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India’s empty democracy can’t protect its people

What off the two million people who were tortured to death by Mao's militia or three million people who committed suicide?

Maybe this 40-45 million figure is exaggerated, maybe it is not.

The fact is when your own govt does not tell you $hit or gives you doctored information, does not allow any independent source to gather information..then any information coming in. whether real or not, can hardly be called a propaganda. Because you do not have the real substantiated facts to counter it.

And Not much has changed, just like I was asking before, can anyone t tell "how many people did China execute just last year?"

It is Ironic ..how in this information age, all people of China lack is Information"
Are you talking about the death during Cultural revolution?

What I am trying to say is this. You guy seem to think that the Chinese populace is dumb, brainwash automaton controlled by a despotic regime. While China is not a democracy, it does have a functioning government that has legitimacy, consent and accountability by the Chinese people. How could China achieve so much otherwise?

Yes, China is opaque sometimes. The number of death penalty is currently not published by the Chinese government yearly, they probably would do it sometime in the future, as is their common practiced. But ordinary Chinese do not care about that. China has no obligation to tell you everything that you like to hear.

Ultimately it is the Chinese people that should decide how they should be ruled. As long as Chinese government delivered what Chinese people care about, then everything is ok.

Can you understand that China is different and is run by a different set of rules? while China would attempt to get in line with practice that is common in the world, but please do not expect her to be perfectly in sync.

Chinese government is busy bettering the lives of their citizen, a competition against whatever measuring stick that other care to find is not very high on Chinese government agenda.
Are you talking about the death during Cultural revolution?

What I am trying to say is this. You guy seem to think that the Chinese populace is dumb, brainwash automaton controlled by a despotic regime. While China is not a democracy, it does have a functioning government that has legitimacy, consent and accountability by the Chinese people. How could China achieve so much otherwise?

Yes, China is opaque sometimes. The number of death penalty is currently not published by the Chinese government yearly, they probably would do it sometime in the future, as is their common practiced. But ordinary Chinese do not care about that. China has no obligation to tell you everything that you like to hear.

Ultimately it is the Chinese people that should decide how they should be ruled. As long as Chinese government delivered what Chinese people care about, then everything is ok.

Can you understand that China is different and is run by a different set of rules? while China would attempt to get in line with practice that is common in the world, but please do not expect her to be perfectly in sync.

Chinese government is busy bettering the lives of their citizen, a competition against whatever measuring stick that other care to find is not very high on Chinese government agenda.

True, but chinese people are just beginning to assert themselves ... which was not the case during the cultural revolution.

Now, common chinese protest pollution that puts arsenic or dangerous chemicals poured into their drinking water, in the name of "national progress".

Forced evictions... land clearing by disrupting lives of the people... now these news items have just about being to come out of china.

Off course, this itself is a big achievement (by PRC standards).

But still too tiny things, chinese people need to get together to bring larger visible change. As of date, oppression does work for the CPC govt.
śūnya_0_Zero;3825497 said:
True, but chinese people are just beginning to assert themselves ... which was not the case during the cultural revolution.

Now, common chinese protest pollution that puts arsenic or dangerous chemicals poured into their drinking water, in the name of "national progress".

Forced evictions... land clearing by disrupting lives of the people... now these news items have just about being to come out of china.

Off course, this itself is a big achievement (by PRC standards).

But still too tiny things, chinese people need to get together to bring larger visible change. As of date, oppression does work for the CPC govt.
Through out Chinese history, the following phenomena has occurred time and time again. The rich and powerful would slowly become corrupt and entrenched to be more and more powerful, such that the poor would become poorer. Until the poor cannot take it anymore and revolt to topple the rich and powerful, and the cycle renew. The Chinese people is prone to and has a long history of populous revolution. This is because in Confucianism, people/citizen is entitled to a revolution if they were mistreated by the government/emperor.

Cultural revolution is an attempt to bypass that naturally occurring phenomena and artificially implement a class struggle/revolution.

Cultural Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Revolution was launched in May 1966. Mao alleged that bourgeois elements were infiltrating the government and society at large, aiming to restore capitalism. He insisted that these "revisionists" be removed through violent class struggle. China's youth responded to Mao's appeal by forming Red Guard groups around the country. The movement spread into the military, urban workers, and the Communist Party leadership itself. It resulted in widespread factional struggles in all walks of life. In the top leadership, it led to a mass purge of senior officials who were accused of taking a "capitalist road", most notably Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping. During the same period Mao's personality cult grew to immense proportions.

What happened in the cultural revolution is not Chinese not being able to assert themselves. It is the opposite, it is Chinese people asserting themselves too much. The initially government sanctioned protest/movement to topple the upper echelon/class, went fervently idealistic and become a mob that leave the country in barely controllable chaos for a decade.

That is why China after that history, would think twice about letting the people asserting themselves too much again.

And FYI, Chinese is a communal culture, just because news doesn't travel to outside world, it doesn't mean that Chinese do not know about them. Chinese people by culture maintain a vast network of personal relationship and is able to learn quite a lot of thing through the network.

