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India’s Challenges & It's Military Modernization

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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India’s Challenges & It's Military Modernization

This subject has very large implications for the strategic balance in Asia & India Ocean.

Key points:

1. Major Indian military challenges & strategies

A. “Cold start” (near-zero mobilization time) punitive limited ground offensive into Pakistan. Why a “cold start”? Fear of Pakistan nuclear missile attack into Indian mobilization bases.

B. Defense of India’s extreme northeast against a surprise Chinese ground attack from Tibet (much of the India-China border remains in dispute). Challenges: lack of strategic warning, logistics support/reinforcement through the narrow “chicken neck” near Nepal.

C. Indian naval campaign in Bay of Bengal against Chinese naval forces, which might in the future have access to naval bases in Myanmar, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka.

D. Domestic Maoist insurgency which Indian police may not be able to contain.

E. Strategic nuclear balance between Pakistan & India could become unstable due to increased warhead count on both sides, increased missile quantity and accuracy, better ISR, and arrival of missile defenses.

2. Problems with Indian military modernization

A. India’s defense industry is no better.

B. Corruption in military acquisition programs acquisition system is a major problem.

C. Thinking seems stuck in the 1985 Air Land Battle concept, with little consideration given to indirect strategies, irregular warfare, hybrid techniques, cyber/electronic attack.

3. Bottom line: Indian military modernization is a big story in Asia.

India is far behind China both in capacity and its modernization effort. India needs deep bureaucratic reform before it will be able to adequately address the challenges and implement the strategies described in point 1.
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India’s Challenges & It's Military Modernization

This subject has very large implications for the strategic balance in Asia & India Ocean.

Key points:

1. Major Indian military challenges & strategies

A. “Cold start” (near-zero mobilization time) punitive limited ground offensive into Pakistan. Why a “cold start”? Fear of Pakistan nuclear missile attack into Indian mobilization bases.

B. Defense of India’s extreme northeast against a surprise Chinese ground attack from Tibet (much of the India-China border remains in dispute). Challenges: lack of strategic warning, logistics support/reinforcement through the narrow “chicken neck” near Nepal.

C. Indian naval campaign in Bay of Bengal against Chinese naval forces, which might in the future have access to naval bases in Myanmar, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka.

D. Domestic Maoist insurgency which Indian police may not be able to contain.

E. Strategic nuclear balance between Pakistan & India could become unstable due to increased warhead count on both sides, increased missile quantity and accuracy, better ISR, and arrival of missile defenses.

2. Problems with Indian military modernization

A. India’s defense industry is no better.

B. Corruption in military acquisition programs acquisition system is a major problem.

C. Thinking seems stuck in the 1985 Air Land Battle concept, with little consideration given to indirect strategies, irregular warfare, hybrid techniques, cyber/electronic attack.

3. Bottom line: Indian military modernization is a big story in Asia.

India is far behind China both in capacity and its modernization effort. India needs deep bureaucratic reform before it will be able to adequately address the challenges and implement the strategies described in point 1.
India’s Challenges & It's Military Modernization

This subject has very large implications for the strategic balance in Asia & India Ocean.

Key points:

1. Major Indian military challenges & strategies

lack of strategic warning.

2. Problems with Indian military modernization

indirect strategies, irregular warfare, hybrid techniques,

Before going further into the discussion, I need some elaboration about the highlighted parts.
India’s Challenges & It's Military Modernization

This subject has very large implications for the strategic balance in Asia & India Ocean.

Key points:

1. Major Indian military challenges & strategies

A. “Cold start” (near-zero mobilization time) punitive limited ground offensive into Pakistan. Why a “cold start”? Fear of Pakistan nuclear missile attack into Indian mobilization bases.

B. Defense of India’s extreme northeast against a surprise Chinese ground attack from Tibet (much of the India-China border remains in dispute). Challenges: lack of strategic warning, logistics support/reinforcement through the narrow “chicken neck” near Nepal.

C. Indian naval campaign in Bay of Bengal against Chinese naval forces, which might in the future have access to naval bases in Myanmar, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka.

