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India’s Journey in Afghanistan: A Dead End | PKKH.tv

Indian leaders thought the same after partition that Muslims wont be able to run the country and a few months later they will be asking for accession to the Indian Union but unfortunately for you , Pakistan survives till this day ... :azn:

Please post a neutral link to prove they ever said that , instead of self glorifying your existence. In fact , even an idiot would say that governing a country with 98% muslim population should be a piece of cake. Sadly , your leaders couldn't even control such a homogeneous population , and the result was that Pakistan split up into Bangladesh and Pakistan. Anyway , if you do have a link to prove the crap you just said , please post it here for the rest of us to laugh at.
Please post a neutral link to prove they ever said that , instead of self glorifying your existence. In fact , even an idiot would say that governing a country with 98% muslim population should be a piece of cake. Sadly , your leaders couldn't even control such a homogeneous population , and the result was that Pakistan split up into Bangladesh and Pakistan. Anyway , if you do have a link to prove the crap you just said , please post it here for the rest of us to laugh at.

Sardar Willibh Bhai Patel is on record, saying that Pakistani state will soon collapse.

Also read the proceedings of the West Bengal Assembly from 1947-1949. There were daily threats and conspiracies against E. Pakistan.

Please do not be so ignorant about your own history and your own Assemblies.

Thank you
Well , this is what the reports coming from the US itself are indicating , the author wasn't making things up here ... Check the Afghanistan section for " Obama to mount rapid withdrawal of troops " and the change in the leadership of US command ... Almost a decade of coalition's efforts already paint a very gloomy picture of their progress with neutral sources themselves confirming that the majority of Afghanistan is still being controlled by Taliban and other militias ... Even if they stay , they are most likely to be in the capital , key towns or the bases , this by no means translates into something that can make a difference ... If a million + coalition soldiers couldn't get the control of that country in 10 years , what hope lies there for their " token presence " ? :azn:

ANA is a newly recruited army which is today not capable of running the country , on different occasions they have done green-on-blue attacks themselves forcing the US to stop their training and joint operations ... At the moment , they are just another militia given nice uniforms and expensive toys but with zero morality , negligible capability and battered moral not to mention - persistent drug users as well as dealers which sadly half of Karzai's family too is ... So you can just imagine , what happens after the coalition/majority of it abandons the country ...

Yes , US is trying to negotiate with different groups and asking Pakistan to help in the peace efforts , the most important group in their focus are the Taliban themselves who are not ready to accept any deal which allows the presence of even a single NATO soldiers post 2014 so either the US leaves as per the plan and doesn't negotiate with anyone or accepts Taliban proposal of quitting the country and gets something in return ... At the moment , it appears that US is more desperate to talk with Taliban than vice versa ... As far as moderate elements in Taliban are concerned , I do not think anything as such exists ...

The end result will be an instant civil war in the country with different factions backed by different countries ... It still remains to be seen that whom seeks who's help ... Considering the Pakistan's immense influence in that country and India's geographic disadvantage , yes it will a dead end for them if US leaves the country / strikes a peace deal with Taliban or some other faction besides NA comes into government ... This much is certain that Islamabad will not allow any anti Pakistan Govt to sit in Kabul and since majority of their economic goods are imported/exported via Pakistan - we have a massive advantage here not to mention the " ethnic Pashtun " one ...

You have stated your view as opposed to mine - If ANA collapses as I mentioned before, the highlighted is going to happen. 40% Pasthun supported taliban vs 60% rest of the other Afghans supported by the countries including US and US is not going to forgive or let it go easily - US will fund the rest of Afghans along with many other countries - Do you think the rest of them are going to submit to Taliban? And guess who is going to pick up all the fall out? neighbouring countries including Pakistan. So who is going to lose out if the civil war is going to happen? the neighbouring countries including Pakistan.

Beyond that, lets agree to disagree as there is nothing much to discuss here.
Sardar Willibh Bhai Patel is on record, saying that Pakistani state will soon collapse.

Also read the proceedings of the West Bengal Assembly from 1947-1949. There were daily threats and conspiracies against E. Pakistan.

Please do not be so ignorant about your own history and your own Assemblies.

Thank you

Ok..... You are a respected senior member , so you are probably right. I apologize from Sardar's side , he shouldn't have said that , LOL. Well , I don't know what his reasons were for saying that. I would say that with a 98% Muslim population , Pakistan should be one of the easiest countries to govern. Of course , you have around a dozen ethnic groups , but who doesn't? India in comparison has like several hundred of them.
Patel was bang on target, Pakistani state did collapse soon enough, whats the shame in calling a spade a spade?

Patel knew what he was talking about, he stitched together a giant of a nation like India, he defnitely had an insight into Pakistan as well.
Dreams have no limits and boundaries, so India started thinking that her strategic environment stretches from the north to the south and from the east to the west.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...ghanistan-dead-end-pkkh-tv.html#ixzz2G5IDDagF

Why are idiotic nonsensical blogs allowed here on PDF? Look at this PKKH crap - Pakistan ka Khuda Hafiz!!! :rofl: :rofl:

And written by someone who knows diddly squat about the subject!! Jeeez! I'm outta here....
Patel was bang on target, Pakistani state did collapse soon enough, whats the shame in calling a spade a spade?

Patel knew what he was talking about, he stitched together a giant of a nation like India, he defnitely had an insight into Pakistan as well.

1. Predicting your neighbor's house will fall due to poor construction.------ Philosophical/ scientific prediction
2. Putting firebomb in your neighbor's house to make it fall -------------------- Terrorist activity

You hope and I wish Patel was being #1.


Sadly he was #2 maal.

Hope you get this time.
Indian involvement in Afghanistan is largely to keep Pakistan involved in two fronts and distract. Well, in post 2014 scenario Pakistan would need to do the same. There are quite a few choices Pakistan can work from. Next year and leading upto 2014 would interesting as there will be many moves around the region.

despite external support to armed terrorist groups in Pakistan by certain countries, it's been a failed strategy; more terrorist plots have been foiled, more terrorists sent to their creator (and many more to go)

finally our perspective on Afghanistan may be gaining traction in ISAF/NATO circles --- since they finally mustered the common sense to see what we've been seeing well before 2001.

Pakistan's choice ought to be to stay on track and stand firm.

Ok..... You are a respected senior member , so you are probably right. I apologize from Sardar's side , he shouldn't have said that , LOL. Well , I don't know what his reasons were for saying that. I would say that with a 98% Muslim population , Pakistan should be one of the easiest countries to govern. Of course , you have around a dozen ethnic groups , but who doesn't? India in comparison has like several hundred of them.

the political parties and their goons make it ungovernable....otherwise there is no problem
1. Predicting your neighbor's house will fall due to poor construction.------ Philosophical/ scientific prediction
2. Putting firebomb in your neighbor's house to make it fall -------------------- Terrorist activity

You hope and I wish Patel was being #1.


Sadly he was #2 maal.

Hope you get this time.

What I wish for is India to have followed Patel's iron-fisted approach rather than Nehru's docility, would have a had a lot less headaches now.

Wrong analogy btw, India didn'y just walk in and fire boobed Pakistans house, you guys were destined to fall because of your diffrences, common religion argument and dictatorships could only carry so far
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