It is very strange that people outside China seem to think that they know more about the history, current event, and intricacy of Chinese society than Chinese that have live their whole life in China. What outside people normally know is just some hash and rehash favorite topics that the western media like to report. I think Chinese people couldn't care less about those topics.
YOU indians ARE PATHETIC!all the best you can do are foraging repeatedly materials on Tianmen Sq and Mao's era which happened several decades ago for your backup! what about your indira gandhi's era of hardlining rules and bloodsheds?

and you tragedies of riots, crackdowns and bloodsheds on a grand scale are unstopped since independence to this day!

putting aside of all those disgusting massacres and ethnic cleansings happened in India since 1947, just annual death of unwanted childern and starvation can put India as the worst of all.... barbaric fedual society is the best definition of India for the moment
śūnya_0_Zero;3825497 said:
True, but chinese people are just beginning to assert themselves ... which was not the case during the cultural revolution.

Now, common chinese protest pollution that puts arsenic or dangerous chemicals poured into their drinking water, in the name of "national progress".

Forced evictions... land clearing by disrupting lives of the people... now these news items have just about being to come out of china.

Off course, this itself is a big achievement (by PRC standards).

But still too tiny things, chinese people need to get together to bring larger visible change. As of date, oppression does work for the CPC govt.

Cultural revolution were ended more than 3.5 decades ago. We move on from there.

Your women's revolution against atrocities on them has not started but is getting worse (or always this worse but indians have been ignoring it en mass).

the whole other thing about land ownership, pollutuon and environment problems are happening in indian DEMOCRACY too before you even start to industralize yourself.
Cultural revolution were ended more than 3.5 decades ago. We move on from there.

Your women's revolution against atrocities on them has not started but is getting worse (or always this worse but indians have been ignoring it en mass).

the whole other thing about land ownership, pollutuon and environment problems are happening in indian DEMOCRACY too before you even start to industralize yourself.

Not focusing on whatever else you wrote (.. which doesn't mean that I agree with all that):

I don't understand what you mean... India has not started to industrialize

In other words, what should happen (.. as per your wise understanding), such that India starts industrialization.

- should we start steel manufacturing? (.. already 4th largest producer)
- cement manufacturing? .... (already 2nd largest producer)
- petrochemicals? ... (global scale plants; not sure about rankings)
- fertilizers? ... (already 2nd largest producer)
- food processing? ....(huge production; not sure about ranking)
- textiles? ... (eh..)

India's manufacturing output is the third largest in the world (in volume terms) and tenth largest (in value terms, at nominal exchange rates).

Now, after this.. let's say India starts industrializing, then by the time we become "middle" industrialized we should be the largest producer of everything.

Not a bad idea, let's start industrialising...
śūnya_0_Zero;3826518 said:
India's manufacturing output is the third largest in the world (in volume terms) and tenth largest (in value terms, at nominal exchange rates).

Not many people on PDF will understand, what you have written because of biased nature.
What off the two million people who were tortured to death by Mao's militia or three million people who committed suicide?

Maybe this 40-45 million figure is exaggerated, maybe it is not.

The fact is when your own govt does not tell you $hit or gives you doctored information, does not allow any independent source to gather information..then any information coming in. whether real or not, can hardly be called a propaganda. Because you do not have the real substantiated facts to counter it.

And Not much has changed, just like I was asking before, can anyone t tell "how many people did China execute just last year?"

It is Ironic ..how in this information age, all people of China lack is Information"
This is just to show how you have been brainwashed, you really know what you're talking about?Very funny!When you know what is true, even if you think you're funny, I was serious.

śūnya_0_Zero;3826518 said:
Not focusing on whatever else you wrote (.. which doesn't mean that I agree with all that):

I don't understand what you mean... India has not started to industrialize

In other words, what should happen (.. as per your wise understanding), such that India starts industrialization.

- should we start steel manufacturing? (.. already 4th largest producer)
- cement manufacturing? .... (already 2nd largest producer)
- petrochemicals? ... (global scale plants; not sure about rankings)
- fertilizers? ... (already 2nd largest producer)
- food processing? ....(huge production; not sure about ranking)
- textiles? ... (eh..)

India's manufacturing output is the third largest in the world (in volume terms) and tenth largest (in value terms, at nominal exchange rates).

Now, after this.. let's say India starts industrializing, then by the time we become "middle" industrialized we should be the largest producer of everything.

Not a bad idea, let's start industrialising...

Too slow, to some extent, slow is dangerous, it is more dangerous than zero.
Personal views on this subject, taking into account the domestic situation in India, the point of view of some Indian members have shown a lot of things.Of course, some people remain silent, but you do not speak, I can not know your point of view.
did i hear a mainlander calling others "sheep", thanks for the morning chuckles :tup:

Old boy, are you sure you know Taiwan?

In democarcy you wont have this...


Democracy has both positive and negative things.. Unfortunetly in India we have more second one.

Combined with the video, do you mean the CCP is innocent in that event?I am sorry, I am against it, because the CCP also have responsibility, even if not all the responsibility.
Personal views on this subject, taking into account the domestic situation in India, the point of view of some Indian members have shown a lot of things.Of course, some people remain silent, but you do not speak, I can not know your point of view.

In India's democracy there is nothing called Great Leap Forward.
In India's democracy there is nothing called Great Leap Forward.

Well, that is the the CCP government a large the ruling mistake, we paid the price.However, I can not understand what you mean, because of the errors of the government of India is far from being more serious than it. To see your women and children, the poor, and you do not have any sense of guilt?
Well, that is the the CCP government a large the ruling error, we paid the price.However, I can not understand what you mean, because of the errors of the government of India is far from being more serious than it is to see your women and children, the poor, and you do not have any sense of guilt?

It was not a error but it was a tyranny in China and we Indians are lucky not to have that tyranny with us.
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