the mars after that the mission will be somewhat smooth affair as most of the failed missions have failed on there journey to mars not in it's orbit.
I would be more happy if they take some more time and do things much more thoroughly as they did with Chandrayaan. Its even better if they invite international proposals for the experiment payload which I am sure every space faring nation willing to contribute.

Maybe from Chandrayaan mission our scientists got the confidence for deep space missions and now they want to do it alone. I wish us success !! :tup:
even many were praising Indians for maths and computers.. but me myself i am very bad in maths :P

Come to UK, when some British see an Indian, they think of him as a computer geek or a mathematician :lol:

Dude I quoted ISRO's statement. I didn't mean Chandrayaan was a failure. I meant other failures. :D
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This news is hitting European media now... which led me here

Obviously this joke becomes a source of fake pride of many Indians. But as a guy whose tax $ is funding this stupid white elephant project, I feel outraged!

Yes, the EU donates hundreds of millions of aids euro to India annually. As a tax payer, my money is indirectly funding this project.

Why this shows the pinnacle of Indian hypocrisy and stupidity?

I'll use several mins here telling ya why:

1. wrong priority: when a large part of India is illiterate and starving, literally as the whole world knows it except Indians, someone on top in India has no shame in spending other people's aids money for their own ends of artificial glorification.

It is unfair to ordinary Indians, unethical to the int’l donors, and strictly speaking it is even illegal.

2. wrong target: why Mars? why not Saturn or Jupiter as a Chinese suggests (obviously he's much smarter shown by his satire)? The reason given by Indians is sth like

"if we succeed, we will be the 2nd nation after the US...if we fail, it'll help us technologically..."

Now that response is the evidence of typical 82 IQ or below. Why? Why not try this instead if using same logic and efforts but much better?----

"if we succeed in exploring Jupiter, we'll be the 1st in the world! if we fail, oke, it'll help us technologically, even more!" :rofl:

So if I were you, at least I would choose a much further target earning much morebragging right with the exactly the same efforts.

No wonder with such stupidity around and throughout, India is such a basketcase, because any idea, no matter how outrageously stupid it is, will be supported by even much stupider audiences who have no clue of being taken for a ride. :no:

3. wrong benefit groups: whose tech it helps? where the $$$ go?

If India can not build from A to Z a 3++ gen fighter like LCA Tejas, do you HONESTLY believe that it can accomplish such a thing like 5 gen fighter on its own? No. But Indians somehow are all convinced as "YES" :lol:

Again and again, in every field of HAL, or ISRO or DRDO, the same stupidity is shown in EVERY SINGLE of their "project" that is before even knowing how to crawl, they brag they will and is ready to sprint as fast as or even faster than Usain Bolt. ( Kavari, hello? they claimed they could built it in about a fraction of time and money that took much more experienced and technologically much more advanced France have done in similar things. :no: )

The lunar explorer that India sent to the much closer Moon was lost in contact after a short period of operation, hello??? Yet when NO better tech has ever been demonstrated after it, while somehow Indian ISRO is convinced it’s ready for much further away Mars – again, typical Indian brag to sprint before crawl.

Do you really really , honestly, think that India who even pays an army of Russian consultants, technologies and entire turnkey systems such as rocket fuel, guidance system, key designs and key high temperature super hard alloys all imported straight from Moscow on low tech rocket such as Agni V, but at the same time India somehow "magically" has much higher tech of its own for the more powerful Mars rocket, if not also importing/paying all star Russian technologies, key parts and personnel/consultants????

So where the main $$$ of this white elephant project go? Russia.

Where the main tech ( rocket tech) come from? Russia mainly, and possible also the EU, NASA.

Whose technologies, successfully or not, it will demonstrate mainly? Russian.

Whose industries, knowhows “it will help mainly even when failed”? Russian.

Where the minority of the $$$ go? Bonus of some Indian benefit persons in ISRO/DRDO, and their Swiss bank accounts account, of course.

above is the simple logical check list that most of entire Europeans, North East Asians and (white)Americans will tell ya.