D. Domestic Maoist insurgency which Indian police may not be able to contain.

E. Strategic nuclear balance between Pakistan & India could become unstable due to increased warhead count on both sides, increased missile quantity and accuracy, better ISR, and arrival of missile defenses.

2. Problems with Indian military modernization

A. India’s defense industry is no better.

B. Corruption in military acquisition programs acquisition system is a major problem.

C. Thinking seems stuck in the 1985 Air Land Battle concept, with little consideration given to indirect strategies, irregular warfare, hybrid techniques, cyber/electronic attack.

3. Bottom line: Indian military modernization is a big story in Asia.

India is far behind China both in capacity and its modernization effort. India needs deep bureaucratic reform before it will be able to adequately address the challenges and implement the strategies described in point 1.

While the world says India is a fast growing economic and military super power, there is always a bunch of people who out of jealousy try to find ways to criticize in a very decent manner,so that they don't catch other's eyes.

Yes India is behind China,but using the word FAR behind is a word coming out of jealousy.
India is far behind of USA and not China.
Many people need to understand that China is not a superpower yet.
To tell the truth, I watched the video of the Taliban fighters, they looked as well equipped as your soldiers. Perhaps some were missing the patka etc.

At least in terms of getting adequate modern gear to the soldier, India is far far behind indeed.
To tell the truth, I watched the video of the Taliban fighters, they looked as well equipped as your soldiers. Perhaps some were missing the patka etc.

At least in terms of getting adequate modern gear to the soldier, India is far far behind indeed.

I might be wrong, but I do feel the average Indian soldier is not very well geared.
To tell the truth, I watched the video of the Taliban fighters, they looked as well equipped as your soldiers. Perhaps some were missing the patka etc.

At least in terms of getting adequate modern gear to the soldier, India is far far behind indeed.
Maybe Indians are also too much strong compared to Chinese?

To tell the truth, I watched the video of the Taliban fighters, they looked as well equipped as your soldiers. Perhaps some were missing the patka etc.

At least in terms of getting adequate modern gear to the soldier, India is far far behind indeed.

Is it your traditional problem to get off topic?
Is it your traditional problem to get off topic?

Its in their DNA brother. They have been conditioned to believe the propoganda images and videos carefully scripted and choreographed under the watchful eyes and ears of comrades in power. So, when they see other armies in real life action, they compare them to the "propoganda pictures" of their own army and suddenly jump to the conclusion.

I had asked this fellow something in some other thread, but he did not answer it.
Is it your traditional problem to get off topic?

How is this off topic? I was replying to your first post. China isn't a superpower, but the average Chinese soldier is still far better equipped than yours.

Maybe Indians are also too much strong compared to Chinese?

The average Chinese person is taller than the average Indian. Will cite if required.

Its in their DNA brother. They have been conditioned to believe the propoganda images and videos carefully scripted and choreographed under the watchful eyes and ears of comrades in power. So, when they see other armies in real life action, they compare them to the "propoganda pictures" of their own army and suddenly jump to the conclusion.

I had asked this fellow something in some other thread, but he did not answer it.

What did you ask me? I didn't see it, linky for that post please.

And I can barely remember living in China.

A small eyed chinese would never tolerate India's success.

Ohh, you just pwnt me. </sarcasm>
To tell the truth, I watched the video of the Taliban fighters, they looked as well equipped as your soldiers. Perhaps some were missing the patka etc.

At least in terms of getting adequate modern gear to the soldier, India is far far behind indeed.

Using Digi camo or doing military exercises by using fireworks wont make your soldiers unbeatable.Remember the vietnam war? The super well equipped US soldiers lost to ill equipped Vietnamese.

I know you are a person who would have never met a REAL soldier in REAL life coz if you would have he would have told you that " the most important things that a soldier requires while fighting are rifle,helmet,good shoes and a bullet proof." and i can see all Indian soldiers equipped with these things.

The thing is the place you are from gives TOO much importance on show-off.We Indians have a psycology of getting the work done instead of it looking glamarous.And wait for 3-4 years...the glamarous part is about to come...F-INSAS.

At thread starter...one thing i like about your country..people are very diplomatic...even if they have to crticise you or taunt you they do it very diplomatically...and you are no different!
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