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India-Russia Trade: Is Indian Rupee Worthless For Cross-Border Transactions?

India gave nothing to Pakistan when it was spun of ...

The British Raj divided assets into India and Pakistan when both India and Pakistan was created.

India didnot exist before partition - only the British Raj ...
your history knowledge needs rectification.
what sanction would they violate converting Indian currency into USD ?
@Chute bhai,

@RiazHaq is just some silicon valley middle level guy thats retired and has too much time on his hands now.

Brofessor sb specialises in posting good news about Pakiland and bad news about India. Since the former are far and few in between these days, he posts more about the latter. He has not changed a bit since I met him first on chowk.com somewhere in the mid 2000s and honestly I am glad about that. I wouldn't want him to change a bit.

In many ways, Brofessor sb is a person I wish I could have been like. Made a zillion dollars by mid 40s and then retire and do tu tu main main online all day.


I was just taking a dig at him to see if he responds. No dice looks like heh.

Could care less about accomplishments in one domain if its been squandered by big scam talk in other domains presented here. I can only assay on material here....and it has been found sorely deficient in RiazHaq case to put it mildly :P

"Zillion dollars" as well, the extreme epicurean approach is not understood by me as any kind of premise. Past my own knowledge of what the reality likely is for an engineer to begin with, hence my use of mid-rank (this is silicon valley after all).

I am a stoic, I hold virtue in the highest regard..... so scamsters/fraudsters (who go out of their way to betray this) are my natural game anywhere.

Things like a baghdad bob complex regarding civil nuclear industry when the basic forex is long depleted and sky is literally falling. But there has been so much more than that before too.

This is why I find your own obsession with scamster autocrats like Modi, Hasina and their propaganda number teams and goon squads quite amusing :D
what sanction would they violate converting Indian currency into USD ?

The issue is more practically constrained.

Countries that have surplus of USD and deficit of INR to do this (i.e essentially large service importers from India) are all found in the West. The accounts to do this (from Russian side by way of SWIFT etc) are frozen there.

Other countries in the world have no economic incentive to do this as India tends to run deficits with them (they are energy providers like middle east or large comprehensive goods exporters like China).... i.e INR is relative surplus there already if USD exchange was not involved.
All the negative news that @RiazHaq posts on India lately actually feels like a positive news for India. India and Russia will work out a mechanism to sort this issue out while our neighbors will move on to find some other dirt on India while their own house is in shatters. Kudos to priorities.

May be @RiazHaq should make a thread on how Pakistan growing at .3% and with inflation at 38% is actually doing better than India with 7.2% growth and a meager inflation of 4.5%. India is fuvked truly, all hail @RiazHaq, the premier economist. Lol.

We are simply recovering all the money we spent on defence toys with them. :p:D

On a serious note, they will simply trade the rupees with countries that need them like Bangladesh. That's how Indian rupee will become part of international currencies. Everything will work out in our favor. Just watch from the sidelines.
@RiazHaq had problems and rivalry with his Indian competitors in AMD , likes of Vinod Dham and his team mates , Vinod Dham was the father of AMD flagship cpu chip an alternative to intels x86 series . Haq was nowhere a talent in comparision to Indians .his frustration continues till today . His time goes in research of data which can show India in bad light .🤣
Indians produce nada.

All factories are moving from China to Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand and Bangladesh.
Come out of your cave camelman and do some reading
Madarsa IQ is very different form real IQ

-India IT exports are more than KSA's oil exports
and a Pakistani advising on manufacturing / economy is the biggest joke, below is the basic comparison
(See how Power, Road, Steel, Cement, Auto, Aviation sectors are performing)

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