Thus, succeed or not, India and Indians who in a fool’s paradise are happy and feel proud of it, while the rest of the developed world will look down further upon this laughing stock. Now you know why.
This news is hitting European media now... which led me here

, I feel outraged!

any links for the Aid claim. Or it's just like your IQ fart ???

And you know what we don't give a fu@k to your concern and outrage. Feel free to fell anything :rofl:
This news is hitting European media now... which led me here

Obviously this joke becomes a source of fake pride of many Indians. But as a guy whose tax $ is funding this stupid white elephant project, I feel outraged!

Yes, the EU donates hundreds of millions of aids euro to India annually. As a tax payer, my money is indirectly funding this project.

Why this shows the pinnacle of Indian hypocrisy and stupidity?

I'll use several mins here telling ya why:

1. wrong priority: when a large part of India is illiterate and starving, literally as the whole world knows it except Indians, someone on top in India has no shame in spending other people's aids money for their own ends of artificial glorification.

It is unfair to ordinary Indians, unethical to the int’l donors, and strictly speaking it is even illegal.

2. wrong target: why Mars? why not Saturn or Jupiter as a Chinese suggests (obviously he's much smarter shown by his satire)? The reason given by Indians is sth like

"if we succeed, we will be the 2nd nation after the US...if we fail, it'll help us technologically..."

Now that response is the evidence of typical 82 IQ or below. Why? Why not try this instead if using same logic and efforts but much better?----

"if we succeed in exploring Jupiter, we'll be the 1st in the world! if we fail, oke, it'll help us technologically, even more!" :rofl:

So if I were you, at least I would choose a much further target earning much morebragging right with the exactly the same efforts.

No wonder with such stupidity around and throughout, India is such a basketcase, because any idea, no matter how outrageously stupid it is, will be supported by even much stupider audiences who have no clue of being taken for a ride. :no:

3. wrong benefit groups: whose tech it helps? where the $$$ go?

If India can not build from A to Z a 3++ gen fighter like LCA Tejas, do you HONESTLY believe that it can accomplish such a thing like 5 gen fighter on its own? No. But Indians somehow are all convinced as "YES" :lol:

Again and again, in every field of HAL, or ISRO or DRDO, the same stupidity is shown in EVERY SINGLE of their "project" that is before even knowing how to crawl, they brag they will and is ready to sprint as fast as or even faster than Usain Bolt. ( Kavari, hello? they claimed they could built it in about a fraction of time and money that took much more experienced and technologically much more advanced France have done in similar things. :no: )

The lunar explorer that India sent to the much closer Moon was lost in contact after a short period of operation, hello??? Yet when NO better tech has ever been demonstrated after it, while somehow Indian ISRO is convinced it’s ready for much further away Mars – again, typical Indian brag to sprint before crawl.

Do you really really , honestly, think that India who even pays an army of Russian consultants, technologies and entire turnkey systems such as rocket fuel, guidance system, key designs and key high temperature super hard alloys all imported straight from Moscow on low tech rocket such as Agni V, but at the same time India somehow "magically" has much higher tech of its own for the more powerful Mars rocket, if not also importing/paying all star Russian technologies, key parts and personnel/consultants????

So where the main $$$ of this white elephant project go? Russia.

Where the main tech ( rocket tech) come from? Russia mainly, and possible also the EU, NASA.

Whose technologies, successfully or not, it will demonstrate mainly? Russian.

Whose industries, knowhows “it will help mainly even when failed”? Russian.

Where the minority of the $$$ go? Bonus of some Indian benefit persons in ISRO/DRDO, and their Swiss bank accounts account, of course.

above is the simple logical check list that most of entire Europeans, North East Asians and (white)Americans will tell ya.

Thus, succeed or not, India and Indians who in a fool’s paradise are happy and feel proud of it, while the rest of the developed world will look down further upon this laughing stock. Now you know why.

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